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Thread: Help with wedding arrangements in Davao

  1. #1
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    Help with wedding arrangements in Davao

    Please can anyone help with a few queries regarding my wedding:-

    1)Can i exchange my CNI in Cebu that i have got from my local office in the Uk?

    2)Can i book my appointment to get my CNI in Cebu before i fly?

    3)Can i book the judge/priest who will preform the wedding now or do i need to wait until i have waited 10 days?

    4)As time will be tight is it best to post the 10 days in Cebu or quickly fly to Davao to post them, as we will marry in Davao in september.

    5)Could anyone help with where in Davao i can book the marriage guidence meeting?

    6)Does my Fiancee need to change any paperwork in her embassey if so can this be done in Cebu?

    Sorry if i have repeated any questions but i have looked alot at this site and mainly seen Manila is the place to go but i would prefer Cebu.

    Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann

  2. #2
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    If your gf came from visayas or even from some part of mindanao. I may advice you to get a local cni here in mandaue (cebu)along with her as it's all done so easy and real quick that only takes an hour or half, no need to fly over to manila for that said matter (it cost much for u to do so.) of course don't forget to bring your uk cni along with you....I may advice you to bring the ff:

    ____divorce certificate ( if applicable)
    ____birth certificate (both ) to see the correct spelling to avoid conflict later on (original birth cert of your bf and NSO copy for a girl)
    ____uk cni
    _____passport (bf)
    ____cenomar (both) (optional)
    ______payments (not sure how much but its about 5,020 peso when we had ours few weeks back)

    OPSSSSSSSs wait if your gf is still under parental consent please get one before coming to the consular office as Moya Jackson will refuse you to issue one...I am not sure what age up to but starting from 18 , u have to ask the specific age...go to city hall near to her place and get a parental consent provided by any lawyer/judge .(not sure if there is any payment but not much if there is)..(my husband friend had delayed of getting cni as they forgot to get a parental consent for his gf )

    wait for couple of mins till Moya Jackson hand you over the local cni as shes going to type it upstairs. thats it....

    Best to go there early morning but need to have an appointment done by email......she will definitely answers in no problem with that..just tell her that you have to ask a local cni and just provide the exacts what date and time you were in cebu.......u tell her(Moya Jackson) if its best if you can have the schedule soon as possible as u wish when is best and suitable for u won't need to wait long enough ....

    If have enough time right the same day go directly to register office where your gf is residing at, apply for a marriage license....just bring all those things ive mentioned above....wait for 10 days................and its all done and free to marry...GOOD LUCK.

    Mrs. Moya Jackson
    Villa Terrace, Greenhills Road
    Casuntingan, Mandaue
    Cebu City
    Office hours:
    9:00 a.m. to 12nn (Monday-Friday – by appointment only)
    * Out of the country from 31 July – 6 October 2008

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by socool007 View Post
    Please can anyone help with a few queries regarding my wedding:-

    1)Can i exchange my CNI in Cebu that i have got from my local office in the Uk?
    2)Can i book my appointment to get my CNI in Cebu before i fly?
    3)Can i book the judge/priest who will preform the wedding now or do i need to wait until i have waited 10 days?
    You book when you apply for marriage licence
    4)As time will be tight is it best to post the 10 days in Cebu or quickly fly to Davao to post them, as we will marry in Davao in september.
    5)Could anyone help with where in Davao i can book the marriage guidence meeting?
    6)Does my Fiancee need to change any paperwork in her embassey if so can this be done in Cebu?
    Sorry if i have repeated any questions but i have looked alot at this site and mainly seen Manila is the place to go but i would prefer Cebu.

    Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann
    3 out of six ain't too bad....... I reckon....

    some other member will come up with the right answers to the rest, I guess.....

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    i just paste what i wrote on the other thread as your problems may seems related to are the answers of your questions, not sure if its right but its based only on my experience..don't worry as many will try to help you here...just be patient yea for sure you can have all your worries clear ahead of time.

    Just a summary of what i posted above to give you more clarrification

    1)Can i exchange my CNI in Cebu that i have got from my local office in the Uk?

    ___yes you can exchange it here in cebu and please refer to what i wrote above, that is more in details.

    2)Can i book my appointment to get my CNI in Cebu before i fly?

    ___yes you can book an apointment right after you got your flight ready goin to phils....and please refer above as I wrote the complete address, tel no..and email address of the consular office in an apointment by email and tell your specific date of your arrival in cebu.

    3)Can i book the judge/priest who will preform the wedding now or do i need to wait until i have waited 10 days?

    After applying for a marriage license at any registrar office where you gf residing will tell to wait 10 days before the issuance of the license and you may or not attend to have a seminar it depends on the place itself...just let your gf inquire those before so... if you get married just at the office of the mayor same place where you filed a license, ask if the Mayor is available if he/she can perform a ceremony and let the registrar book a schedule for you of the fix wedding date you choose...

    Yes you have to wait until you have the license held in hand before asking for someone whom will going to perform the ceremony unless if you were just going to marry at the local town where the license issued, they will have to arrange that for you.....


    if you don't feel like to have the ceremony there....wait till you got the license ready and take it to any place that you are planning to marry and book a wedding date.

    4)As time will be tight is it best to post the 10 days in Cebu or quickly fly to Davao to post them, as we will marry in Davao in september. dont need to wait 10 days in were just going in cebu to exchange your uk cni to local cni and right after you got local cni you are free to go fly in davao to apply for a license, the waiting time starts in davao, not in cebu. you can get the local cni same day.

    5)Could anyone help with where in Davao i can book the marriage guidence meeting?

    I don't know what you mean about those.....just fly over in phili,book and apointment in cebu through email even while you were still in uk for as long as you have flight schedule ready going to phils, go along with your gf in cebu to get a local cni , right after go back to gf's place in davao and there apply a license, you will know everything when u get there......................the registrar office will tells you what involves any if there is...(thats only simple step).

    6)Does my Fiancee need to change any paperwork in her embassey if so can this be done in Cebu?

    theres nothing any

  5. #5
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your replies.Much appreciated.very helpful. keep them coming!

    quick question:- how do i put a pic on?

  6. #6
    Member CaptB's Avatar
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    Go to your settings for avatar inside your User CP.

    Take your photo and reduce the size to within 100 x 100 pixels and just the upload setting is on the Avatar page.

    Regarding the sexual education class shop around since there are different places and they seem to run on different week days. Also the wheels can be greased and a quick exchange of money and your out of there with it already processed and no boring class.

  7. #7
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    Please could someone give me Mrs Moye Jacksons phone no

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    ........If your gf came from visayas or even from some part of mindanao. I may advice you to get a local cni here in mandaue (cebu)along with her as it's all done so easy and real quick that only takes an hour or half.......
    Hi Marylen, thanks once again.
    If we have all the documents you mentioned.....
    So my GF does not have to wait many days to get her CNI, as we have to in UK?

  9. #9
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    once you have your uk cni u can exchange it right away to local cni to the specific place ive mentioned above...yeah it takes only a minute and you can get it right away.............

  10. #10
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    please refer above i already put all the contact number, address of MOya Jackson and so as her email add ......................thanks

  11. #11
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    okay here is the contact number of Moya Jackson..hope it helps....


    (63) (32) 3460 525


    (63) (32) 3460 269

  12. #12
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    Thank you i will phone today

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