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Thread: Duterte "Shoot to Kill"

  1. #1
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    Duterte "Shoot to Kill"

    I am just curious what you people think about the insane antics of President Duterte and his "Shoot to Kill" policy ?

  2. #2
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    Sorry, referring to the current Coronavirus situation that the world is currently going through.

    This is why we should be allowed to edit our posts for a short while after posting a comment, i forgot to include the above line in my OP.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    President Duterte is a hard but fair guy, he understands the corruption that exists in the Philippines, it is so widespread that its impossible to control and eliminate it all but he does his best, I have at first hand witnessed the vote buying that goes on in local and National elections, a vote can be brought for as little as 100 php, yes for little more than a £1, as an example just over a week ago someone i met and spoke with at a funeral little more than 18 months ago had his house broke into robbed and him and his Boarder were both murdered, that is the kind of people Duterte is up against, and they only understand one language, Whilst we in the West find it hard to accept Capital punishment there are a breed of people out there who only accept that kind of thing, Duterte fights violence with violence and people should understand that if they get caught in these kind of acts he will come down hard on them. I know for a fact many foreigners live in the Philippines (especially Americans) with guns in there house, there is a reason that they do this, Covid 19 brings the best and the worst out of people and right now some people are desperate, Duterte said if you think your life is in danger (shoot) those were his words, and lets be honest its what many of us would do if we thought our lives were in danger..

    In my Opinion it is not an insane Policy its fighting fire with fire if people threaten others in these dangerous situations and times, otherwise you might end up like the two people i mentioned above.. I would have thought you may have learnt a little about the Filipino way of life by now, its hard and can sometimes be dangerous especially for foreigners. I think President Duterte is the perfect man for the job in the Philippines right now, carry on DU30.

    Stay safe everyone.. and good health.

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I agree with Harry.
    Filipino`s can be an undisciplined bunch when left to their own devices..Only have to look at how the Drug Shabu ravaged the country so badly up until Duterte came to power.
    The soft and bleeding heart CORRUPT liberals that had led the country to that point were the ones to cry about the lack of human rights during the drug purge.. They were crying mainly because they had lost their main income supply.
    Why didn't they cry about the human rights of the families of those murdered every day because of drug money?
    Duterte knows his own people.. He knows just how precarious the situation is right now. Crazy scientists here are calling for the quarantine period to continue for another 3 months.
    How are people going to survive that amount of time with no money?
    The Government need to preserve the orderly calmness and discipline whilst they figure out how to stop it`s people rioting and looting as the poor get more desperate.
    Make no mistake,the fate of society here is in the balance.

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    President Duterte is Philippines only hope the best thing thats ever happened for them, he is honest , straight,and does what he says, if only UK had someone in power like him, the druggies were warned they would be shot, they were given the chance to hand themselves in, before action was taken, now he has warned violators that would cause any harm to the forces that they will kill them, so there is no excuse they have been warned, that to me is fair. and dont think that this would never happen in a western world because you would be wrong, given the right circumstances it can happen

  6. #6
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    Philippines no more corrupt than the UK, they're just not so good at hiding it.

    Look at the sinecures that former cabinet miniters get, no experience but suddenly get paid £100000 per year as as consultant.

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    Philippines no more corrupt than the UK, they're just not so good at hiding it.
    unlike UK They dont try to hide it

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I know what the Corona bug cure is..If you wanna know the secret..Nudge nudge..Wink,wink...Say no more!!

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