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Thread: Spouse visa questions

  1. #1
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Spouse visa questions

    Does a 7 year old need their own visa application, or just be stated on the mothers application?

    I was born in the UK and am British, when did I get permission to live in the UK I suppose I arrived on the day I was born.

    For proof or relationship, do they want piles of papers with full transcripts of email and chat, or just a list of dates?

    A lot of the questions are as clear as mud, and the guide helps you by saying "Please provide details as requested"

    Any hints, particularly referring to the new form, would be appreciated.

    Same goes for the supporting letter.

    I thought I had seen most of this on the other website, but I can't find it, and many of the links seem to be dead

  2. #2
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    i applied my spouse visa application last aug 8,with regards to that particular question, my husband is purely british and truly born in uk since then up to now...i just put N/A on one of the question and on the other one same as what others did...."i just also put Not Applicable natural born british citizen.

    Anyway i submitted all the proofs related to our relationship, emails, chat, letters, pics. etc...

    I think if a 7yr old going to accompany same time, he doesnt need to fill up any application form as its only stated on the form any children travelling with you, just put his name and filled all those things related to that matter....but of course he needs to have a separate visa fee.............(just my opinon) others can do tell u rightfully..........

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    i applied my spouse visa application last aug 8,with regards to that particular question, my husband is purely british and truly born in uk since then up to now...i just put N/A on one of the question and on the other one same as what others did...."i just also put Not Applicable natural born british citizen.

    Anyway i submitted all the proofs related to our relationship, emails, chat, letters, pics. etc...

    I think if a 7yr old going to accompany same time, he doesnt need to fill up any application form as its only stated on the form any children travelling with you, just put his name and filled all those things related to that matter....but of course he needs to have a separate visa fee.............(just my opinon) others can do tell u rightfully..........
    A 7 year old will just go on the same form as his mother as a dependant and as far as I know, you will only need to pay one visa fee.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'll throw a spanner in the works and say...

    if its a settlement visa then its a form for each person and a fee for each person, as the fee is for processing the app.

    but give the embassy a call, but i'm sure you have to pay..

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