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Thread: Question for Joe & Andy - Labours Mass Immigration Policy

  1. #1
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    Question for Joe & Andy - Labours Mass Immigration Policy

    The silence from both of them on this topic has been deafening - so now that we are officially Europes most densely populated country I'd like to know their thoughts on Labours Open Door Immigration Policy 1997 - 2010 ?

    According to Andrew Neather a former adviser to Blair, Blunkett & Straw Labours relaxation of controls was designed to "rub the Right's nose in diversity" and a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration"

    Yah-booing and references to the years before and after (eg the Conservatives got us into Europe and this Govts had 3 years to do something) are not acceptable on this thread. I'd like to know their take solely on what went on 1997 - 2010

    Let's hear from our socialist stalwarts

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth maybe you can answer me this, was there any EU country that stopped Poles and people from the Baltic states coming to their country ?

    dedworth the Tories have been in power 3 1/2 yrs have they stopped the Bulgarians or Romanians coming ?

    you know the answer is NO, Cameron is pro Europe

    as long as were in the EU, and you can blame the Tories for taking us into Europe you cant stop anyone as you will find out next week

  3. #3
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    If I won millions on the lottery, I'd buy the houses either side of wherever our mp's live, and rent them out to "new EU entry states citizens" packing them in 20 to a room.

    Let's rub the left's noses in diversity - since you can be sure they all live absolutely nowhere near the sharp end of their policies.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth tell me what was
    Labours Open Door Immigration Policy 1997 - 2010
    if its anything to do with Europeans, the Tories have the same policy - they cant do anything to stop Europeans coming to this country simple as that , its their right

  5. #5
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Only sensible thing I can think of is their fast scrapping of the primary purpose this WAS a floodgate for members of one community, which Labour even wasn't 100% happy with, and they did allow more work permits at that time for needed professionals to staff such as the NHS - a reason many hospitals are full of Indians and Filipinas, a smattering from the West Indies. Don't knock this, you'd be hard pressed to find nurses and medical staff with a better work ethic, I've known enough from both these backgrounds.

    Although I think the latter happened under the conservatives as well. Could be wrong.

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    If you read my posts Ded you would know I disagreed with mass immigration. But we now we know the tories are no different. I will say it again they have had 3+ years to try and stop this. It must leave a bitter taste in your mouth Ded.. Cameron is full of it saying he will negotiate after the next election. What good is that? Because he wont be in power.. But the tory faithful believe him.. And what is your mate witch MAY doing about it? Sweet FA.. Any more questions my friend?

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Only sensible thing I can think of is their fast scrapping of the primary purpose rule......
    the primary purpose rule was aimed at those married to British Citizens, you would have thought those who are married to British citizens would have a legal right to be with British partner, as Europeans living in the UK have a right to bring their partner to the UK

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth tell me what was

    Labours Open Door Immigration Policy 1997 - 2010

    if its anything to do with Europeans, the Tories have the same policy - they cant do anything to stop Europeans coming to this country simple as that , its their right
    According to Andrew Neather a former adviser to Blair, Blunkett & Straw Labours relaxation of controls was designed to "rub the Right's nose in diversity" and a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration"

    Like Andy Joe you completely ignored my opening post :-

    Yah-booing and references to the years before and after (eg the Conservatives got us into Europe and this Govts had 3 years to do something) are not acceptable on this thread. I'd like to know their take solely on what went on 1997 - 2010

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    If you read my posts Ded you would know I disagreed with mass immigration. But we now we know the tories are no different. I will say it again they have had 3+ years to try and stop this. It must leave a bitter taste in your mouth Ded.. Cameron is full of it saying he will negotiate after the next election. What good is that? Because he wont be in power.. But the tory faithful believe him.. And what is your mate witch MAY doing about it? Sweet FA.. Any more questions my friend?
    Not a valid response Andy - you ignored what I said :-

    Yah-booing and references to the years before and after (eg the Conservatives got us into Europe and this Govts had 3 years to do something) are not acceptable on this thread. I'd like to know their take solely on what went on 1997 - 2010

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    You cant blame Labour for the influx of romanians and bulgarians that is about to take place soon. Your government your call. I guess you have been down the pub because I have already told you I disagreed with mass immigration. Nothing else to answer to.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    According to Andrew Neather a former adviser to Blair, Blunkett & Straw Labours relaxation of controls was designed to "rub the Right's nose in diversity" and a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration"

    Like Andy Joe you completely ignored my opening post :-

    Yah-booing and references to the years before and after (eg the Conservatives got us into Europe and this Govts had 3 years to do something) are not acceptable on this thread. I'd like to know their take solely on what went on 1997 - 2010
    in what way were controls relaxed dedworth, give me some examples, spouse visa ? workpermits ?

    I'll start on ways they were not, labour brought in 'life in uk ' test, the English language requirement test, raised the minimum age to 21.

    workpermits brought in the PBS system,

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