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Thread: Some thing is not right

  1. #1
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Some thing is not right

    Hi all i hope you are all well, i have been in contact with a very good friend of mine and i sponsored her for a tourist visa to come to stay for a while so we could repay the wonderful hospitality that we experienced when i was their in Cebu well the thing is she waited for 8 months and went through the certificate to fly seminar and then a further 2 months of waiting the passport delivery was running late only to find that she had been refused her visa on the grounds that she did not have enough funds in her bank account. Well i can understand that this could be a problem but as i was the sponsor for this lady and undertook full financial responsibility for her i dont understand why that could have been a problem i have also found out that they expected her to have the equivalent of £3000.00 pounds in her account this seems a very large amount for the normal citizens of this country to have and completely makes a farse of sponsors she was not on her own out of 42 people 6 where refused on these grounds i am not sure about their financial arrangement if they had sponsors but my lady did could you please advise as to what is going on in this situation and as far as i know it is not manditary to have this amount to visit the UK as this is being done in the name of the British Government.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Without paragraphs my brain started to melt.

    But the applicant must prove they will return, this part has nothing to do with the sponsor, you could be a Billionaire, and the applicant can still be refused.

    A high percentage of visitor visa's are refused in the phil. Family members have a much better SR.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi thanks for reply, the thing that i am worried about, is that amount of money fair to impose as a mandatory thing for tourists, and she was told to buy a return ticket which would have been complied with.
    There is no way to know anyones intent in any country so i think s small amount of trust is needed.

  4. #4
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    hi, my filipino gf got a tourist visa, she had return ticket, but they didnt seem to see if she had any money to show anyway she had no savings, and she got tourist visa no problem, al they asked was my accommodation and that i was employed as i was her sponsor, thats all

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    UK Citizens may not sponsor those who wish to come on tourist visa's the applicant needs to show sufficient savings to pay for a holiday to the UK, £3000.00 is about right 240,000 pesos or more, appears to be the standard amount required to be on bank deposit.

    Sorry about your friends refusal, but it appears to be very common, and sadly there is no right of appeal against a refusal to issue a tourist visa.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Without paragraphs my brain started to melt.
    I remember the one who emailed me with one long paragraph, ONLY one sentence , no period, no comma but a very long sentence that made me feel ill to read

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Sometimes i know i'm not also aware of making the proper sentences here but i guess i can contribute some guidelines in making one. Not perfect though, just trying to help Badgrimply.

    Capital letters when starting a sentence
    a comma is placed after a group of words is completed (one that expresses a thought)
    a single space after commas
    After a period double space before starting a new sentence

    Hope this helps.

    For a tourist visa she has to have a bank account for the last 6 months. It may not be very huge amount P200K-P300K is advisable. She has to prove that she will go back to her home country hence the evidences should be provided. Do you have the checklist of the documents to be submitted?
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi thanks for reply, the thing that i am worried about, is that amount of money fair to impose as a mandatory thing for tourists, and she was told to buy a return ticket which would have been complied with.
    There is no way to know anyones intent in any country so i think s small amount of trust is needed.

    Unforunately many Phills have failed to go home after work or visit visas and buggered up the chances for others from what i read.

    The numbers i hear from people working in the phill community of overstayers is huge

  9. #9
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi al,l i must admit i am laughing, Itsme_iye is helping me with my English and i accept in in the vain it was ment to help, but i confees i am a lazy person.
    I was born and educated in the UK, have a degree in Computer Science some times i get so worked up i forget to punctuate my emails.
    I also have another little confession that lady was not my friend but my love and the woman i have been waiting on now for 3 years, yes 3 years it is complicated but i love her so much that i will do any thing for her, and i love her more now than when i met her 3 years ago i cannot stand being away from her any more, so i am going to live with her for the next few months, and if things work out as i hope i will bring her back with me. She did not get a refusal stamp in her passport, i am told that if you are refused a visa then they stamp it with this refusal stamp, well they dident, and they told her that if she gets the funds together they will give her the visa in 2 months.
    I am not sure I have become very cynical of the government out there, but they have the woman I love, and my soul mate and if i have to wait another 5 years i will i never felt like this about anyone in my life before and I am sure that you hear this all the time.
    Well ill be interested in your comments, go easy on this love sick fool 3 years is a long time and there is much more to this love story than i have told here it has taken its toll on me , all the best my friends i hope i can call you all that the saga continues

  10. #10
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Hi why not try to apply for FIANCEE visa ..Try to use SEARCH function you'll find all the answer
    Best of Luck

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi al,l i must admit i am laughing, Itsme_iye is helping me with my English and i accept in in the vain it was ment to help, but i confees i am a lazy person.
    I was born and educated in the UK, have a degree in Computer Science some times i get so worked up i forget to punctuate my emails.
    I also have another little confession that lady was not my friend but my love and the woman i have been waiting on now for 3 years, yes 3 years it is complicated but i love her so much that i will do any thing for her, and i love her more now than when i met her 3 years ago i cannot stand being away from her any more, so i am going to live with her for the next few months, and if things work out as i hope i will bring her back with me.

