Thanks Alanafter reading your informed write up I realise that after becoming somewhat enraged reading the British Medical Journal report I not for the first time, shot from the hip by glibly stating :-
"I doubt it the NHS is awash with these foreign shysters"
I've now changed it to :-
"I doubt it GMC Disciplinary Hearings are awash with these foreign shysters"
I know Joe would vehemently disagree but I think we do need to consider why a disproportionate number of Doctors up before the Disciplinary Panel are foreign. Here are a couple of links to my previous threads for those wishing to read a bit more detail :-
Half Of Foreign Doctors 'Not Trained Enough'
Indian doctors are FOUR times more likely to be struck off than those trained in Britain
The GMC have made the right decision in striking Ioannis Tosounidis off, I hope it is permanent with no chance of him creeping back into UK employment following appeal