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Thread: Strikes in Certain area's Pound rising against Peso

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Strikes in Certain area's Pound rising against Peso

    As I Suspected the UK Pound is going to rise back again, unsure as to what level it will reach, but I don't know about you guys and girls, but 92 to the pound and above would be welcome for me.

    I have sent about £1200.00 to Philippines over last 2 weeks, and we have had mixed rates from around 81 to last payment of 82.70 if it keeps rising it will be great for our amortization in the Philippines, another 10 pesos to the pound would save us about £150.00 a month in our remittances.

    Just hope it carries on as it is....everything right now is welcome.

    Our caretaker tells us there were transport strikes yesterday in the Philippines and today, over rising oil hikes, remember the Filipino's were already struggling with rising cooking oil prices, heating oil, and its getting worse and worse, how do they survive ?

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    yeah its mixed feelings the missus is going back to phill next week for a few weeks so the better rate for the pound the better.

    But if it makes it harder for the general phill population and particularly the family it does not make me feel real happy as you say Pete.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Andy, thats right, it isn't a great time for the families, we all know 1 per cent of the Philippines owns the wealth, and 8 families own it, its ok for PGMA to say the economy is doing well, but thats only for the rich.

    However, I suppose I have to look at things from my perspective, Miss Gina is also going home for a couple of weeks at half term over the Easter, and we could use a better pound, in 3 weeks who knows, it might regain 10 pesos, its not unreasonable since it lost 10 pesos in as long a period last time.

    Its hard of course for the poor, who have to live on lower remittances, and rising prices.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Andy, thats right, it isn't a great time for the families, we all know 1 per cent of the Philippines owns the wealth, and 8 families own it, its ok for PGMA to say the economy is doing well, but thats only for the rich.

    However, I suppose I have to look at things from my perspective, Miss Gina is also going home for a couple of weeks at half term over the Easter, and we could use a better pound, in 3 weeks who knows, it might regain 10 pesos, its not unreasonable since it lost 10 pesos in as long a period last time.

    Its hard of course for the poor, who have to live on lower remittances, and rising prices.
    Very true

    Im sure pete you have to avoid the Chuggers in London and when they say do you want to help a child living in the third world i feel like saying the Wife and i suport a few mate already
    In fact i remeber a white middle class student type standing in Hounslow high street asking passers by to help people in the third world wondering why im sure most were laughing at him. As most of the people came or had strong links with the third world including my Wife just a few weeks before

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Don't worry Pete, if the Pound/Peso improves, I'm sure an extra money you get will be taken away in the budget
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    That's true! I also have mix feelings ofcourse we love to see the pound exchange rising but in exchange to this means Philippine economy is suffering.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  7. #7
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    just my bloody luck, just spent £ 12,000 on building cost, now the rate is

  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Yes the exchange rate can be frustrating especially for any of you who has sent a large amount of money into Philippines, £12,000 is a large sum and you would loose quite a lot on the exchange rate especially if it goes back to 92 and above towards end of the month.

    It has gradually cost me more and more over last few weeks to defend the remittances I send to Philippines and to back up Andy's point about supporting people.

    Yes I support people in the Philippines with my income, and I am a foreigner, no different to any other OCW who sends money, or wife or Fiancee, I have my own list to support, they are relying on my remittances, so when people do approach me on the high street and ask me to support children in the 3rd world, (which by the way doesn't always immediately click)

    I can reply yes I already support a number of people in the 3rd world, good point Andy, never thought of it that way.

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    With the high increases in food, utility bills & fuel here, the pound itself is devaluing rapidly in it's own country.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Im not sure why the pound has slightly improved over the last few days..
    I would have thought it is just a blip and will soon continue its slide downwards with its mate the Dollar..
    Of course I hope Im wrong as this strong Peso lark is definitely not good for business.
    I have not been affected so far but that can only last for so long.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    ive always got my eye on the rate.

    its fallen .1 of a php since yesterday, but 82.60 is better than 78.7 it was a few days ago.

    but back to the 90's would be good for me

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Talk about strikes.. The jeeps were on strike today..
    They only pay 40 pence for a liter of unleaded!!
    Not at all sure what they think a strike will do to drop the price of imported fuel here?
    My sister in laws Union president was shot dead last night in a Petron station whilst filling up..
    Just like living in the wild west!!

