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Thread: Need someones Help. Visit the UK for two weeks

  1. #1
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    Question Need someones Help. Visit the UK for two weeks

    I have a filipino girlfriend, she is 28 years old

    She currently works in thailand as a teacher.

    I wanted her to come and visit even if it was for just two weeks.

    I wanted to know what she requires for her to come over firstly for just two weeks.

    I have tried looking at some websites but alot of it confuses me and i would prefer to have a straight answer that have to go from one page to another seraching for the information i require, basically im lazy

    hope someone can help me with my enquires, it would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I heard that my girlfriend would need to show bank details with lots of money in her account. She would need to show evidance of a house that she owned in her name. is any of this true???

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon88 View Post
    I heard that my girlfriend would need to show bank details with lots of money in her account. She would need to show evidance of a house that she owned in her name. is any of this true???
    Yup, and lots more....

    Much easier if you take a couple of weeks off and take yourself to Thailand....

  4. #4
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    I have already done that, but i cant believe it is such a hassle for her to just come over and visit. i mean the house in her name is going a little over the top isnt it. I have heard i can sponser her. so that should be the money issue, but having trouble about this house in her name issue. can anyone help me with the exact requirements that are needed?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon88 View Post
    I have already done that, but i cant believe it is such a hassle for her to just come over and visit. i mean the house in her name is going a little over the top isnt it. I have heard i can sponser her. so that should be the money issue, but having trouble about this house in her name issue. can anyone help me with the exact requirements that are needed?
    If you use the search function, you will come across many posts, listing what is needed for a visitor visa, also it tells you that the success rate in obtaining it, is very slim, or none.....

    Not many people get it. Try the fiance visa route, it may be more expensive, but if you have some proof of contact, ie, mail, chats, photos together, dosh in the bank, living accomodation, etc, you maight be able to swing it.
    You don't have to get married within the time allowed, provided she goes back before it expires.
    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon88 View Post
    I heard that my girlfriend would need to show bank details with lots of money in her account. She would need to show evidance of a house that she owned in her name. is any of this true???
    Hi Dragon Welcome to the forum.

    Yes she does need to show bank statements as part of her financial capability evidence... it is an advantage if u have lots of money ONLY if it's really her money. It's better to show an honest bank statements of what she really earns. An active bank account.

    I don't own a house... but I was granted a visit visa. There is a percentage of girls here who didn't have work or any property but still got it.

    Just be honest on your application.

  7. #7
    Respected Member angel2008's Avatar
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    Hi Dragon, My Auntie is working in Macau China and she is here now in the Uk for a 2 weeks visit. She applied her vvisa in Hongkong Brit consulate. My auntie's sponsor is her british boyfriend. She applied online and asked for interview then she got her visa. She submitted employment contract, her working ID, letter from her employer that she is giving her a 2 weeks off from her job. invitation letter from her boyfriend saying that he will support her stay here, bank statement of her BF and proof of accomdation. And also pictures they're together, emails etc( proof of relationship)

    She arrived here last week and no plan to go back to her employer, seems she is enjoying the horrible weather here... she got 6 mos visa....anyway goodluck

  8. #8
    Respected Member DaveyWallis's Avatar
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    If you sponsor your gf and fill in the necessary forms why does she need to produce proof of earnings if she's coming over on a Visitor Visa?

    When my gf (now my beloved wife) applied earlier this year she got her visa in 1 week - yet she had no job, no earnings, no property and no bank account.

    Doesn't the sponsorship letter negate the need for job, earnings, property etc?


  9. #9
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    If shes working in Thailand for quite some time, its advantage bit

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a visitor visa from Thailand is just as difficult to get as one from the phils..

    to Andy , you don't know how lucky your g/f was to get a VV with such weak reasons to return to the phils.

    it's not just about if you can support her, it's also about her reasons for returning.. in your g/f's case are there any (no job, no property, no savings etc )?

    good luck thou, a VV is like buying a lottery ticket

  11. #11
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    As I've posted before, Ruby had no job, no property, no bank account but she received her visitor visa within one week.

    With regard to the finance, I sponsored her and submitted my bank statements.

    With regard to reason for returning, Ruby had previously visited Australia and so had a good track record.

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