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Thread: Petition Refugees & Economic Migrants

  1. #31
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Refugee, can apply for asylum in the first country he/she arrives in, they have been offered refugee status in Hungary, they DONT want it, they want to go to Germany, just how desperate are they ?? as has been said earlier many are young men of 16-25, just use the riot police, and stop pussyfooting around with them, they simply dont understand the rules of fair play, only Mob rule, and for the most part they are a Mob.

    I for one will not be signing anything that allows more of these kind of folks onto our small overcrowded Island, I tried legally to get someone here who was a deserving case, and we had a far more genuine reason, Im sorry but there are rules and regs for everyone, we have to abide by them, why shouldnt they ??.

    Its says and i repeat, Apply for refugee status in the first country you arrive in...end of.

  2. #32
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Great here we go

  3. #33
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    All the lefties, luvvies and do gooders haven't considered how on earth can such numbers be accommodated and where is the infrastructure coming from let alone the costs to the tax payer. Not fussed I suppose as most of them don't pay tax or are soap dodgers on benefits

  4. #34
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Dont think Israel is taking many

  5. #35
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Armagedon. ..

  6. #36
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Lots more European refugees arriving here in Panglao all with the same sob story from their homeland..
    Last one out..Turn off the light.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    This looks as though it's going to end up taking us out of the EU.....
    I hope it does

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Refugee, can apply for asylum in the first country he/she arrives in, they have been offered refugee status in Hungary, they DONT want it, they want to go to Germany, just how desperate are they ?? as has been said earlier many are young men of 16-25, just use the riot police, and stop pussyfooting around with them, they simply dont understand the rules of fair play, only Mob rule, and for the most part they are a Mob.

    I for one will not be signing anything that allows more of these kind of folks onto our small overcrowded Island, I tried legally to get someone here who was a deserving case, and we had a far more genuine reason, Im sorry but there are rules and regs for everyone, we have to abide by them, why shouldnt they ??.

    Its says and i repeat, Apply for refugee status in the first country you arrive in...end of.
    What gets me is they think that have a good given right to enter into any country they feel like

    The media reporting has been spineless and totally one sided

    The lot marching through Hungary looked like a bunch of marauding thugs and not anything like
    people fleeing for their lives

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post

    The media reporting has been spineless and totally one sided
    Pitched at the leftists, luvvies, disaffected 6th Formers and other assorted mugs - BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, Daily Mirror & The Independent.

    I'll be sticking to the Daily Mail

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'll be sticking to the Daily Mail
    That's the problem.

    This migrant crisis is incredibly complex and difficult. There are no easy answers. But I can't believe some of the extreme attitudes on here.

    It's about basic humanity.

  11. #41
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Lots more European refugees arriving here in Panglao all with the same sob story from their homeland..
    Last one out..Turn off the light.
    One will be me one day i hope , but no sob story, just I HAVE MADE IT

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeithD View Post
    Signed it.
    Signed it too!

  13. #43
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    This looks as though it's going to end up taking us out of the EU.....
    ... hopefully you're RIGHT!

  14. #44
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I hope it does
    ... likewise!

  15. #45
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    That's the problem.

    This migrant crisis is incredibly complex and difficult. There are no easy answers. But I can't believe some of the extreme attitudes on here.

    It's about basic humanity.
    Not extreme, i would think the majority have the same views albeit to a higher or lesser extent, again i point our Refugee status can be claimed in the first country that you arrive in..
    No, there are NO easy answers, but by allowing uncontrolled, and everyone can see its uncontrolled, and never ending, it just cant be allowed to continue, once word gets around that this is being allowed the flow will become a flood. Then what will/can be done. ? over to you for showing basic Humanity, OUR answer is dont allow anymore in, whats your answer to allow millions in ?. when will you say enough is enough..

  16. #46
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Not extreme, i would think the majority have the same views albeit to a higher or lesser extent, again i point our Refugee status can be claimed in the first country that you arrive in..
    No, there are NO easy answers, but by allowing uncontrolled, and everyone can see its uncontrolled, and never ending, it just cant be allowed to continue, once word gets around that this is being allowed the flow will become a flood. Then what will/can be done. ? over to you for showing basic Humanity, OUR answer is dont allow anymore in, whats your answer to allow millions in ?. when will you say enough is enough..
    Good post Harry.. You will notice that they rarely have an answer to a post that makes sense!!
    As you say..First country they arrive in.. What should happen is this IMO.. Set up a refugee camp with good facilities and a big fence.. Every E.U country should pay a contribution to maintain the camp and feed them until the situation in their countries are stabilized... Then send them home.
    The west have to face up to their responsibility for the wars they have caused and for the chaos they have created and consequently the refugees from the Middle east...
    Bush and Blair should be HANGED publicly.