  13. #13
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Im flying out to phills at the end of April,staying for a month,so im watching the exchange rate closely.PNB paying 82.70 Monday and 82.60 to the pound today.
    But I know a place where San Mig is only 12 peso lol.

  14. #14
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    i think if you want a good exchange rate in phil.,go to the bank and speak to the manager,and ask for a good exchange rate,you have a big chance if you want to change a lot of sterling..they will give you a nice deal

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Im not sure why the pound has slightly improved over the last few days..
    I would have thought it is just a blip and will soon continue its slide downwards with its mate the Dollar..
    Of course I hope Im wrong as this strong Peso lark is definitely not good for business.
    I have not been affected so far but that can only last for so long.
    Word it will carry on sliding and i belive that soon we will switch to the euro as it gains strength wheter though choice or necessaity i dont know.

  16. #16
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    we have not long come back after 3 weeks in cebu and we only got 78 to a pound which is really bad as the first visit a few years ago now i was getting 100 peso to a pound. we also tried the black market but there rate was even worse than in the shopping center. I hope it changes before we go back later this year.

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chippy View Post
    we have not long come back after 3 weeks in cebu and we only got 78 to a pound which is really bad as the first visit a few years ago now i was getting 100 peso to a pound. we also tried the black market but there rate was even worse than in the shopping center. I hope it changes before we go back later this year.

    Unless you can rebuild the Uk ecomony and remove all the bad debts and inspire confidence in the general public and business while also proving a 10 of billions of credit to kick start the uk ecomony while also ensuring phill goes into martial law its unlikely.

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    People often speak of hardship and joblessness here in R.P.. 4 days ago we asked a roofing supplier to give us a quote for a bit of roofing we need..
    I estimate approx 200,000 Pesos..
    They don't estimate anything as they still haven't turned up!!
    Ayyy mañana!!
    (perhaps they have family working in Britain?)

  19. #19
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    But I know a place where San Mig is only 12 peso lol.
    tell me!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look...Do you want me to beg?
    I will you know!

  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The roofer has found the cheap sm

  21. #21
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    its 1 to 83 now,,and going
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    People often speak of hardship and joblessness here in R.P.. 4 days ago we asked a roofing supplier to give us a quote for a bit of roofing we need..
    I estimate approx 200,000 Pesos..
    They don't estimate anything as they still haven't turned up!!
    Ayyy mañana!!
    (perhaps they have family working in Britain?)
    thats nothing new fred, same here, next door had their whole roof replaced nearly 18 months ago, they botched our roof, where the 2 roofs join togther, i had to phone them many times, was fobbed off, threaten to sue my neighbour if it wasn't repaired, neighbour claimed he wasn't responsible, which he is thou.

    finally a year later they came back, and i didn't even know, becuase the roof still looked the same, i complained again, more threats to sue.

    finally they sent another roofing company to do an estimate, that was start of jan, they phoned me 2 days later saying they got the go ahead to do the repair and would do it 2 days later, i've had to phone the second roofing company about 5 times, becuase they've still not bothered to repair it yet, on monday when i phoned. they told me friday, i asked them about replacing the lead flashing on a chimney stack in jan, they wanted £360 for doing two chimneys stacks , i wouldn't employ anyone who didn't turn up when they say they would. bad tradesmen, bad workmanship, bad reputation and it leads to bad headaches..

  23. #23
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    its 1 to 83 now,,and going
    thanks for the update,i dont need to check the
    exchange rate now,coz i need to send some money

  24. #24
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    its 1 to 84 now, and still going
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  25. #25
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    i just send some money yesterday,its 1 to 81.05

  26. #26
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    Dollar into nosedive again.....

    This will affect the OFW, in that neck of the woods, quite a lot.

  27. #27
    Member Troubadour's Avatar
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    The falling pound has cost me dear too. It is hard work saving for the house and paying for the family needs in Phili. It is hard to know what to do for best a lot of the time. I can see a real yo-yo time ahead for evryone, whether Peso, Pound or pulserates

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alicat View Post
    i just send some money yesterday,its 1 to 81.05
    you should have used pnb europe, its been around 82.6 to 84.00 in the last few days..

  29. #29
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    wow 84 pesos to the pound!
    how i wish AT LEAST it goes back to 90 pesos...

  30. #30
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you should have used pnb europe, its been around 82.6 to 84.00 in the last few days..
    really?i never try that before...
    can u give me some information about
    pnb europe?tnx

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