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Thread: Panaginip

  1. #1
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    How I met "Panaginip".

    I don't know if I mentioned this before but my GF and I met already in Phils.
    It wasn't an internet meeting, I was scuba diving in Malapascua, a small Island north of Cebu Island, and met a couple of fellow travellers and went for a meal at Ging Ging's there.
    As we were all talking, a waitress came along side me and asked me "What is your dream?" (she actually asked "What is your drink" but I mis-heard her softly spoken voice). I turned around and looked at this exotic beautiful lady and could only say "If only I could tell you !!".
    She was a little shy straight off but then she beamed a lovely smile.
    She went to get the drinks and I asked someone what "dream" was in Tagalog and "Panaginip" was the reply.
    I went back to the restaurant every day in the hope of seeing her and when I did said "Hello Panaginip". Two days before I was due to leave to continue travelling, I asked her could I have her address so we could be pen-pals.
    She walked over and left me her address and phone number and later we had a few photos taken together.
    I went back to where I was staying and told a man I knew there of my meeting with this beautiful girl. He knew her and encouraged me to meet her and even said that his friend was from the same sitio and his friend knew her well and would ask if she would like to meet me. I said that would be great.
    I was woken at 6am the next morning and it was a quick shower then a hubel-hubel ride to her Uncle's house to meet him. I bought drinks and food as a goodwill gesture and met her Uncle. After a while "Panaginip" showed up and after a while we went for a little walk and talk right outside her Uncle's house. I was smitten.
    The next day we met and sat outside where she lived and talked for hours.
    She would not let me touch her, nothing, nada, zilch. I felt like Marlon Brando with his Tahitian Island beauty. In those few hours I was Captain of my own world, the happiest I have ever felt meeting a new lady. Her beauty to me was overwhelming and inspiring, her whole demeanor so lady-like and enchanting.
    I went back for a few meals at the restaurant, but she was shy again, yet she smiled at me as she worked bringing food to people's tables.
    I was really gutted as she didn't seem interested in the ways that I was used to and I left her soon after to a little wave each as I travelled for a week around Negros. I couldn't get her out of my mind and started to text her, then asked her if I was to return to see her would she be happy?
    She said she would be very happy to see me, so I went to Cebu City where I made lots of copies of photos and bought her a large bouquet of flowers and a framed photo of the two of us. Also bought her an English-Visayan dictionary.
    I went back to see her and gave her the gifts, all the girls were she worked scurried around shrieking, she thanked me gently, but had to continue working, so she kept her poise.
    After a day or so, she took some time off work and we talked more.
    I asked if I could visit her family and we went together with some of her family. I could not stay long with her family because the waves were picking up. It was so nice to meet her family, their English wasn't good - this is an isolated Island, but they laid on a sumptuous meal of sea food. I took many photos of everyone and only then was I allowed to walk a little with her.
    I had to leave in a few days. I was devastated to leave, I know many of you have been "there" so I will leave that one alone.
    We speak and/or text every day by phone and her English is now so good. She told me she was shy for a while.
    Now she is so happy that I am going back.
    More later, as they say

  2. #2
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    hello aposhark,,,,nice to hear your story......and much more nice that you have to met your "panaginip" once more again....... she seems real nice and sincere, you deserves to be happy anyway.....i just wish you the best of luck and with your "panaginip" as well..............................

  3. #3
    Respected Member ca143's Avatar
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    nice story Aposhark...tnx for sharing.wish u a very good luck in FUTURE

  4. #4
    Respected Member Terrielicious's Avatar
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    Nice one... waiting what will happen next.. Goodluck

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Its a lovely story Aposhark hope this one is for rela and not only Panaginip..he he he


  6. #6
    Respected Member SephEan's Avatar
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    Wow that's a cute story on how u've met. "Panaginip" like kimmi said hope what u have is real and not!! Good luck to both of you! Wishing u all the love in the world!

  7. #7
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    nice story...wish you the best of luck..

