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Thread: Looks like the price of cigarettes is about to rocket.

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you are free to poison your own children everyday with what you feed them
    Yes and some people do.

  2. #32
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    The worst's thing is why people start smoking, is it wanting to be the same as others in their group?

    I was brought up in a smoking household and tried one at 15 when I first started work, and despite the others smoking bought a bag of sweets instead.
    Yet my 2 sons were bought up in a non smoking home and both smoke!


  3. #33
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    back to putting tobacco up, drinks , tobacco, flights, cars,it seems any pleasure we get in life is taxed, will there be a sex tax i wonder
    , Steve ... here's a personal perspective on the state of OUR nation:

    Raising more tax?
    These are the facts

    Taxing all the cars
    Even Mars Bars

    Taxing all the food
    Simply is not good.

    Taxing all the drink
    How low CAN they sink?

    Taxing all the fags
    Next, t'will be the shgs

    Taxing us when'er we fly
    As they've done since days gone by.

    Taxing sport and leisure
    Soon, there'll be no pleasure

    Hardest hit will be the poor
    Of that, you may be very sure.

    All mounts up to one BIG SCAM
    But does our Government give a damn?
    No, they're hell~bent on almost any
    Chance - to seize our every penny!

    Ohh, my ...!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , Steve ... here's my take on the state of the nation:

    Raising more tax
    These are the facts
    Taxing all the cars
    Even Mars Bars
    Taxing all the food
    It's just not good
    Taxing all the drink
    How low can they sink
    Taxing all the fags
    Doubtless next, will be the shgs
    Taxing sport and leisure
    Soon there'll be no pleasure
    Hardest hit will be the poor
    Of that, you may be very sure.
    All adding up to one BIG SCAM
    But does our Government give a damn?
    No, they're hell~bent on almost any
    Chance - to wring out every penny!
    Great rhyming skills

    Actually they should be taxing deep fried mars bars!

  5. #35
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    So what is it that is so good about smoking?

    What are the benefits? What are the plusses?

    We say it is one of life's little pleasures, but what exactly is that pleasure?

    From the sound of it it must be bl00dy good.
    There are many things that people see as a pleasure in life that I just don't understand, but they enjoy and I will always respect their right to do it.
    I do have a problem with Governments pretending that they are concerned about the health of a nation and for the benefit of everyones health increasing taxes on something. If they were that concerned about health they would ban it altogether. You and I know that if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow they would have to generate the massive revenue stream from elsewhere.
    It appears to me that the Government in the Philippines are now waking up to the idea that there is a lot of revenue to be earned from the tobacco industry whilst dressing it up as caring for the health of the nation . The only difference is that in such a poor country where 2.9 million people are dependant on the Tobacco industry for their living this could have dramatic consequences .
    Now if you'll excuse me I've just got up and am about to enjoy my second cup of tea of the morning along with my second cigarette.

  6. #36
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    So what is it that is so good about smoking?

    What are the benefits? What are the plusses?

    We say it is one of life's little pleasures, but what exactly is that pleasure?

    From the sound of it it must be bl00dy good.
    There are many things that people see as a pleasure in life that I just don't understand, but they enjoy and I will always respect their right to do it.
    I do have a problem with Governments pretending that they are concerned about the health of a nation and for the benefit of everyones health increasing taxes on something. If they were that concerned about health they would ban it altogether. You and I know that if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow they would have to generate the massive revenue stream from elsewhere.
    It appears to me that the Government in the Philippines are now waking up to the idea that there is a lot of revenue to be earned from the tobacco industry whilst dressing it up as caring for the health of the nation . The only difference is that in such a poor country where 2.9 million people are dependant on the Tabacco industry for their living this could have dramatic consequences .
    Now if you'll excuse me I've just got up and am about to enjoy my second cup of tea of the morning along with my second cigarette.

  7. #37
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Whatever you all say, at the end of the day smoking can kill!!

