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Thread: Beginning to ask myself...

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    Beginning to ask myself...

    I s'pose it's a fair chance that, after introducing oneself, a first post is likely to be a story. I just hope that mine doesn't turn out like the tale by "nomorericepleas", as my lady is also from Calbayog City. Anyway, here goes... so please bear with me for a brief history and, more importantly, my current concern.

    I joined a Filipina dating site for free on 08 July 2007. On 28 July I got a short but well written note from Mxxxxxx. My upgrade was paid within a week or so of joining so I could read and write messages. I read Mxxxxx's note, checked her profile and BAM... magnetic attraction, so I wrote back. We each have been married over 20yrs, with me divorced for as long, and M had been abandoned over 4yrs at that time, after suffering abuse. She used her real name as ID and for eMail, which she gave me in her first message, so I felt she was being open about herself and we started to exchange eMails, then chat in YahooIM.

    Within a few weeks we each felt there was a real chance for us to "make a go" of a new life for us both. Arrangements were made for her to take time from work so we could meet, which we did when I flew to Mactan last October. A situation had arisen at her place of work in which she was indirectly involved as a go-between, and both sides of the dispute took no heed of her absence. Her mobile was alive with texts from both parties, also calls from her estranged hubby, so you can imagine our first time together was not all roses. But we made the best of it.

    M met me alone at the airport and we took a hotel in Cebu where we behaved as you might expect a magnetically attracted couple to behave. After 3 days we went to Leyte and stayed in a Tacloban lodge for 3 days before going to Manila, Baguio, then back to Manila for 3 days in another hotel. In Baguio I became ill with "Gloria's revenge" and, due to the incessant mobile and her crazy estranged husband, I made the mistake of arranging an early flight home. I say "mistake" cos my guts settled and our last 3 days in Manila were much better.

    Things didn't seem quite the same after our visit and through to early New Year. Then, right through to April, the ride was often bumpy. At the end of April I'd had enough uncertainty and told her I was out of it. For 2 months M left offline messages for me in Yahoo at intervals of up to 12 days. Trivial stuff which I ignored when I found them. No eMails, just YahooIM which I was not using each day as I had done before. And this was the woman who'd decided I was to be her new husband, yet chose to write and chat with another UK guy in preference to me cos he was more "understanding".

    I later wrote to the guy who said that M and I should sort things out and that he had visited Phils in November cos he had many friends there. That seemed to fit with things changing after my own visit but, even so, at the end of June I chose to respond to M's latest YahooIM and we got back on track. So much so that we both said we had taken time to think and decided that it was time to kick the annulment process in action for her. Needless to say who paid the 60,000php attorney fees but I was more than happy to do so. She says that the other UK guy has stopped writing and he's not ready for a relationship; also, if he were, she says that he would not choose her.

    We are now in month 14 of our relationship and at no time has M actually asked me for money until this last month. Within 3 weeks of our first contact her brother died and I had no hesitation in sending the relatively small amount necessary to assist in his "laying to rest". M said I had no obligation but I'd fallen for her "big time" and, despite those who think they know about all Pinas being the same, I defended her and sent the money. All Pinas are NOT the same, just like ALL of ANY race are not all the same... and I have defended my girl through thick and thin.

    Some might play "the oldest trick in the book" but I never doubted her about her brother's demise. Last month I asked M about it and she, quite rightly, hit the roof to think I accuse her of being a con artist, thief, and liar. I explained that I wanted proof to try and convince my family members who all think I'm crazy to want her and her kids. But I also wanted to write a letter of support for her Fiancee visa application and hoped that such statements might be considered favourably as evidence by ECOs as to the nature of our relationship. She obtained a copy of the death certificate and I have the image as expected.

    Aside from attorney fees I've sent a number of money gifts when I've been aware there's a need, and some when there's been no need apparent. I am by no means wealthy but one occasion she had borrowed a sum of money to make a birthday party for her daughter. She didn't ask for anything but little did she know that I had already decided it was time to send some support. So I said nothing and sent the larger sum I already intended. That very day she received a demand for arrears of rent on her plot, and the sum I sent covered both rent (of which I was not aware) and the money borrowed for the birthday. Such things have happened so many times that it's as if we communicate telepathically.

    That was as short as I could make it... sorry. Now for my current quandry, and I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Maybe my crystal ball has become cloudy.

    Initially, her ex had agreed to co-operate with the annulment and was happy to soon be free... so he should be, at no personal cost... to go start afresh with his new girl and their new child. Now he becomes awkward, disinterested, and unco-operative, as well as witholding financial support which he is supposed to do by "law". Need I say more?

    Saturday night I sent a loving cell text for Good Luck in things she must do on Monday, and hoped for a similar loving text in return. The loving reply woke me up (maybe in more ways than one) and told how her salary had been used up on a number of things and how she needs help. I have no doubt of that, and she didn't ask a specific amount. She knows my financial state, so I replied that I do not have her salary to send. She came back with "a small amount will help".

    Under other circumstances I would do what I can to send cash as support, but I feel caught between moral obligation (as I see it) and common sense.