    Then, why on earth didn't you go for the fiancee' Visa???
    The success rate is better.

    Good luck.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    yes I totlly agree with them why not apply for a fiancee visa for her.I did applied a visitor`s visa before as well and with the same reason they turned me down even if my sponsor stated that his fully responsible for me financialy.the embassy said they`ve not got a problem with my sponsor but they were questioning my intention to visit in the cant blame them...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  13. #13
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi badgrimly,

    I think it will be better that she applies for fiancee visa like what some of our firends have said here and am also talking based on my personal experience..


  14. #14
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi people thanks for the replys, well the reason that i have not applied for a fiancee visa is because i am still married. It is a long story bu, i was married for 27 years and would probably still be with her, we where happy but in the year 2000 she was diagnosed with MS, and over a 5 year period her condition got worse untill she became impossible to live with.
    She suffered from paranoia and delusions my son was born in that year too i was very upset with the whole situation, and i asked for help from the authorities they ignored me and told me i needed family counciling.
    This was not the case my wife was mentally unstable eventually she believed that i was going with other women drinking and was going to hurt her, all of which is false i am a tea totaler and i never was unfaithful to her in my life.
    Eventually she want to her solicitor and told a lot of lies and got me thrown out of my house, needles to say i was devastated, my son was out of my reach she kept him.
    Over a period of time their relationship deteriorated to the point that he became violent with her, remember this child was only 5 years of age, he was taken in to care and i had to decide what to do.
    I met my new wife to be and fell in love with her but i could not bring her home, and i had to get my son back so i put my life on hold, and did what i had to do to get him back out of foster care, it took me 2 years of hell and i missed my woman so much. Eventually all the lies where found out, but i had to suffer for 3 years, i got my son back and i am now happy to say he is with me permanently my ex is in a nursing home and my divorce is finally coming to an end.
    So you see i have had to run the gauntlet, i am a faithful man only one woman needed and i love my new woman with my whole soul and will do anything for her, so the plan is to go there and bring her back, they said they would give the visa in august then when she is here my diviner will be completed, and we will take it from there i miss her so very much i cant wait to see her in august.
    That is my plan, well i told you it was a saga and i have suffered a lot but she is worth it.

  15. #15
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    Would you be remotely entitled to a Republic Of Ireland Passport...????

  16. #16
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    in that case if you really want her to come as a tourist then if you can afford to put money on her account to show to the embassyfor her it that way seems there`s no other option not unless you have to sort your situation first,if you can wait!
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  17. #17
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi yes i am of dual nationality, but i hope things will work out ok as planed, I will not do any thing illegal as i don't want my new family to be in any kind of danger or problems in the future i will adopt the children and hopefully we will all be happy thanks for the thought

  18. #18
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Yes we are putting £3000 in her account, that is why she will get it in august i hope and then i will be able to look after her, she has had a very hard life much more than mine, thanks for the reply

  19. #19
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    thats sorted then...dont wori badgrimly things will be alright for you soon
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  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi yes i am of dual nationality, but i hope things will work out ok as planed, I will not do any thing illegal as i don't want my new family to be in any kind of danger or problems in the future i will adopt the children and hopefully we will all be happy thanks for the thought
    Well as a irish citzen your entitled to bring her over to the UK if your wife for free.

    Nothing ilegal whatso ever search for EEA on this site.

    Also placing 3 grand in the account is no definte reason to have the visa approved 100 percent for sure.

    But I hope it does in your case good luck

  21. #21
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Thank you for your kind words, i do appreciate them some times it is hard but im not here to moan hehe thanks to all

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi yes i am of dual nationality, but i hope things will work out ok as planed, I will not do any thing illegal as i don't want my new family to be in any kind of danger or problems in the future i will adopt the children and hopefully we will all be happy thanks for the thought

    Ok, you are in luck then.....
    If you use your EU rights, as an EEA citizen living and working in the UK, all the Visas required will be free of charge.
    You don't have to put any money in her account if you claim entry for your wife through the EU Family Permit route. Keep it in yours, because that is what the ECO wants to see.... Someone solvent...
    Besides she can bring dependant children without hassle and be able to receive child benefit, and work immediately on arrival....

    Neat, huh...????

  23. #23
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi thanks that is very neat, thank you for your very useful input.

  24. #24
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi i have looked this up it is fantastic, for EEA nationals of which i now see I am one, I dident see myself as this, but I am, im very grateful for this information i think it will make things much easier Thank you AROMULUS, there are still human beings in this world..

  25. #25
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi i have looked this up it is fantastic, for EEA nationals of which i now see I am one, I dident see myself as this, but I am, im very grateful for this information i think it will make things much easier Thank you AROMULUS, there are still human beings in this world..
    others ET!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi i have looked this up it is fantastic, for EEA nationals of which i now see I am one, I dident see myself as this, but I am, im very grateful for this information i think it will make things much easier Thank you AROMULUS, there are still human beings in this world..
    Glad to have been of help.

    That is why we are here, on this great site, to help each other to overcome the hurdles of bureocracy.

    Good luck in your quest.

  27. #27
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    others ET!

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