I found from the application form asking about the applicant if she/he has relatives in the UK.
I have a brother there living with his family for about 3 years now. They are not citizens yet I believe and still waiting for their 5 years of staying there to make them a permanent resident. I have also an aunt whose been living in the UK for 35 years already. When I applied for a visitor's visa with my company, I didn't declare that I have relatives there in the UK. Now, I'm confusedif I should declare my brother and my aunt in my application form (I will apply for spouse/settlement visa). Would that affect my application? I'm worried that I might be questioned why I didn't declare them on my first visa application. I'm also considering the fact that maybe someday, my brother or my aunt would sponsor my parents or other siblings to visit the UK and they would need to declare me in their applications. I don't want to get denied because of this.
When my brother applied for his visa, he didn't mention in his application about my aunt living in the UK for 35 years and he had no problems with his visa.
Please enlighten me on this... thanks!