  8. #8
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    Thanks to all who commented with nice wishes.

    I didn't include how messed up I was when I had to leave Rochelyn.
    How I sat on the boat having to go soon but I was in pieces, it was a life-changing moment and that feeling I'll never forget......this was a first for me and I'm not a spring chicken! A lady has never had that effect, I've always been able to activate an emotional shield. They say it's "heart-broken", for me it was "mind and body-broken".
    Now how did she DO that

  9. #9
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    nice story... a bit better than mine... :[

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    nice story... a bit better than mine... :[
    EVERY story is a nice story if she is in our lives

  11. #11
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    EVERY story is a nice story if she is in our lives
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  12. #12
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    such a nice story! well, there's always a story for every love story!

    actually, we have also visited malapascua island with my hubby & have eaten at ging gings, so i can really imagine how you met, hehehe!

  13. #13
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    I was just keep passing by on this thread cause lazy to read...(sorry) but when not much info thread to read ...i prefer to read it...and wow gosh what a nice story ! hoping there is a nice ending on it

    I wish u the best to have this story have happy ending

  14. #14
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I went to Malapascua scuba diving (I'm going again in November!). I went to Ging Gings too and enjoyed the sizzling chicken. No waitress sidled up to me though. The closest I came to that was in the Italian restaurant when 4 ladyboys came up to me and asked if I was there alone!!!
    So I said "yes, my wife is waiting for me in the cottage" and left!

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    when 4 ladyboys came up to me and asked if I was there alone!!!
    So I said "yes, my wife is waiting for me in the cottage" and left!
    did they offer you money

    my friend from work took his misses to york for a couple of days, and one night she had to have a so she went behind some bushes, while he was waiting for her a guy came upto him, and asked him how much does he charge for , he was so he quickly walked away leaving his misses behind the bushes

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    such a nice story! well, there's always a story for every love story!

    actually, we have also visited malapascua island with my hubby & have eaten at ging gings, so i can really imagine how you met, hehehe!
    That's so good to know Ging Ging's is nice

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    ....No waitress sidled up to me though. The closest I came to that was in the Italian restaurant when 4 ladyboys came up to me and asked if I was there alone!!!
    So I said "yes, my wife is waiting for me in the cottage" and left!
    From the icons looks like you saw a litttle bit then

    Did you see a thresher shark? awe-inspiring contact

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did they offer you money

    my friend from work took his misses to york for a couple of days, and one night she had to have a so she went behind some bushes, while he was waiting for her a guy came upto him, and asked him how much does he charge for , he was so he quickly walked away leaving his misses behind the bushes
    You gotta laugh at that

  19. #19
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Did you see a thresher shark? awe-inspiring contact
    Yes but it was a bit distant. I plan to use Nitrox next time and spend a little longer down there and hopefully get a better view. This time I plan to do all the dives I didn't have time to do last time and I'm taking 5 friends with me so should be a good time. Tis a wonderful place.
    And by the way, the Ladyboys were asking for money for their "beauty pageant".

  20. #20
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Thanks to all who commented with nice wishes.

    How I sat on the boat having to go soon but I was in pieces, it was a life-changing moment and that feeling I'll never forget......this was a first for me and I'm not a spring chicken! A lady has never had that effect, I've always been able to activate an emotional shield. They say it's "heart-broken", for me it was "mind and body-broken".
    Now how did she DO that
    I know what you mean. I was an emotional wreck on the plane leaving Cebu after my first meeting and week spent with Dalyn. I felt devastated leaving her and cried like a baby (trying not to let the other passengers and cabin crew notice me). So I went back 3 months later and brought her to the UK forever. Looking back, I cannnot believe how much determination I had to be with her. I had met someone who had moved me to my core and I did everthing possible to be with her.
    I know many of us on this forum have had similar experiences but it's an intense and amazing experience. All the red tape and expense seems a distant memory now, the joy of having her here has almost erased it all.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    lovely story!but just asking if where is that place[malapascua?]i always heard about that place here in the forum,coz maybe me &my hubby makes a plan to go there also(*)(*)(*)

