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Thread: Jealousy in the Philippines

  1. #1
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    Jealousy in the Philippines

    For those men who haven't been to the Philippines yet to see their lady (or perhaps man for the ladies) just a little tip:

    Filipinas are VERY jealous. I mean VERY, VERY jealous.

    It is something that is often discussed with complete strangers, people you may meet on buses, ferries or anywhere that friendly Filipinos will engage you.
    You will be notified of this by other Filipinas in conversation.

    Even innocuous conversations with strangers will somewhere later be discussed with your mahal. Just a tip - watch where your eyes wander, in fact better not even let them wander at all, it is far better to have a harmonious day than the alternative

    I learnt very early on before I met my mahal, whilst people-watching and chatting with many folk there, that the green-eyed monster surfaces for air much more frequently in the Phils than in the UK.

    I have avoided any confrontation on this issue with my new wife, after being forewarned.

    Seems it is better to never have wandering eyes and to enjoy the fruits of this modus operandi
    When I was single there on many visits, I did have a sore neck, you will see......

    Well, I'm happily married and still in one piece so maybe I did follow someone's kind advice along the way

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hmmm yeah, after being married to my husband for 9 yrs, still feel jealous, i really dont know why but everytime he talks to another girl back home it makes me so mad... i remember seing him talk to this girl in the bar... i got so upset left the bar went back home and locked all doors, he had to sleep at a nearby hotel with my dad

  3. #3
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I suspect that the word "Jealous" could be substituted for "Insecure" and if this is true then no amount of stategies will avoid this. I see it as an attention issue unless , in this case the man, also has a program running to seek attention by projecting onto every pretty lady that he comes into contact with.Which will make it all writ large.

    Many woman have learned to use there own "magnetism" to safely navigate through the world and it can be problematic for us men and our partners if we dont notice this instead of blind captivation followed by recrimination if we are caught

    This is all in my view quite different to normal ,healthy interaction , be it with men or women that i for one enjoy as a person and would wish the same for my S.O.

    I dont beleive relationship is about limitation or ownership (nor winding the other up)but rather creating a trusting loving environment that BOTH work to maintain and can feel safe and nutured whithin. In order to grow it is often necasarry I.M.H.O to be outside of our comfort zones and on a few occasions I have challenged this in my own relationship.

    Better to deal with an issue now than when I cant stand it anymore a few years on and have allowed it to reach unmanagable proportions through lack of communication

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Respected Member trina's Avatar
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    Jealousy is part of the my case I do got jealous sometimes but it doesn't mean that I am insecure or just that I love my husband sooo much...
    Matt & Trina Leach

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    I suspect that the word "Jealous" could be substituted for "Insecure" and if this is true then no amount of stategies will avoid this. I see it as an attention issue unless , in this case the man, also has a program running to seek attention by projecting onto every pretty lady that he comes into contact with.Which will make it all writ large.

    Many woman have learned to use there own "magnetism" to safely navigate through the world and it can be problematic for us men and our partners if we dont notice this instead of blind captivation followed by recrimination if we are caught

    This is all in my view quite different to normal ,healthy interaction , be it with men or women that i for one enjoy as a person and would wish the same for my S.O.

    I dont beleive relationship is about limitation or ownership (nor winding the other up)but rather creating a trusting loving environment that BOTH work to maintain and can feel safe and nutured whithin. In order to grow it is often necasarry I.M.H.O to be outside of our comfort zones and on a few occasions I have challenged this in my own relationship.

    Better to deal with an issue now than when I cant stand it anymore a few years on and have allowed it to reach unmanagable proportions through lack of communication
    Hi Keith, good angle on this subject, obviously from a man's viewpoint.
    Looks like the girls are giving us men little warnings here

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Filipinas are VERY jealous. I mean VERY, VERY jealous.
    Never been an issue with me & the not ALL
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    since i' meet my hubby i've never felt jealous or insecured to him nor him to me, like we're on holidays lots of women looked at him head to foot and what i heard to them is ohhh she's lucky busted lol and then some women asked me how i meet him and oneday we're on the beach a mother asked him if he is single coz she have a dauhgter to introduce him huhuhu then my hubby said to her no no no im married my wife is there in the shed (then he pointed me) im not kidding yeah women in my place they are jealous to me coz i got same ages husband.
    all things are possible!

  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    since i' meet my hubby i've never felt jealous or insecured to him nor him to me, like we're on holidays lots of women looked at him head to foot and what i heard to them is ohhh she's lucky busted lol and then some women asked me how i meet him and oneday we're on the beach a mother asked him if he is single coz she have a dauhgter to introduce him huhuhu then my hubby said to her no no no im married my wife is there in the shed (then he pointed me) im not kidding yeah women in my place they are jealous to me coz i got same ages husband.
    Yes I can RELATE sis LOL I IGNORE them as long as I can't hear any negative WORDS from them or ELSE I will drag there FACES down .. Lucky no one DARES hahahaha

  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi Keith, good angle on this subject, obviously from a man's viewpoint.
    Looks like the girls are giving us men little warnings here
    And beautifully gift wrapped they are to.

    Let me give one of my own.....try to put me on a chain and then count your fingers

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    jealousy is very natural to all filipina woman,it is not insecured,but it means

  12. #12
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Bah, I've never experienced jealously from my wife. In the past I've chucked a girlfriend for being jealous because I spoke to a woman at a burger stand.
    I believe my relationship with my wife is strong enough that jealousy doesn't come into it. Also she's so beautiful that I wouldn't want to look at another woman in that way.

  13. #13
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Me and my husband have been in a relationship for 4 years now but it was never been an issue to us about being jealous, maybe because were very open to each other were not only a couple but we consider ourselves bestfriends.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by miayela View Post
    Me and my husband have been in a relationship for 4 years now but it was never been an issue to us about being jealous, maybe because were very open to each other were not only a couple but we consider ourselves bestfriends.

    Bestfriends is a must in any relationship. An element of jelousy is good but not too much. I went out with 1 Filipina woman that needed to know exactly where I was 24/7, to the point I got a warning at work for all the txt messages and calls. It eventually got to the point i turned round to her and said that it couldnt go on if she didnt trust me to be where I said i would be.

  15. #15
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    jealousy is very natural to all filipina woman,it is not insecured,but it means
    Gerrod Parrot draws attention to the distinct thoughts and feelings that occur in jealousy and envy. [10] [15] [16] The experience of jealousy involves:

    • Fear of loss
    • Suspicion or anger about betrayal
    • Low self-esteem and sadness over loss
    • Uncertainty and loneliness
    • Fear of losing an important person to an attractive other
    • Distrust

    Nothing to do with love whatever as is the opposite of this list of attributes

  16. #16
    Member nomorericepleas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Gerrod Parrot draws attention to the distinct thoughts and feelings that occur in jealousy and envy. [10] [15] [16] The experience of jealousy involves:

    • Fear of loss
    • Suspicion or anger about betrayal
    • Low self-esteem and sadness over loss
    • Uncertainty and loneliness
    • Fear of losing an important person to an attractive other
    • Distrust

    Nothing to do with love whatever as is the opposite of this list of attributes
    agree big time with this list, it sums up my fiancee totally. not only gets jealous but violently jealous. i mean smashing up things. she had a bad past and a cheating husband. she didn't trust many people when i met her, probably less now and i put it all down to insecurity of being cheated again, and being left alone.

    she's her own worst enemy cos her tantrums only have the effect of distancing me from her. we had some really violent incidents and i don't know how we got through them still together. she is jealous to the extreme, i know she loves me, but i also think there is a big slice of insecurity involved due to her past life.

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