British girls are the fattest in Europe: Almost a third of females under the age of 20 in UK are overweight or obese, claims study
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No surprises
British girls are the fattest in Europe: Almost a third of females under the age of 20 in UK are overweight or obese, claims study
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No surprises
I see it everyday, not only that, they like to show off their muffin tops![]()
Well there is a Mcdonalds, Greggs or Chippy on most street corners. This is why I went east.
It may well be of little surprise that British girls are now the fattest in Europe.
There will ALWAYS be those who wish freedom to eat what they wish - rather than living in a healthy way, but in their opinion unhappy, to old age ! It’s not easy to lose weight, and maintain that loss. How much MORE miserable for most of them – and their loved ones – to suffer the consequences of this epidemic of obesity!
Tackling obesity is not rocket science. It’s preventable. But nothing tried so far has worked – legislation; public education ; self-regulation by the food industry ; or individual attempts to diet by whatever means ( albeit successful for some ).
Overweight / obese girls and boys in the UK can’t , in my opinion, take all the blame. Especially at an early age, surely the parents bear responsibility – and their own offspring may blame them in future for letting them become obese.
The team who published in the Lancet today compared changing levels of overweight / obesity between regions and countries since 1980. NO country has had a significant decrease in obesity levels over this period.
• Worldwide, the proportion of adults with body mass index / BMI over 25 has increased from 29% to 37% in men ; 30% to 38% in women. Now around a quarter of boys and girls are overweight / obese in developed countries; just over an eighth in developing countries. There are over 2 billion overweight / obese individuals in the world today.
• Over half of the world’s obese individuals live in 10 countries ( USA, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan and Indonesia ).
• For the PHILIPPINES :- in 2013, 5.5% boys ( 20 years or less ) are overweight and obese ( 2.6% obese ) ; 23% ( 4% obese ) men ; 5.4% girls ( 2.1% obese ) ; 25.9% ( 6.2% obese ) women.
• For the UK :- 26.1% ( 7.4% obese ) boys ; 66.6% ( 24.5% obese ) men ; 29.2% ( 8.1% obese ) girls ; 57.2% ( 25.4% obese ) women.
The authors do list limitations to their work :-
• included surveys of self-reported weights and heights
• excluded some studies if only from one city
• data sparse in the early years ( 1980’s )
• might have underestimated uncertainty ranges
• definitions of childhood obesity vary
• BMI is a convenient measure but is flawed on its own
Good luck to EVERYONE who is trying to do something about their personal level of fitness and weight issues. If you’re in the minority with a healthy BMI and lifestyle, then please don’t judge ; try to help others
MOST would be happy to achieve a healthy weight - knowing they look better, feel better, and are likely to live longer by lowering the risks of being overweight!
Hallelujah for my 55kg 8 and a half stone Filipina......
I'm now classed as clinicallly a fat git
Could the rise in obesity have anything to do with obese people getting free NHS surgery and treatment? I mean, if you had to pay for everything yourself, surely you'd take better care of your body, right?
I think it's down to the fact food is much cheaper than it was years ago, or there is more money to spend on it.
Everyone in the 60s was quite skinny and girls of 14 looked like kids. Now, due to eating more, they look a lot older - like young women.
I remember when a pizza was a once a while treat. Now people could afford one every day if they wanted.
Junk food seems to be the main problem, very few families cook fresh healthy food nowadays ...
Not obese (give it a couple of years) but you have repulsive trollops like this being given unnecessary taxpayer funded surgery. It's no surprise that those in charge of spending other peoples money in the NHS throw some of it at basket case bloaters
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I have two holes in my teeth now that weren't there before I got pregnant, so I guess I understand the logic of giving free dental care to pregnant women whose calcium levels may be spread a little thin. However, I don't understand why that woman's breast enlargement surgery was paid for by the public. In the article, that woman states that she charged someone £1,000 for sex. Even if it were argued that breast enlargement should be free for people who couldn't afford it, she clearly could.