  17. #47
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Set up a refugee camp with good facilities and a big fence.. Every E.U country should pay a contribution to maintain the camp and feed them until the situation in their countries are stabilized... Then send them home
    Thats exactly what i posted a couple of days ago fred

  18. #48
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    I thought we had a housing crisis here in the Uk with many people on the waiting list for Local authority housing
    Well i do find it a bit strange that now and all of a sudden and in keeping with the general hysteria that has gripped the country that local councils are now falling over themselves to offer housing

    They cut the funding for life prolonging cancer drugs and then inform us that thousands of Syrian migrants will be allowed to enter the Uk.......

    The figures keep on going up as well 2 days ago it was 4000 and now thats risen to 10,000 so how far up will it have to go to keep hysterical public satisfied ?

    Cameron has been shown to be weak by not sticking to his first statements he made about this Syrian migrant crisis. Knee jerk reactions to an hysterical ill informed public were never going to be a great idea

  19. #49
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'll agree with you on that I will criticize any party even the tories when I think they are wrong

  20. #50
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public . The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

    In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #51
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeithD View Post
    The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public . The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

    In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.
    AT LAST , i back you all the way on this

  22. #52
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  23. #53
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    All the lefties, luvvies and do gooders haven't considered how on earth can such numbers be accommodated and where is the infrastructure coming from let alone the costs to the tax payer. Not fussed I suppose as most of them don't pay tax or are soap dodgers on benefits
    What catagory do you put Cameron and Osbourne in then Ded?

  24. #54
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    I wouldn't expect an answer Andy

  25. #55
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Oh dear I just noticed Ded has gone. He must have crossed the line. Maybe I'm working too hard.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeithD View Post
    The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public . The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

    In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.
    Hungary tried to offer them camps and looked what happened there
    These migrants have the latest iphones and hollister t shirts so being stuffed in camps is going to go down like a lead balloon

    Merkel seems to be quite happy by inviting them to Germany so let her deal with it
    Merkels own conservative party have started to turn against her and quite rightly too

    4000 then 10,000 last night i heard 15,000 when will it ever end

    If the Syrian economic migrants have made it to safe countries Like Turkey and Greece then they should remain there

    The Islamification of the Uk has already reached an advanced level and i reckon in future years people will look back at this and realize what a stupid thing it was to do

    The photo of a fathers stupidity should not mean that we invite people to settle here who dont have anything in common with western society or the way we live (decadent society)

    They cause trouble and unrest in Southern Thailand and Southern Philippines so just expect the same here
    (deny that)

    Look at the brainwashed idiots here already who want to travel to Syria

  27. #57
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The camps are working in many countries. The problem in Hungary is caused by Merkel's open arms policy. If Germany then put them in camps, that would change the way they react. I imagine camps are against EU Human Right's.

    Most of the Syrians are not economic migrants, the whole country is a war zone. Those jumping on the bandwagon from other countries are though. Simple to weed them out, ask random questions on the border in Syrian, which is what the Hungarians are doing. Hence the two groups of people, as the authorities split them between migrants and refugees.

    As you point out, the Syrians have money. They are looking for refugee status, not economic benefits.
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #58
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    As you point out, the Syrians have money. They are looking for refugee status, not economic benefits.
    They have money?? oh thats ok then... I hope they don't lose their ATM cards!!
    I also hope their banks were not bombed or their cash raided by ISIS..
    The Indian refugees from Uganda had money..Many were wealthy. none had a pot to piss in when they arrived in the U.K.. Just the shirts on their back.

  29. #59
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The president also warned the UK not to shirk its duties in relation to refugees if it wants French solidarity on EU reform

    UK to take in 20,000

  30. #60
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Germany is already starting to get cold feet over this, according to some news reports. The government is coming under pressure from Bavarian MPs, and they are realising that under half of the people that have come through so far are Syrian.
    They showed a camp where there are a lot of black Africans and the Police are not allowing the media to get too close, also talk of declaring some countries non refugee status.

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