part of my story:
my 2nd wife (24 years together ) died in late 2007. i was in a very bad way. too soon i met--and a year later--married wife #3. this was --unfortunately--a bad mistake and we separated after a year --although she still lived in my house for the next 2 years.
in that time-- i joined internet dating sites--met dozens of--local--women. some are still friends.
i certainly wasnt deliberately looking to date an asian lady--but--fate stepped in--and i met my partner in oct 2011---through plenty of fish. what a total difference to anyone else ive met.
at that time---i hadnt a clue about all the UKBA rules and regs--she was here on a student visa that expired in aug 2012--and back she went.
i also had no idea about the divorce rules in the filis--so that has presented added aggro. in another thread--someone suggested i should have found someone who wasnt already married---fair comment--but hindsight is a precise science.
only time will tell now--shes been here for 6 months on a visit visa--went back a month ago.
she has started annulment proceedings--hopefully if things go our way--she could be back with me later this year---3 years from when it all started.
when i first joined this forum--and wrote a few posts--someone here said our plans were a marriage of convenience--she wants to settle here--and marrying a Brit was really the only option---so i was the lucky contestant.
but--so what--arent all marriages "of convenience" in one way or another?
our relationship has grown in spite of a 1 year separation--and now another month and counting.
although i miss her like mad--and hate living alone--our relationship is withstanding the test of time-----just a damn pity i hadnt met her when she first came to the UK--still under the old rules.
but--thats life.