I suspect that the word "Jealous" could be substituted for "Insecure" and if this is true then no amount of stategies will avoid this. I see it as an attention issue unless , in this case the man, also has a program running to seek attention by projecting onto every pretty lady that he comes into contact with.Which will make it all writ large.
Many woman have learned to use there own "magnetism" to safely navigate through the world and it can be problematic for us men and our partners if we dont notice this instead of blind captivation followed by recrimination if we are caught
This is all in my view quite different to normal ,healthy interaction , be it with men or women that i for one enjoy as a person and would wish the same for my S.O.
I dont beleive relationship is about limitation or ownership (nor winding the other up)but rather creating a trusting loving environment that BOTH work to maintain and can feel safe and nutured whithin. In order to grow it is often necasarry I.M.H.O to be outside of our comfort zones and on a few occasions I have challenged this in my own relationship.
Better to deal with an issue now than when I cant stand it anymore a few years on and have allowed it to reach unmanagable proportions through lack of communication