I'm guilty of feeding my husband junk food too. I've always had a thing for the added salt and sugar in processed food, but back home, that stuff was an occasional treat. However, once I moved here and saw how used to processed food my husband was, I decided to serve it to him a couple times a week. I do have my reasons though. One, he's a very picky eater because he was raised that way, and two, I don't want to shock him with the huge switch from Southern Fried Chicken (glorified chicken nuggets), prepackaged pies, jarred pasta sauces, and instant gravy/custard/whatever to home-cooked everything. Hopefully, given a year, he'll have a more healthful and varied diet.
Is it more common here to serve plated meals in family homes? Maybe the kids don't know how to cook because they only enter the kitchen to pick up or drop off their plates. I think having family-style meals eaten at the table promote interaction in the kitchen, and make people more aware of their portion sizes and what they put in their mouths. I've never met any Filipinos who served plated meals at home, but my husband can't even tell me how much he'll eat because mealtimes at his parents' house only require him to get a pre-loaded plate from the kitchen and take it to his spot on the sofa, then shovel the food in his mouth as the family watches TV. Everyone's mentally uninvolved, and I think it makes people unwittingly eat more than they would've wanted.
My husband sometimes tells me that I should run NHS and sack all overweight and obese workers. I don't think I will be but who knows? I went to Manchester Royal Infirmary's website to lurk for jobs and oh no! I saw a lot of staff carrying a pack of lard!![]()
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
I think it's the NHS bosses that need to be trimmed of fat...
Ok, so there are 70.8% of young girls and 43% of older women in the UK who are not overweight or obese and there are 66.6% men in the UK that are fat. So, why is there what appears to be a biased focus on women in this posted topic and not men ??Please can someone explain?
I wonder how many oil paintings their are amongst us![]()
Could it be because the article itself is focused more on the women since women seem to be more body-conscious? As we all know, even obese men can believe they're hot, while even skinny women can believe they're tubby.
Thanks Gwap and Don’t Push Me, I’ve just read the article and notice that it was actually written by a woman. So, it now appears to me that in an effort to draw more attention to the article, it’s probably a media tactic to place the focus on women rather than men, who are less bothered about their weight and more unlikely to read it![]()
And the fact that junk foods are much cheaper than healthy meals. Here in the Philippines, if you don't have passion for preparing your own mealsyou would end up in some salad bars that cater ready to go healthy meals but those were expensive, I guess cheapest is around 200 PHP whilst a chicken fillet in McDonalds costs 50PHP.
I can’t explain " what appears to be a biased focus on women in this posted topic " beyond the suggestion that " it’s probably a media tactic to place the focus on women rather than men " !
I did ( # 5 ) explain the ORIGINAL article, which had a well balanced mix of over 140 international authors. Members may not have the time or inclination to read such articles. I would prefer to do so rather than reading what the media CLAIM was said.
The original article made clear that MEN have a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than women in " developed " ( sic ) countries, whereas the opposite is true in " developing " ( sic ) countries.
For Forum members’ benefit, I extracted the statistics for the Philippines and the UK, and included the authors’ OWN reasons for caution in interpretation.
I also can’t explain why or how the UK NHS could be responsible for this epidemic of overweight / obesity. Over 1.7 million are employed by the NHS. A similar proportion of them are overweight / obese as the general population. Perhaps we SHOULD set a better example to encourage others - what I already do!
" Sacking all overweight and obese workers " would not cure the epidemic - even if it were possible ! As for running the NHS, please don’t underestimate the difficulty – also, just how hard it can be for ANYONE ( either sex ) to lose weight.
Knowing health complications of overweight / obesity can be treated for free on the NHS - could only be ONE possible reason for the high rates in the UK. In fact NICE ( National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ) has suggested the cost of state-funding slimming classes, run by firms such as Weight Watchers and Slimming World, would be outweighed (!) by potential savings to the NHS.
The NHS costs less than 10% of GDP. Total health spending in the USA is 17% of THEIR GDP. No other country spends as much on pills and procedures. Yet they have a bigger problem than the UK – 29% boys and 71% men ; 29.7% girls and 61.9% women, overweight and obese !
Most illness are the result of lifestyle choices, unavoidable environmental factors and genetics. The consequences of overweight /obesity may cost a similar amount to those of smoking - and are becoming unaffordable . I wouldn’t like to try refusing treatment of illness because lifestyle choices may have contributed !
If you’re in the minority with a healthy BMI and lifestyle, then please don’t judge, count your blessings, and try to help others achieve that goal.
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