i am just thankful my children have been brought up with respect
i am just thankful my children have been brought up with respect
Just made my self a coffee and left this page open.. Comes back in and my 15 year old daughter is reading it..
Quick clip round the ear and a gentle kick solved that..
I bet she wont do it again!!
well looking at what experts say..
'The evidence shows that the most prolific criminals start offending between the ages of 10 and 13,' said Julia Margo, associate director at IPPR and author of Make Me A Criminal, Preventing Youth Crime. 'You need to deal with the problem before it manifests. The biggest risk factor is not their behaviour, but their parents.'
But Margo said a total ban on smacking would also reduce the number of children turning to crime. 'There is a lot of evidence that children who are smacked regularly - once a week - are more likely to develop aggressive personality disorder,' said Margo. 'Hitting a child teaches them to act out on emotional impulses. We need to give out the message that children should be nurtured and taught to manage their behaviour. We should ban corporal punishment properly.'
It is a policy that many doctors oppose. 'This is an extremely important report,' said Rosalyn Proops, the child protection officer at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. 'Like all people, paediatricians have a variety of opinions. However, the majority believe that all forms of smacking are an assault of a child and should not take place.'
Why smacking is never a good idea
Parents may believe there are occasions when only a smack will work. For example, your child is very disobedient; your toddler runs into the road; or one of your children bites a playmate. It can be tempting to think a smack sorts out these incidents quickly, but it does nothing to teach your child about how you want them to behave.
Instead, it:
gives a bad example of how to handle strong emotions
may lead your child to hit or bully others
may encourage your child to lie, or hide feelings, to avoid smacking
can make defiant behaviour worse, so discipline gets even harder
leads to a resentful and angry child, damaging family relationships if it goes on for a long time.
Most parents behave in ways they later regret – be it excessive shouting or smacking. If it happens, say you're sorry, make up and try again. This teaches your child a valuable lesson.
In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers at Tulane University provide the strongest evidence that smacking may make children act out more in the long run. Nearly 2,500 children were involved in the study and those who were smacked more frequently at the age of 3 were much more aggressive by age 5.
According to Dr. Catherine Taylor, community-health-sciences professor at Tulane, “The odds of a child being more aggressive at age 5 increased by 50% if he had been smacked more than twice in the month before the study began.”
i take it this is what prompted you to make the post scouser Keith
Parents should be banned from smacking children, the Children's Commissioner for England, Maggie Atkinson, has said.
She told the Independent the law gave pets and adults more rights to protection from violence than children.
There was a legal "loophole around the fact that you can physically chastise your child", she added.
Wow this one is still running![]()
I'm not getting into this again with you Joe, but plenty of people on here totally disagree with you and the 'Experts,' might as well leave it now, it's getting boring.well maybe someone should have posted the expert opinions (like the NSPCC and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) sooner , unless some 'experts' know better on here![]()
Yes everyone is entitled their opinion. I doubt that anyone will change long-held views based on what others have to say on this topic. It is good that people can contribute to a post like this whatever their opinions. What is unacceptable is when posters with bigoted views attack others who hold opinions contrary to their own. I think that once this happens every poster should abandon the topic and move on. There is just no room for bigots in any forum - so do one please.
Yes and so is everyone else, and trying to put down members views because you think 'so called experts' know better than some members on here who are parents and know exactly how to deal with their own children is pointless.
Why do you keep banging on about it, the feeling is mixed on here but it seems you are trying to convince the rest of of your view is the only correct one.
It's like you are trying to win an argument and won't stop til you do
you won't win it Joe it's a matter of personal opinion from actual parents on here and it's pretty split.
Like Rayna says some of these threads are tiresome and put new members off, give it up or just keep going on like this, it's up to you.
well bully for you joe but in the real world most kids will play the game to see how far they can take you. you have been lucky in my opinion how you bring your kids up is only a part of the problem, the reason why our country is in a mess now is because of lack of discipline at home and at school. I don,t need or want anyone telling me how to bring my kids up after all the government can,t even run the country properly half the times and i,m supposed to listen on how to raise kids. I will say it again the reason our country is ....ed up is because of all the rules and regulations that have been brought in by various previous governments we did,nt have half the problems we have now because mommy stayed at home and dad brought in the money.
experts who have many years of experience dealing with 1000s of kids , The NSPCC don't know what they are talking about
and thenJoe,but plenty of people on here totally disagree with you and the 'Experts,' might as well leave it now
make your mind up les, is itit's a matter of personal opinion from actual parents on here and it's pretty split.or itsplenty, anyway i am a parent, i've got 7yr old little joe next to me nowpretty splityou never answered my question if you're an actual parent... anyway your right time to end this one ,, I've posted some facts and nowt else to say
I agree to 'end it, 'I' am a parent too of 2, now aged 31 and 29, also a grandad
Please shut this Thread down mods and let's all try to post some more cheerful stuff.
Same to you joe![]()
Is it group hug time![]()
Seems in this country cats and dogs are thought more of and better protected than children.
Experts are just other people with a view, usually based on data that is viewed in a biased way. Take for instance financial experts, they all have the same data set but come to many conclusions. It is the same for 'expert witnesses' in court, many of them have been discredited over the years.
Keith - Administrator
5yrs medical training and 5 yrs training to be a paediatrician gives you a bit of expertise in that field
sure you're right, no such thing as a free meal, someone always pays and if your paying they will somehow be able to conjure the report you want
but that depends on the professionalism of the person, a highly respected medical consultant who has held high positions in say a NHS trust compared to some 'Dr' who is not a medical doctor and doesn't have the same responsibilities but has done a masters, i know who i would believe
discredited by who thou ? by someone who is more highly respected ?
There have been many expert witnesses more qualified than that who have been discredited by using statistics incorrectly. One of the countries leading expert witnesses in cot deaths was eventually shown to be only an expert in misreading statisticsRoy Meadow
Keith - Administrator
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