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Thread: Newbie calling!!!

  1. #1
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    Newbie calling!!!

    Hello everybody

    Got lots of questions to ask you folks regarding marrige to a woman from Butuan!
    but im waiting to divorce my wife She walked out on me and our 3 children last October due to her current affair with another man!!!! I then met Mary last month via She is a teacher from Butuan she is intelligent, quick whitted and, beautiful. So any help towards our goal would be very much appreciated!.......Thanks

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Start gathering evidence of your relationship! Keep everything! Telephone bills, emails, yahoo chat logs, every scrap of evidence that shows you are communicating and have got a genuine relationship! If you are sending her money, keep that evidence too! Have you met her yet? I doubt you'll get a visa if you haven't yet met will have to show lot's of photo's of you two together as evidence aswell..this should help you for a start..

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

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  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    nice one nigel
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Start gathering evidence of your relationship! Keep everything! Telephone bills, emails, yahoo chat logs, every scrap of evidence that shows you are communicating and have got a genuine relationship! If you are sending her money, keep that evidence too! Have you met her yet? I doubt you'll get a visa if you haven't yet met will have to show lot's of photo's of you two together as evidence aswell..this should help you for a start..
    Hi Nigel thank's for the advice I havent met her as yet!...but am planning to do so in the very near future! Is it possible to marry in the UK???

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Start gathering evidence of your relationship! Keep everything! Telephone bills, emails, yahoo chat logs, every scrap of evidence that shows you are communicating and have got a genuine relationship! If you are sending her money, keep that evidence too! Have you met her yet? I doubt you'll get a visa if you haven't yet met will have to show lot's of photo's of you two together as evidence aswell..this should help you for a start..
    hmm you can have points from me for that excellent ..u made it for vimvie hehe so how many days left for vimvie to be with you

  6. #6
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjack View Post
    Hello everybody

    Got lots of questions to ask you folks regarding marrige to a woman from Butuan!
    but im waiting to divorce my wife She walked out on me and our 3 children last October due to her current affair with another man!!!! I then met Mary last month via She is a teacher from Butuan she is intelligent, quick whitted and, beautiful. So any help towards our goal would be very much appreciated!.......Thanks
    welcome to the forum crackerjack,thats good news actually but you need to sort out your divorce first before you marry her

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Crackerjack! You can marry in the U.K. It's a good idea to get your wedding provisionally booked in advance, send the provisional booking paperwork along with rest of your evidence and sponsorship letter and stuff, this should satisfy the embassy that a marriage will take place...there's quite a lot you'll need to organize...but for now just print those emails and chat logs and keep those phone bills! Jedc! Vimvie will be arriving at Heathrow in just 11 days time!!Yippeee!!Woohoo!Yeehaaa!!Yipeee!Yippeee!!Yip...ok I'll stop now..

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

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  9. #9
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    i bet we can can guess whos haveing sleepless nights

    goodluck m8

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thank's agian for the info guy's It's very much appreciated

  11. #11
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjack View Post
    Hello everybody

    Got lots of questions to ask you folks regarding marrige to a woman from Butuan!
    but im waiting to divorce my wife first
    Whoaaa, slow down!!!! Sounds like you're on the rebound to me and if you rush into things the British Embassy might not look very favourably on any visa application Mary makes. IMHO you should get your divorce settled, carry on communicating with Mary keeping evidence of your emails etc then take a couple of holidays in the Philippines to get to know your lady before you start planning remarrying.

    You yourself first need to be sure then you've she's got to convince the embassy that your relationship is genuine.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it) the "system" seems to rush you into marriage if she comes here on a fiancee visa- the most likely method of entry. Just get to know her properly in person first and discuss what the future means for both of you. The embassy will NOT accept your relationship as genuine if you haven't actually met.

    Read lots of the good advice Pete and others have put on this forum. We've all been there and most of us know that despite the challenges, meeting our asawas was the best thing to have ever happened to us.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Whoaaa, slow down!!!! Sounds like you're on the rebound to me and if you rush into things the British Embassy might not look very favourably on any visa application Mary makes. IMHO you should get your divorce settled, carry on communicating with Mary keeping evidence of your emails etc then take a couple of holidays in the Philippines to get to know your lady before you start planning remarrying.

    You yourself first need to be sure then you've she's got to convince the embassy that your relationship is genuine.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it) the "system" seems to rush you into marriage if she comes here on a fiancee visa- the most likely method of entry. Just get to know her properly in person first and discuss what the future means for both of you. The embassy will NOT accept your relationship as genuine if you haven't actually met.

    Read lots of the good advice Pete and others have put on this forum. We've all been there and most of us know that despite the challenges, meeting our asawas was the best thing to have ever happened to us.
    I do intend to take my time!!!!! I am going to get divorced first, and i have to consider my children and finances before i commit to anything!!! I just wanted to know what the procedures are before i take the next step. But thank you for your advice! I may of come across a s a bit eager.......but i will do things the right way before i sell myself up the river so to Many Thanks

  13. #13
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    If you want to know anything aboiut Butuan etc then just ask. I have been there many many times and my wife comes from there.

  14. #14
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doofus View Post
    If you want to know anything aboiut Butuan etc then just ask. I have been there many many times and my wife comes from there.
    im also from agusan del norte! where in butuan is she from? were from Cabadbaran City which is 30kms from bxu

  15. #15
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjack View Post
    Hello everybody

    Got lots of questions to ask you folks regarding marrige to a woman from Butuan!
    but im waiting to divorce my wife She walked out on me and our 3 children last October due to her current affair with another man!!!! I then met Mary last month via She is a teacher from Butuan she is intelligent, quick whitted and, beautiful. So any help towards our goal would be very much appreciated!.......Thanks
    hello crakerjack! im also near from that place.were are here in Cabadbaran city with my hubby (british) and our baby.we been here for more than a year now. You can visit us if you have time wow lots of girls from Agusan that marry a briton... btw welcome to the forum! and welcome to our place

  16. #16
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome and good luck

  17. #17
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Crackerjack,
    Welcome to the forum. While your still at the chatting stage, I think you'd do well to make very sure that she isn't already married, separated and got children already, because strangely there a lots of Filipinas who seem to omit things or tell little porkies online when it comes to things like this, until you have actually made concrete plans to go there and things start to look really serious to them.

    I understand why they do it, they just don't want to put you off, but you've got to ask the questions and sometimes ask them more than once just to be sure. I only say this because things can become much more complicated than just meeting up a couple of times and then applying for a visa if they do have some baggage they haven't told you about.


  18. #18
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    Welcome to the forum

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