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Thread: what a **** moments

  1. #1
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    what a **** moments

    hello everyone,
    nice to be back here once again lol,now is the day where i send my hubby to the airport about 12pm,i control myself not to cry cause its not the end of the world and i told him don"t get sad either, though keep telling him were just following the visa's requirement and everything and soon we will be together,

    And so after just 15 minutes (he is already inside checked in)something happen to me at the airport (****)i lost my 40k in just a minute w/ two asshole men i cant believe that i grown up in manila and still i can be cheated like that easy (sucks) i met the 2 asshole men just inside the airport ,so warned all those friend who will accompany you to the airport not to entertain and don't talk to strangers it makes me sick ,thinking how i lost my 40k

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    What on Earth happened??


  3. #3
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    gesssh its long story sir al,i wonder if i can make it in one page im on my way to ride on a bus going to guadalupe -edsa a man1 came to me saying "see that man he found a wallet full of money inside then other man just came and he claimed the wallet is to him" and so the man2 just give it to him and i said "oh really! and slowly man2 came close to us saying " i thought the wallet is to him" and man2 said "hes gone he quickly run and ride on the bus"pitty for you the man1 said to man2 and man2 said "lucky i get one ring i saw it from the wallet i just quickly hide it on my short"

    man1 said "let me see? wowwwwwww that was diamond that was so expensive,and the price still stick into it man1 said its like 90thousand pesos,keep it "man1 said to man2,and so the man2 quickly hide it into his shorts
    man1 said to man2 "hey share us some money come on lets sell it to the shop that is really expensive at least share us 2 (he is referring to me and his self )

    gosh i tell you people,it really such a best drama i ever found in my life,i thought they didn't know each other only in the end i fund out everythingggggggggg

    man1 said come on lets bring it to the shop and share us some...i was having second thought of going w/ them but to think i can share at least 10k will attract on my mind and so i join to them to go to the pawnshop we go ride a jeep while we ride on the jeep man1 said don't talk about it coz there are some police passengers too

    while on the jeep we are talking, man1 said his wife is in America and also his 2 kids his working on the company for 17 years,while the man2 just keep silent..and i said to man2" why you're at the airport" and he said his boss ask him to bring a bag for a friend ( i have doubt on it,but the doubt didn't win though i been being hypnotize i guess of there fantastic acting
    and he ask the man2 (the one who pretend that he pick up wallet) man1 ask to man2 what is your job? man2 said he is dishwasher and man1 said,you are so blessed to pick up that so expensive ring (actually we are already inside of the church that time planning to go to shop to sell the "diamond ring" and the man1 said aww you're only dishwasher you better use the money wisely if u have your cash from the ring and man1 said to man2 u stay here both of us (he is refering to me) will go to shop and sell the ring for you thought for sure the shop will doubt on you the way u dressed man1 said to man2 and the man1 said to man2 again "here is my wallet i have some money there so you will trust us that we will be back in few minutes ,stay here in the church wait for us"
    man2 said "no sir,let ma'am sell the ring and stay w/ me..........................and i thought man2 trust my looks i didn't know that was the start of man1 said to me "make sure you will be back to us (already the ring is on me he wrapped it tightly w/ man2 handkerchief)..................and man1 pretend like he keep telling me to be right back,don't run ! where you from ? questions like they are worried about the ring coz its w/ me they are worried that after i sell it i will not come back and share the money ,and i said don't worry i will be right back i am not after on it...( though the reason why i am here w/ them is also i am after to the share even 10k from the ring) so stupid i am i said don't worry i will be back i had business and i also have money till i show to them my money,,(which is very wrong)...coz i'm out of my mind really and man1 said leave us some money so we can sure you will be back....and yeah i leave my money and then we stand and man1 told me w/c the shop gonna sell the ring and i go all by myself while two of them waiting ,sitting on one place,then i cant found the shop and so then i return to where i leave them..and that was the sick moments they gone both

    coz i gave my money to man2 and i realize everything at the end only (1),they know each other,they are good actor i thought on the 1st place they didn't know each other (2) that he really didn't found a wallet is all **** stories ,i don't consider myself a stupid but i wonder i found myself to believe on the way they approach me...

    well for sure some of you says i am stupid but sometimes we dont expect situation like this,rather we are not prepared on this kind of situation

  4. #4
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    jedc143...awww I am sorry to hear sounds like that famous scam here in the Philippines isnt it? the Budol-Budol?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry you were scammed, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is
    becuase you was not expecting it, you wasn't prepared for it, thats part of their plan..
    anyone in the uk should watch ;the real hustle' on bbc3, they show and warn of scams and confidence tricks, scouser keith the new series was filmed in las vegas , where they trick and beat the pro's

    watch and remember

  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh Im very soory for what had happened to you Ate Juliet..Dont worry there's KARMA for them..

