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Thread: Proof of accomodation for spouse visa

  1. #1
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    Proof of accomodation for spouse visa

    Hi. My wife is now starting her application for her spouse visa so she can come here to the UK. I'm preparing my supporting documents for her but I'm a little confused about what I need for proof of accomodation.

    Basically, I'm a home owner with mortgage. I'm confused about which of the following I will need:

    a) A copy of the deeds

    b) Land registry "title register" (£4 from official government website)

    c) Land registry "title plan" (another £4 from official government website)

    d) Letter from mortgage lender

    or all of the above. Also, do I need to have any of those documents notarized from a solicitor (the same as I get the passport notarized)?

    Sorry if this is stupid question, but I want to make sure I get everything right first time, rather than miss something.

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    anything that shows that your the owner will be ok you can get then notarized that will show there real a letter from lender should be ok too if it was rented to you then all you would need is a letter from landlord to say it would be ok to have your wife there but as its yours then just do as above take some photos of the home in and out it helps them see were how your home is hope any this helps good luck

  3. #3
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    For accommodation you only need to include the certified copy of the deed showing this, and/or any other veryifiable proof of ownership.
    On the mortgage side, the appropriate entry from the Land Registry should be provided, and/or a letter from the lender.
    Ideally the mortgage payments should appear in the supporting bank statements.

    Better a little too much evidence than not enough.

    May I suggest you also include somewhere a very brief description of the accommodation.

  4. #4
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    hi, we submitted the following when we applied for my spouse visa last year as to accommodation,

    HM Land Registry with title number (just a photocopy,not notarized..)
    Latest Annual Mortgage Statement (submit both original and photocopy but again not notarized)

    Also on my husband sponsorhip letter he specifically mentions all the details of the house i.e no of rooms,semi detached terraced, he is the only one living in it so its ample space for me and incoming children to live in...

    Hope this helps, good luck

  5. #5
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks for all your help and advice. I'm taking it all on board.
    As for the Land Registry, should I order just the title register or the title plan also? If there is any doubt I should probably get both for the sake of an extra 4 quid.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian S View Post

    As for the Land Registry, should I order just the title register or the title plan also? If there is any doubt I should probably get both for the sake of an extra 4 quid.
    Wouldn't have thought you needed the Plan. But, of course, I might be wrong!

    However, for the sake of four quid, it's not worth taking the risk ... however small. And that you're best to err on the side of caution where Settlement Visas are concerned.

    All the best with your wife's application.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    hi, we submitted the following when we applied for my spouse visa last year as to accommodation,

    HM Land Registry with title number (just a photocopy,not notarized..)
    Latest Annual Mortgage Statement (submit both original and photocopy but again not notarized)

    Also on my husband sponsorhip letter he specifically mentions all the details of the house i.e no of rooms,semi detached terraced, he is the only one living in it so its ample space for me and incoming children to live in...

    Hope this helps, good luck
    Exactly what we did with the addition of photos of the house, inside and out. Again, just additional proof and not just a bunch of words.

  8. #8
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm a little confused now. I phoned the mortage lender and asked them if they could send me a copy of the deeds. They told me that I can download the deeds from Land Registry.
    All I can find from land registry is "title register" and "title plan". Is this the same thing as deeds?

  9. #9
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    i have a mortgage and been paying regular since may this i really need to show my mortgage statement because i was in arrears for 3 years up until may this year i do have on my bank statements the regular money to my mortgage lenders going out each month that embassy can see and i do have my title registar....please help my head
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

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