  8. #38
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Whatever you all say, at the end of the day smoking can kill!!
    Along with many other things Michael.
    It's about freedom of choice.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Now if you'll excuse me I've just got up and am about to enjoy my second cup of tea of the morning along with my second cigarette.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    If they were that concerned about health they would ban it altogether. You and I know that if everyone stopped smoking tomorrow they would have to generate the massive revenue stream from elsewhere.
    What is that revenue stream? Is it so big these days? As far as I can see there are far less smokers about than ever. We must have turned the corner on that and thus the government must be taking less revenue.

  11. #41
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Interesting topic, very entertaining reading all the different opinions, but as you say, 'freedom of choice'!!

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Iteresting topic, very entertaining reading all the different opinions, but as you say, 'freedom of choice'!!
    Freedom of choice except when it comes to the kids. I think I stand alone on that on this thread, but stand I shall. I haven't heard anyone else stand up for them on the matter of passive smoking yet.

    I am also right behind the laws on smoking in public places and look forward to a ban in cars when there are kids in the car.

  13. #43
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    What is that revenue stream? Is it so big these days? As far as I can see there are far less smokers about than ever. We must have turned the corner on that and thus the government must be taking less revenue.
    I've read that 77% of the price of 20 goes to the exchequer. That equates to about £11 billion a year. A tidy sum.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I've read that 77% of the price of 20 goes to the exchequer. That equates to about £11 billion a year. A tidy sum.
    No doubt dwindling. Personally I don't believe that the UK government rely on that money. I imagine it is offset by the health related costs to the NHS etc etc

  15. #45
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Off down to Tag tomorrow to buy every carton of smokes I can find... If I can get 50k worth of fags then so be it..
    Cant think of a better small business right now!! Oh...Booze too.. Think I might need to borrow my in laws ten wheeler.
    12 Pesos a pack will not stop locals smoking short term BTW.

  16. #46
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    No doubt dwindling. Personally I don't believe that the government rely on that money. I imagine it is offset by the health related costs to the NHS etc etc
    Your starting to sound like a politician.

  17. #47
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Your starting to sound like a politician.

    Too right!!.
    Is there no where left to hide from these do gooders?

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Your starting to sound like a politician.
    Not at all. Just not comfortable with smoking. I admit that it is no doubt hard to get off them, once on them. I saw that in my ex wife. Once addicted it must be so difficult to ditch the habit, but other than that I can't think of a single benefit to smoking.

    And it aint good for the sex life, aint good for the skin and slows the brain down.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Too right!!.
    Is there no where left to hide from these do gooders?
    The Philippines?

  20. #50
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Great rhyming skills

    Actually they should be taxing deep fried mars bars!
    Ah ... now there,

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ah ... now there,
    There should be a tax on rhymes and puns!

    That would give you a large tax bill, Arthur.

  22. #52
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I appear to have got rather bogged down with this subject matter. It would seem fitting, therefore, for me to clarify my own stance in such a "knotty" debate.

    I have smoked since the age of 17 - a pipe, MAINLY - and continue to do so because I actually ENJOY it!

    Admittedly, too ... I restrict myself to one - yes, ONE - *cigarette per day (which I also enjoy!) immediately following my evening meal, by treating *it in much the same way as those men with a penchant for "after dinner cigars" (which, I'm NOT particularly fond of!) might.

    I am, of course, essentially a 'pipe man', as many of our regulars here are aware. But, I consider myself a light to moderate [unintentional pun] smoker who COULD - and has - quit on several occasions whenever financial [or other] exigencies dictate. Moreover, I confine my pipesmoking to the smallest of 3 bedrooms - which, years ago, while living alone, I converted into a study - wherein my computer is housed.

    Some would say I'm a lucky man in this respect. And I'd be the first to agree.

    And, at this juncture, I'd hasten to assure WHOEVER it may concern, that there is NO WAY I'd smoke in front of young children. Just as you wouldn't condone it ... neither would I ! Nor would I even dream of in other peoples' homes unless specifically invited! Indeed, I [very] rarely smoke outside, nowadays ... often abstaining for hours on end. I simply DO NOT relish giving up the habit for the rest of my days, however.

    End of story.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I appear to have got rather bogged-down with this subject matter. It would seem fitting, therefore, for me to clarify my own stance in such a "knotty" debate.

