It'll probably drop now Brown has publicly admitted he's a muppet!![]()
Keith - Administrator
I sent yesterday and the rate was 79.00 thru Iremit. Not 80.00![]()
Sorry mate - was ready to come over last week but school phoned and asked me to go back. (You see, I had left about 6 weeks ago - intending to have 2 or 3 months off.) I am now back full time so it will be difficult.
However, in 2 weeks I shall finish at lunchtime on Friday so if I take the boat then I can be with you late afternoon if that will be ok.
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
Sorry Keith. Just realised the above post should have been PMd. I shall get Hanna to smack my bottie as punishment.
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
Stop putting Miguel on your cornflakes!!
Keith - Administrator
Yup and what affects the US seems to affect us![]()
They had a the Credit crunch slightly earlier than the UK, propety dropped there earlier (they also get a small upturn every spring like we have had).
Also a while back in the US things from what i heard in the media and from yanks was things were getting better and now its not.
From what I hear from our colleagues at our various sister companies in the US is that Public services (rather than private companies) are taking a pounding due to huge cuts and more demandWe keep hearing thats going to affect the UK in the next few years
Im hoping for once we dont follow the Yanks![]()
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Anyone reverse remitting at the moment?
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Gordon admits he didn't know what sub-prime was....he was our
Chancellor....and now PM!!!!
Keith - Administrator
Ministers all seem to move around from post to post.
Darling was in transport before being chancellor.
So, they're really mouthpieces who are good at spin.
Makes you wonder what Brown was doing all those years as chancellor?
I just hope the "real" money people are able to have an input, but I doubt it.
thatcher did it here, sold millions of council houses off at what half price ? and i'm sure many who qualified for the maximum discount were pestered by banks to take or offered a loan they would not normally get.
a live near a council estate and the roofs are being replaced, and its obvious that those houses which had their roofs replaced are still owned by the council and those that didn't are now privately owned, looked to be about 50-50 !.
back over 80 again today, ho hum!!![]()
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
oh no! this translates then to increased visa fees... yaips!
and i was right... it did the increase... hehehe.. oh well...
Well the European report yesterday on Britains finances and that we will have the worst debt per GDP in the world has seen the £££ crash.....thanks did hit 1.65
Keith - Administrator
I can remember clearly getting 98 peso to the gbp, how things have changed in a five year span.
I would have thought your going into Gold if the Chinese carry on as they intend getting rid of the dollar as standard trading currency.
we missed a great ten year anniversary of browns
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Gold has been overbought the last 18 months.
As for China, their currency value is tied to the $$$$ in order to keep up the high levels of business with the US which feeds the Chinese economy. It would be a disaster for them if they changed that.
The Euro is in a strong position to do that but it makes no economic sense.
Keith - Administrator
So why they pushing so hard for a new reserve currency? A bit of short term pain for long term gain. THe Chinese ecomony from what i read is still growing even with the US and most of the worlds ecomonies declining.
Im told by people who understand this all far better than I do. That people with mucho dollars are looking elsewhere and mainly at resources and of course gold.
Plus the UK and US will at some point need to inflated like crazy to reduce both national and indivudals debt. Good or necessary for the country but possibly not for those holding the dollar or pound as investors abroad.
I have this image now of the UK expanding and then suddenly getting caught by the wind hopefully it will land somewhere need phill
It would save us all on travel
A matie who hedges (may get him over to do the garden) when we were at the cricket yesterday on a jolly
sent me this link
as i was asking about how the money malarky is going and whats likely to happen. With me goingat some of his waffle and it getting to deep while we enjoying the day as the weather got nicer as it went along
Intresting reading on the way back and I was like who is this matie another nut case
He seems to have some understanding and backs up what i hear from many sources and read elsewhere.
Also backs up what our work forecasts say which are very accurate i have found when looking back.
The worrying thing is everyone keeps mentioning the W and we are bang in the middleEven heard one of those dragons mentioning in a TV interview the other evening. Sounds like wheter true or not everyone is talking themselves into it and could the UK and US go though another big plunge
Anyway sod all this im off to enjoy the sunshine at least thats still free![]()
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Before China done anything they'd have to make an official trading currency, they can't presently do that as they would go into zero growth.
Russia is unlikely to back them as the vast majority of resources go to the West, and deal is $$$/€€€, and the Arabs will only deal in $$$.
If it was so easy to do, the €€€ is a trading currency and we'd be trading oil in €€€, but that would have an effect on every trading country on the planet.
If inflation goes up in the US, then usually the bank rate goes up as well making Bonds more valuable to other countries to support the debt, and so the $$$ would gain strength.
Keith - Administrator
Thats why the chinese and Bric are pushing longterm for IMF to sort out the SDR. That and work on the rembini and the real taking over from the Dollar in trade deals.
I asked about the Euro but the response i hear from people is that there is to many issues going on in the East and what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg as western european bank who own most of the eastern european ones are dumping all the problems over there and of course there is a big credit crunch issue going on there in many countries in the easten half of the region.
Kuwait now use a currency basket im told and thats what the compromise will most likely be a split between dollar,euro,yen and sterling.
Normally the bank rate would go up slowly if inflation rises as you want to stop it happening buit if you didn't to inflate your way out of to big a debt burden was the situation mentioned. So not atrractive to investors. Thats only to stop the UK/US defaulting.
I only go on what i hear from people who work in that business (most of it bores me senslessonly ask and listen for news on peso/pound)
Im sure the sitaution will have changed by next week anyway
I keep reading the pinoy ecomony is having some bad results which may mean the peso drops in value. With exports and balance of trade badly effected, so a weaker currecny might help there. Bad for the People but good for our other halfs.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
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