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Thread: Relatives at Wedding in the Phils

  1. #1
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Relatives at Wedding in the Phils

    Do any of you have any experience of close relatives attending your wedding in the Philippines??
    If so would you or wouldnt you recommend it ??

  2. #2
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    I had my wedding somewhere in the Alps to escape my relatives in the Philippines.

    I would recommend it (invite the relatives) if you plan to stay/live in the Philippines. In my opinion, you need it to integrate fast.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    im not sure why your are asking this?, is there any reason you may have a problem

    i married my wife in the philipines and all her family came , well they did get drunk and cause a fight apart from that, all went well

    btw im joking about the fight
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    hello! You should as your wife to be! i bet she would like her relatives to be present on her big day!! make sure there's a lot of food though
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I just had an intimate wedding last December and it was lovely!!
    Wedding for me is a celebration of commitment we are making for one another so ,..only people who witness our relationship progress up to that moment attended my wedding.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Of course, though if you meant your own family, then just my brother attended & was my best man.
    Wish more of my family & friends could have come.

    We only had close family & friends from her side of the family, as they had to travel up to the wedding.
    We had about 30 guests in all, if everyone was invited, it would probably have been closer to 200.

  7. #7
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    I didn't have any of my family and friends at our wedding in Cebu. However, that was just a financial decision as we chose to get married on New Year's Day which isn't always the cheapest time to be booking flights long haul.

    Had money not been an issue though, I would of had as many friends and family there as I could.

    Besides, if you did invite close family to the wedding and something kicked off in true "When Family Events Go Bad" style, it's not like the two families would have to see each other again! So I reckon you should get some family there if you could. If they haven't been to the Phils before, it would be a great way to see how Filipino's do things!

  8. #8
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    WE will legally get married in the UK. followed by a renewal of vow in manila in september we are expecting 50 guest. then after will fly to Davao to have another celebration and to meet more of the family who are not attending our wedding in manila...

  9. #9
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    Multiple parties. I like it!

    We're planning on renewing our vows in the UK as well for everyone that didn't make it to the wedding. Might not be until next year though so that Yam can get settled, etc this year.

  10. #10
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Sorry guys I didnt make myself clear at all.

    Obviously all my future wifes relatives will be there, that goes without saying. Im referring to my relatives making the long trip to foreign climes and be total strangers amongst everyone , apart from me and my gf.

    Im all for it in principle , but was wondering if anyone had any experience and could pass on the pros and cons, apologies for not making that very clear

  11. #11
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    I've attended a couple of weddings in the Philippines where there have been plenty of friends and family from the UK. At one, there were 8 of us from the UK and at the other there were about 20 of us.

    Although it takes a fair bit of organisation, I can't recommend it highly enough. The one where 20 of us attended was held of Boracay and was the most amazing wedding I've ever attended. It was great having so many friends partying in such an exotic location.

    A few tips:
    • Give people as much notice as possible (more than a year)
    • Get some help with the organisation / coordination
    • Try to encourage people to combine it with a holiday, either to other parts of the Philippines, or HK, Singapore, etc.
    • Make the invites quite "open", to maximise the number of people who can attend

    But I guess a lot depends on your friends and family and whether they enjoy travelling, have young children, etc.

    There's no doubt that they will be made to feel incredibly welcome. In our case, the Filipinos seemed to really appreciate that everyone had travelled halfway around the world to attend the weddings, even if it was as part of a dream holiday.

  12. #12
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I've attended a couple of weddings in the Philippines where there have been plenty of friends and family from the UK. At one, there were 8 of us from the UK and at the other there were about 20 of us.

    Although it takes a fair bit of organisation, I can't recommend it highly enough. The one where 20 of us attended was held of Boracay and was the most amazing wedding I've ever attended. It was great having so many friends partying in such an exotic location.

    A few tips:
    • Give people as much notice as possible (more than a year)
    • Get some help with the organisation / coordination
    • Try to encourage people to combine it with a holiday, either to other parts of the Philippines, or HK, Singapore, etc.
    • Make the invites quite "open", to maximise the number of people who can attend

    But I guess a lot depends on your friends and family and whether they enjoy travelling, have young children, etc.

    There's no doubt that they will be made to feel incredibly welcome. In our case, the Filipinos seemed to really appreciate that everyone had travelled halfway around the world to attend the weddings, even if it was as part of a dream holiday.
    Thanks Jamesy....much appreciated

  13. #13
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    Hi, My parents came over from the UK for our wedding - as I knew they weren't very approving originally it was a stressful thought - i wanted to enjoy my day and relax - but they had never met my husband-to-be and that seemed strange and I thought it would be better for him to meet them before all the spouse application etc - one less thing to be scared of arriving in the UK!

    As it got closer to my parents arrival I was really excited to see them (it had been a year) and our daughter obvioulsy was too - also I wanted to show them the Philippines and help them understand the beauty of it - I was very glad they were there - made it feel like my wedding too - not just his (all his family - and yes there was a fight!!!) - and they were very chilled out and open to everyone/thing - I put them in jeepney's, tricycles and bangka's, they took the fight in their stride, my dad sang karaoke and the only thing that my mother was put out by was the fact that she had nothing constructive to do, except drink wine - they went home via 2 weeks in Vietnam.

    Now we are all in the UK they talk to my husband about his home and family, knowing who and what they are talking about. Get a family member or 2 if you can - you'll feel better too with someone from your side witnessing your big day!

  14. #14
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    I'm starting to feel a bit short-changed here. Quite a few people seem to have had a fight at their wedding. I didn't have one at ours! Feel like we missed out!

  15. #15
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I'm starting to feel a bit short-changed here. Quite a few people seem to have had a fight at their wedding. I didn't have one at ours! Feel like we missed out!
    Plenty of fighting on the forum.

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