  7. #7
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    thanks mavid,joe and kimmi i already text tomm bout it, for sure hes not happy on it but just want to console myself ,i can still earn the money through my business,but...but.......... wahhhhhhhhh i feel sayang on it

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    No use in crying over the spilled milk Ate, at least its a lesson for all of us now..

  9. #9
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    damn! - Sorry... not much i can help with..

  10. #10
    Respected Member Marwin08's Avatar
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    Ate juliet i feel sorry hearing that bad news of yours.I was totally shocked it happened to you.I thought you're going to share with us your happy moments with tomm.
    Cheer up ate.All is happening for a reason.
    Never fear d risk of getting hurt wen u r inlove,its only thru pain dat u can lve a complete lyf.LOVE n GET HURT,GET HURT n LEARN,LEARN n LOVE AGAIN.

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It's only money , you've still got the most important thing in your life ................. no not that......Tom's wages , he'll do over time if he loves you
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's only money , you've still got the most important thing in your life ................. no not that......Tom's wages , he'll do over time if he loves you
    Not what I wanted to hear stuck in the immigration queue at the airport on the way out. Main thing is, Juliet is ok. You're right, can soon make the money back.

  13. #13
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    That's quite a lot of money you lost ate Julliet, I'm sure until now you still feel gutted.. but atleast you are safe and they didn't harm you.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Not what I wanted to hear stuck in the immigration queue at the airport ......
    You should have wrapped a tea towel on your head, you'd have got through quicker
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    It's only money , you've still got the most important thing in your life ................. no not that......Tom's wages , he'll do over time if he loves you
    hahaha you make me laugh again gosh ! lucky the forum are for adults only,you're always being naughty boss ...i know he love me so much,i can feel it for the time being w/ him..and i do the same thing

  16. #16
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    thanks chino,jaywin and ladyj and wow hubby you really did made a post even you're on the way home huh...fanatic of forum eh

  17. #17
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Awww that's shocking when that happens..rotten luck that's what it is..I'm just glad you didn't get hurt..nevermind the money it's just a disapointment that's all..Me and Vimvie lost about 500 pounds once because we payed our visa too early and it I had to pay for it again..Hey! You'll be in the U.K. soon! Where it always rains..where we pay tax on our wages and our shopping..where there's a lager lout on every street corner..where Vicki Pollard lives (yeah but no, but yeah, but no, but, stop giving me evils!!) Where you will experience the great British sense of humour! And Big Ben..and tower bridge..and courteous Englishness..and stonehenge and Avebury..and..and..and..many other great things that I can't think of right now! Britain is a GREAT place! So is the is stop sulking and start dancing and laughing..

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  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thats funny..I lost my wallet and a ring on a bus just 24 hours ago..!!

    Seriously though these kind of scams work best because they focus on human greed.. Sorry to say this but its true.
    I was done over once by attending a bargain bankrupt stock sell off..
    I ended up buying a 50p watch made in China for 50 quid..Thats how good they were.
    I quickly realised that it was my greed at the thought of buying a 500 pound watch for 50 quid that made me disregard the poor guy that had it repossessed by the guys in this "bankruptcy sale"..
    I had to laugh at my own stupidity and I was relieved that I hadn`t paid more for something like a genuine diamond ring!!
    I may have lost 50.00 but learned an important lesson that day.
    I quite admire the guys that ripped me off ..They taught me a thing or two.

  19. #19
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    hmm, I lost 1500USD in a 'card game' in kula lumpar - no idea how I got into the game, as fred says they are very clever operators (they gave me lunch!). one of lifes lessons

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I was done over once by attending a bargain bankrupt stock sell off..
    them scousers at blackpool , they've been doing that for years there on the seafront, selling junk to people, scamming scousers

    as for 'it's only money' thats what the wife use to say, when she wasn't working and it was my wage she was spending, different now shes working

  21. #21
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    it was just so hurt thinking why those people cant fight equal on life , well anyway after that shocking moments ,just after 30 minutes i received a text messages saying i won 950.000.00 because the text msgs said my number was chosen from pgma foundation,,,lol i haven't recover from first one of scam and here is the new one again...poor people

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    them scousers at blackpool , they've been doing that for years there on the seafront, selling junk to people, scamming scousers

    as for 'it's only money' thats what the wife use to say, when she wasn't working and it was my wage she was spending, different now shes working
    That's because we do a spcial just for Mancs......add on 50% stupid they are
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    it was just so hurt thinking why those people cant fight equal on life , well anyway after that shocking moments ,just after 30 minutes i received a text messages saying i won 950.000.00 because the text msgs said my number was chosen from pgma foundation,,,lol i haven't recover from first one of scam and here is the new one again...poor people
    "Always look on the bright side of life!!"

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