    I have smoked since the age of 17 - a pipe, MAINLY - and continue to do so because I actually ENJOY it!

    Admittedly, too ... I restrict myself to one - yes, ONE - *cigarette per day (which I also enjoy!) immediately following my evening meal, by treating *it in much the same way as those men with a penchant for "after-dinner cigars" (which, I'm NOT particularly fond of!) might.

    I am, of course, essentially a 'pipe man', as many of our regulars here are aware. But, I consider myself a light to moderate [unintentional pun] smoker who could - and has - quit on several occasions whenever financial [or other] exigencies dictate. Moreover I confine my pipesmoking to the smallest of 3 bedrooms - which, years ago, while living alone, I converted into a study - wherein my computer is housed.

    And, at this juncture, I would hasten assure WHOEVER it may concern, that there is NO WAY I'd smoke in front of young children. Just as you wouldn't condone it ... neither would I! Nor would I even dream of in other peoples' homes unless specifically invited! Indeed, I [very] rarely smoke outside, nowadays ... often abstaining for hours on end. I simply DO NOT relish giving up the habit for the rest of my days, however.

    End of story.

  24. #54
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    No doubt dwindling.

    In 2006/07 smoking cost the NHS £2.7 billion yet raised £10 billion in taxes.

    Once again a rather large revenue stream for the Government.

  25. #55
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I appear to have got rather bogged down with this subject matter. It would seem fitting, therefore, for me to clarify my own stance on such a "knotty" debate.

    I have smoked since the age of 17 - a pipe, MAINLY - and continue to do so because I actually ENJOY it!

    Admittedly, too ... I restrict myself to one - yes, ONE - *cigarette per day (which I also enjoy!) immediately following my evening meal, by treating *it in much the same way as some men with a penchant for "after dinner cigars" (which, I'm NOT particularly fond of!) might.

    I am, of course, essentially a 'pipe man', as many of our regulars here are aware. But, I consider myself a light to moderate [unintentional pun] smoker who COULD - and has - quit on several occasions whenever financial [or other] exigencies dictate. Moreover, I confine my pipesmoking to the smallest of 3 bedrooms - which, years ago, while living alone, I converted into a study - wherein my computer is housed.

    Some would say I'm a lucky man in this respect. And I'd be the first to agree.

    And, at this juncture, I'd hasten to assure WHOEVER it may concern, that there is NO WAY I'd smoke in front of young children. Just as you wouldn't condone it ... neither would I ! Nor would I even dream of in other peoples' homes unless specifically invited! Indeed, I [very] rarely smoke outside, nowadays ... often abstaining for hours on end. I simply DO NOT relish giving up the habit for the rest of my days, however.

    End of story.
    Good for Arthur and may I suggest that the nearly years of smoking doesn't appear to have slowed your brain down as was suggested in an earlier post. Far from it , you appear as sharper than most.

  26. #56
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    The Philippines?

    Yes ..but unfortunately they plague the internet.

    Arthur..Glad you are still able to enjoy a smoke in your own home but Im certain that there are busy body dogooder nurse maids somewhere right now plotting to remove even that simple pleasure from you...
    They are busy gathering statistics and lies to use against you in the near future as we speak. For your own good..Of course!!

  27. #57
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Good for Arthur and may I suggest that the nearly 51 years of smoking doesn't appear to have slowed your brain down as was suggested in an earlier post.
    Nice of you to say so, Marco ...

    ...tbh ... I find the pipe aids my concentration and helps keep me focussed.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post

    In 2006/07 smoking cost the NHS £2.7 billion yet raised £10 billion in taxes.

    Once again a rather large revenue stream for the Government.

  29. #59
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I dont think there is much difference between pipe tobacco and cigarettes. Lets face it all governments cane the working man. Smoking has been around for years. I agree it has health risks but how do you explain to someone who has never smoked the enjoyment you get from it. Its a drug at the end of the day and as ARTHUR as stated it helps consentration and keeps you focussed.

  30. #60
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    This appears to be a pro smokers thread. You can pat each other on the back as much as you like, it won't change anything.

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