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Thread: Life in uk test

  1. #1
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    Life in uk test

    Hello ALL,

    Sorry I have not been in touch with you for a while. But my wife is still not working and I am still putting in the hours, very heavy..

    Amy has been attending a learning centre to Improve her skills, ready for the B1 test and Life in UK. The Teacher has said that she feels that Amy is ready to take the Life in UK test.

    So i have made some enquiries, and it can be taken in Bradford West Yorks. They have requested the following, her name on it- gas/electricity/water bill
    A council tax bill
    A bank statement / credit card statement (a printed copy of a bank statement is acceptable however it MUST have been stamped and signed by the issuing branch)-This is impossible
    UK photocard driving licence (this can also be used as photographic ID)
    Or a letter from the Home Office with your name and address on it.

    I tried to get a Bank Account with Santander for her (computer said no!!!) Tried to add her on to my account (computer said no!!). I have requested a letter from the Home Office waiting.. And I could add her to the Gas/Electric. ( I have not tried that yet).

    If she get's a job ( she has a Ni Number) How can it get paid into her bank if she can't get a Bank Account? Has any Members had this problem?



  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    So you want to book for the Life in the UK test?

    You can do it online here.

    That's what I did. I only had to show my BRP card and a proof of address (I showed the letter from UKBA and a utility billing with my name and address on it). I'm not sure why your wife was asked for those things you mentioned.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
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    THANKS Raynaputi. The list they asked for is the standard requirements. All the utilities are in my name not hers. That was my question?

    I cannot get a Bank Account for her. So what can she show other than me having to put her name on the utilities? I not sure what a BRP card is? And she has no letter from the UKBA as yet. But we have requested one.

    Many Thanks


  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    ​Just change at least one of the utility bills you have to her name. That's easy & quicker. If you go on that link I gave you, the standard requirements for Life in the UK test is written there.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
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    You only need one ID and one proof of address (from the list of options you were given.)
    You don't need to provide all of those proof of address papers.

    As Rayna suggests, it should be easy to have a utility bill changed to include both names.
    If you're struggling take a look at a bank account from HSBC. They have special account for new arrivals to UK. I know the account has a monthly fee but I'm not sure how long is the contract.

    Sheldon, you really need to consider how to comply with the future ILR requirements for documentations of evidence of co-habitation. Either jointly or in individual names at the same address.
    Get her name on as many documents as possible.

    Just trying to help

  6. #6
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    Many thanks. Amy is on the tenancy agreement, but as you say I will have to get her on as many utility's as possible that should suffice.


  7. #7
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    I just passed my Life in the Uk exam. I took it at Harrow College if anyone needs the book I have pdf copy.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmaganda View Post
    ...I just passed my Life in the Uk exam. I took it t Harrow College if anyone needs the book I have pdf copy.
    Many congratulations and well done
    Another milestone completed

  9. #9
    Member andyg's Avatar
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    Try LLoyds Bank, we managed to get Mizel her own account with only her passport, if you have something in your wife's name with your address definitely take it (though i have been banking with them for years). We also switched my account to a joint account after we were married with no problem at all.

  10. #10
    Member lykayu01's Avatar
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    had this problem before too! but the difference is that I am working..
    it is indeed very hard to get a bank account that is so true..
    but my advice is for you to just phone up your electricity company to include your wife's name on the bill and send it over to you..

    .if u do get that u can try NATIONWIDE BANK and get her a cash card account...
    ( not sure if u have nationwide in your area)
    coz way back then I tried Halifax and all but they want at least two documents with my name and house address, but nationwide only asks for one...


    Quote Originally Posted by sheldon1 View Post
    Hello ALL,

    Sorry I have not been in touch with you for a while. But my wife is still not working and I am still putting in the hours, very heavy..

    Amy has been attending a learning centre to Improve her skills, ready for the B1 test and Life in UK. The Teacher has said that she feels that Amy is ready to take the Life in UK test.

    So i have made some enquiries, and it can be taken in Bradford West Yorks. They have requested the following, her name on it- gas/electricity/water bill
    A council tax bill
    A bank statement / credit card statement (a printed copy of a bank statement is acceptable however it MUST have been stamped and signed by the issuing branch)-This is impossible
    UK photocard driving licence (this can also be used as photographic ID)
    Or a letter from the Home Office with your name and address on it.

    I tried to get a Bank Account with Santander for her (computer said no!!!) Tried to add her on to my account (computer said no!!). I have requested a letter from the Home Office waiting.. And I could add her to the Gas/Electric. ( I have not tried that yet).

    If she get's a job ( she has a Ni Number) How can it get paid into her bank if she can't get a Bank Account? Has any Members had this problem?



  11. #11
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    I take it sheldon lives somewhere in West Yorks. It's very easy to add Amy's name in your Yorkshire Water bill. I took my life in the UK test in Leeds last Thursday and it went well.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

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