Originally Posted by
Harry T
Dissapointed, to see Deds has been binned.
As Les has said he and i disagreed with a lot of what Deds posted, however thats Democracy, surely its better that people say what they feel rather than hide it. I have been involved in that particular post, and yes it did get personal on both sides, but surely as The site owner Keith should be above that, and i for one thought Keith was a better man than that, obviously i was wrong.
Im not saying the site will be better or worse for Deds not being here, but what i have noticed is that apart from the regular posters on here, things have become a bit boring and repetitive, The site as a whole needs a good shake up, and maybe a change in direction, the name change for instance does not really give a true guide to what the site is. Looking at the name people might be forgiven for thinking its an introduction site, as opposed to what it really is.