End of the day you did wrong,just like us men we try to get out of it by saying something stupid rather then sorry,in the end we say the magic word,sorry, and try to talk about it,we all have silly ways and names for each other but there are right ways of saying them too, I am very lucky in the 5 years there has never been tamponsorry tempo from Ems but lots from me, funny that
Welcome back Steve....with some wise words too.![]()
Well thngs are looking up we are on full speaking terms and sorting things out.
She tells me she loves me so much and I have said that in the future I will not act in haste but if a problem arises then we sort it before it escalates.
I asked if it would be ok to play some golf down in Spain with my mates for 5 days leaving Sunday, she gave me her blessing and said to me have a nice time.
Oh well....enjoy !
(Peeing it down here)
That's made my day, raining there![]()
Hmm, my mates's got an apartment there.![]()
I actually did this once. ....I didn't go to the pub. .I went to see my mother. .that lasted 6 hours. ...by the Time I got back, we were finished, she told all her family and blood suckin friend (perhaps I should include her family) and had arranged a flight back home. This was 2nd Christmas together.
It was all over nothing. .I thought I'd give her time to reflect. ..Needless to say, I didn't do that again. ...at least not until I got the credit card from her. ....ahh...happy days.
I had to laugh when I went round to visit my best mate years ago.
He lived in a little terraced house with his girlfriend, and they had a bit of a 'tumultuous' relationship.
Anyway, I turned into the street, and noticed that all the parked cars seemed to be decorated with washing and other bits and pieces.
Turns out she'd caught him kissing another girl the previous night and had stormed off home and chucked all of his precious high fashion clothes and other stuff out of the bedroom window. He got in later and hadn't woken up and noticed anything yet.![]()
Having read all this I am really lucky as Rina is really chilled - she has to calm me down - really stressed at the moment as I started a new job last month and its right on top of me..
I've let go a couple of times and she just says she loves me and she knows its not me saying anything bad but just my stress.
Guess I am lucky and I know I am, she is one in a trillion and for all my failings she is there to pick me up.
I hope you get sorted mate - I know what its like to have a partner not talk to you for many days - my ex wife used to torture me with it.
You ARE lucky Tone.
Take good care of her.![]()
Graham - seriously I help her a lot but its a two way street - she gave me an amazing Son and everyday I tell her what she means to me and how much I love her.
I started on the fags actually and just told her that I had started - she was a bit disappointed but she knows I'll drop them when I've overcome this stressful time.
Thanks though!
One way or the other things will have to give, I only have so much tolerance then I do what I always do I walk away and let people fend for themselves.
A bit harsh but I have my own health and sanity to take care of.
You know what they say "There are plenty more fish in the sea"
And also people don't realise what they've lost till it's gone..
Cheers tone...![]()
B1tch should only be used if she's done something to earn that title, like cheating for example.![]()
I wonder why the guy's sensitivity isn't taken into consideration here
You would of thought seeing how he's presumably changed the woman's life and family's for the better so, you would of thought there would of been more understanding on her part. ...I'm not talking about Mark's situation but, in general ....too much pussy footing around these supposedly fragile, delicate types for my liking![]()
Hmm....'gratitude' is a tricky one Mark.
Are we assuming that we had nothing to gain from the relationship ?
I would tend to leave anything to do with 'what we have done for them' out of the equation.![]()
I think it's always unfair to think of the things that you have done for your partner to prove/say that he/she shouldn't have acted the way he/she did. Both have sacrificed things just for both of you to be together. It doesn't matter which one sacrificed or did more. If you are counting the things you did for your wife or husband, then why did you do it in the first place? Your marriage, or any relationship you have, will always be doomed if you keep on counting what you did for the other person.
In the case of markroomspain, he knew his wife wouldn't like it when he started smoking again and worse, he hid it until she caught him. What made things worst, he called her a "nagging *****" which was uncalled for. Did she have a valid reason why she had the "tampo" mode on? A big fat YES.
Filipinas, most often than not, have valid reasons why she goes on tampo mode. You just have to learn how to handle things properly just what Graham said.
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
So I assume you are smoking still, hope not Mark!![]()
Still am Michael but the wife is sticking by me on this one she said I will stop again.
Funny thing is I was off them for 15 months then started due to stress
I will be trying Champix this time so who knows, I know bidmarco has tried a few times and others on here.
Myself and the missus are still new as a married couple and still getting to know each other and I suppose we test each other to see what our limits are lol.
But we have said to each other many many times we are each others strengths and she said to me we are stronger than most folks she just feels it, I suppose with her being a bit sensitive to the other sideshe seems to know...
So if you want a reading give her a call...
Only joking mate...![]()
By the way, it's TAMPO not tampon. Tampon is the one used by women with menstruation.
Also, winding up people is not always a good type of conversation. Look at what happened to Barry's thread.![]()
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
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