  22. #22
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    watta inspirational story!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  23. #23
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    lovely story!but just asking if where is that place[malapascua?]i always heard about that place here in the forum,coz maybe me &my hubby makes a plan to go there also(*)(*)(*)
    its a beautiful island in cebu...nice for scuba diving

  24. #24
    Newbie (Restricted Access) tanya81's Avatar
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    Hello Apo Shark this is Princess The one in the airport.. hope you remember me.. Hows your trip in Manila? hope it was good... I was so smily when I read your story about rosel.. nice adventure.. Anyway I'm so happy with my result in the embassy if you know what I mean.. I somehow wonder how could i post my photo here... so you could see me and my fiancee..
    Anyway my fiancee is very excited as he know the news and he is about to book me up for a flight... anyway Good luck to you both... as I go sorting my new life...

  25. #25
    Newbie (Restricted Access) tanya81's Avatar
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    Hello Apo shark , This is Princess hope you remember me. I'm the one in the airport..with my mom... so how was your trip in Manila? hope it was good ... anyway I have a wonderful news from the embassy, my fiancee was very excited to hear it and was so very happy..
    anyway you too have a lovely story .. I enjoyed reading it..
    Good luck to you both...

  26. #26
    Newbie (Restricted Access) tanya81's Avatar
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    hello Apo Shark

    Do you still remember me? this is Princess the one in the airport with my mom...
    anyway I have good news from the embassy ... my fiancee was so excited as well and was so very happy when he heard it... sadly I got sick there in manila but gladly I 've done my interview quite well.. hows your trip in manila by the way?
    anyway best of luck to you both...

  27. #27
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    nice to hear your story...
    Good luck to you both

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tanya81 View Post
    Do you still remember me? this is Princess the one in the airport with my mom...
    anyway I have good news from the embassy ... my fiancee was so excited as well and was so very happy when he heard it... sadly I got sick there in manila but gladly I 've done my interview quite well.. hows your trip in manila by the way?
    anyway best of luck to you both...
    Hello Princess, of course we remember you and congratulations with your great news.
    It was really nice for Rochelyn & I to meet you in Cebu City aiport.
    We are really happy to hear that you got your visa and that you will soon be going to live in the UK

    My lovely wife submitted her application on the 28th January so we are just waiting now We only spent one night in Manila.

    Well, glad you found this very helpful forum.

    I hope you find people on here as helpful (and often funny) as I do.
    So many will help you with your questions should you have any...

    Post a message in "Introduce" so everyone can say hello to you.

    So you are feeling well after being sick in Manila?

    Ingat ka,


    helo princess kmusta?ako ni si rochelyn.ingat u dyan.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by girl england View Post
    nice to hear your story...
    Good luck to you both
    Hi girl england.

    Thank you for reading our story

    My lovely wife Rochelyn submitted her application on the 28th January so we are just waiting now.
    We are presently together in Cebu City and we will endure this last wait until we can finally be together every day in the UK.
    She is always reading and learning English with a book we bought here in Cebu. She is still too unsure of her English words to post in here in this forum.

    One day when she speaks fluent English, I will miss the days when she used to say "Dear, take me a picture"
    I am still crazy about her, moreso as every day passes.

    The beauty of a Filipina is ongoing, deep and never-ending.
    I am a lucky man

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    .......I had met someone who had moved me to my core and I did everthing possible to be with her.
    I know many of us on this forum have had similar experiences but it's an intense and amazing experience. All the red tape and expense seems a distant memory now, the joy of having her here has almost erased it all.
    Hello Gavanddal
    I should have picked up on this comment of yours before.
    Yes, nothing that is put in our way will stop us from reaching the ultimate goal - of being with our woman every day.
    You are a lucky man to be with her every day.
    I have those great days to look forward to

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