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Thread: Spouse visa enquiries

  1. #1
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    Spouse visa enquiries

    Hi, I'm new in all of this. I've been shattered with all the things going on at the moment. I am a Filipino under student visa and got married recently. My school had closed without official notification several months before I got married. Now that we are sorting things for the spouse visa, I am just wondering if this will be a big hindrance on getting the visa application approved? I have been actively looking for new school Since the previous one had closed. Please guys I need some advice, I have been and still shattered.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I am sure someone can offer advice, but I have not answers for you. You need to contact the UKBA to find out your next 'legal' move.

    I have our home near Cabanatuan btw
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    thanks steve.r for your response. glad to know someone here lives nearby where i came from. to be honest, i am quite hesitant to contact ukba, scared that the response may not be what i would hope for. we love each other so much. just thinking about being sent home because of my previous immigration issue is so devastating and stressful for both of us.

  4. #4
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    What visa do you currently hold?
    When does that visa expire?

  5. #5
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    Hi terpe, I'm on student visa and will expire in November this year.

  6. #6
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    Have you informed UKBA know about your situation?

    If not, I'm sure you know the situation you are in could be pretty serious.

    In principle, students must be studying to legally remain in the UK.
    Furthermore, it is illegal if you continue to work.

    You haven't given much information as to why the college closed, or exactly when.
    Was their licence suspended, revoked or did it simply closed down due to financial reasons?
    If their licence was suspended you could have continued studying until they get their licence back or your visa expires.
    If their licence was revoked you would normally be given 60 days in which to find another sponsor.
    If it just closed down you should have informed UKBA and enter an application process to secure a new sponsor and visa.

    Normally there is no major problem in switching from student category to spouse visa, but your case is somewhat complicated by a number of issues.

    Even without knowing the full details, I do strongly suggest you seek some professional immigration advise asap.

    I can only wish you good luck.

  7. #7
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    Dear terpe,

    I've only received an email from one of our tutor who informed me about the school being shut down due to ukba rules and regulations but hasn't elaborated more about it. He instructed us to wait for the school's confirmation about the said matter but since then I haven't received anything. Ive still been actively looking for new school though. I'm just really shattered at the minute and confused on what to do.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akilah Blythe View Post
    Dear terpe,

    I've only received an email from one of our tutor who informed me about the school being shut down due to ukba rules and regulations but hasn't elaborated more about it. He instructed us to wait for the school's confirmation about the said matter but since then I haven't received anything. Ive still been actively looking for new school though. I'm just really shattered at the minute and confused on what to do.
    When did the school inform you of the closure?
    Please Akilah, make your very next step that of contacting a professional immigration advisor, who will inform you of the best options based on your own complete set of personal circumstances.

    The OISC (Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner) has a responsibility for the regulation of Immigration Advisers.
    They make sure that the advisor is a fit and competent professional who can act in your best interests.

    Do be sure that any advisor you choose is a member and is experienced.
    Also do be sure that whoever you take on has experience with similar application cases to yours.
    Don't be afraid to ask.

    The OISC Immigration Advisors website is

    My suggested top 10 short list of possibilities:-

    MediVisas 020 7953 3090
    White Rose Visas 0800 8600851 / 0114 2096247
    Talbots Solicitors 0800 118 1500 (FREEphone)
    Immigration Visa Services - UK 0121 689 9721
    Visa Direct 0208 871 0816
    DJ Webb & Co. 020 7480 5999
    Leslie & Co Solicitors 020-8577-5491 / 020-8572-7252
    Danielle Cohen 020 7267 4133
    WM Immigration Limited 079 1269 4824
    Visa Direct 0208 871 0816

    Good luck and please keep us informed if you can find time. It will go towards helping others who may find themselves in similar positions

    God Bless

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