    Recent letters I've sent in eMail have not been responded where response to questions would be appropriate, in spite of reminders that these are necessary as evidence for visa application.

    And lately she started using SMS after Yahoo chat cos she has no home Internet. I understand that's a good move for less cost for her, but she said I could leave text messages in YahooIM to save me money also. This I have done and she says she doesn't see my messages. Now... maybe I'm thick, but the Yahoo text box allows me to send one message, telling me she will receive the message on a mobile device, but no more can be sent until she responds. I have her current SIM in Yahoo but have never received a response and I feel the SMS was initiated for more reason that just economic.

    Also, on Friday there was a long gap before she responded my first chat text in response to her earlier message, even after I buzzed her PC.. I had come on late and saw that she was still there. Later in the day, instinct and intuition caused me to check the dating site and it showed her profile was accessed that day. Same thing in the dating site when things didn't feel right on Aug 19th, but she said it was her daughter in there cos her daughter setup the dating account for M in order for M to find happiness.

    On a recent occasion I sent her proceeds of goods I had sold to get funds for myself. I received a Thank You text in my mobile, and a request for more money. When I asked about that she said it was her daughter who sent the text. Despite my requests that her kids don't use her ID for eMail, YahooIM, dating site, and even her cellphone, it seems she's either not bothered, not interested, or has no regard for privacy. I've also received eMail invites to other dating sites, sent as if in her name, of which she denies all knowledge or says it was her daughter. When I raise the question of why she shares her ID with her kids she says I make a fuss over nothng.

    That's about it, folks, and I know there's only one person can decide what to do. I've devoted the last 14 months to a woman I've wanted more than anything, and living, breathing, working to try and make this happen for us on the basis that we are somehow destined to be together.

    This is only half a story and we both say we Love each other and will make it work. Our individual 20yr histories, and the pain of another loss not being an experience either of us wants, could well make that true. But it raises the question of Love. Some say that where there is Real Love there will be trust and no doubt. Makes me wonder if that remains valid when parties are separated by 7,000 miles of ocean with the erratic power supply of Western Samar providing, or not, communication, to often raise questions in even the most determined minds.

    Thanks for reading and, in advance, for any comments that might be forthcoming.


    PS - Since preparing this screed in Notepad, I have sent a small sum to get her out of a hole if she is, in fact, desperate right now.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it doesn't look good ken, you asked for her brothers death cert, did you ever see her marriage cert or evidence of her seeking an annulment ?

    i take it when she gets her annulment you will both get married ?

    opps made a mistake ! pc had a fit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #3
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hi ken,

    long distance relationship is really, really hard but as long as both of you are really determined to make the relationship work, theres a big chance of a happy ending.

    You seem to be a nice person, i just hope your girlfriend truly loves you and heres wishing that her annulment will be a success, so you can both move forward to the next step...

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  4. #4
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    I don't feel too confortable with this......

    Instead of sending more money, I would take a trip overthere for a quick look, unannounced......

    And then spring the surprise....

    Or dump her now. It may have not started as a scam, but by now it has become one.

    Only a couple of pennies worth...

  5. #5
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    watch out for there are lots of scammers online... there's lots of nice filipina out there but there's also loads of hookers...
    I fall in love with my husband even no money involved in our relationship, I am not a rich kid but I have my pride not to accept money from anyone especially for my boyfriend. I apply for my visa and travel to the UK without asking any financial help from him. So I guess, it's a shame for a woman to keep on asking help to her bf especially if it's money involve.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    yep,read your lovelife story ken and sad to say am aggreeing with my mates have to think about it first before commiting yourself to her.its a big big decision and you have to be sure or else you end up regretting it.
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  7. #7
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    how old her daughter why they are sharing the ID of the dating sites,we don't know she's still looking for a man but she told you it was her daughter and she said it was her daughter text you to asked you a money all reason she haves is her daughter,it is really suspicious hmmmmm i hate scammer.
    all things are possible!

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    Thanks for the comments.

    Thanks for the comments, and Thanks to jbt for your remarks. I agree that there seems to be valid cause for concern. My own comments below will show how I've thought this through and can see there could be genuine explanations for some concerns.

    Before I even went to visit I was aware of all the negatives and warnings about popular scams, and I'm still getting it from all quarters. I also know how the personality can change in some people after they get what they set out to get. Same thing can happen in reverse, with the Pina being the victim, and such has happened to many a girl whose man turned out to be a pig.

    Yes, joebloggs, I've seen certified copies of marriage cert, birth cert, and Affidavit for reversion to maiden name for passport, in view of Annulment being commenced. Have also received copy of the Annulment Petition from attorney and satisfied myself that there is such an attorney. The Petition contains police reports and hospital reports regarding her ex's physical abuse on her and an adopted son, so I'm satisfied about the truth of what she says happened.

    Our goal was to bring M to UK and get married, although she seems to have a good business head and would be happy for me to go live with her there. But her ex is a complete nutter with friends in official places. He knew, before it was served, about a restraining order M had lodged against him. He also knew and turned ugly when she started the Petition, even though he'd agreed to co-operate. The guy has held a gun to her head and, as much as I felt emotionally drawn into Phils, that feels just a tad too risky to me... for both of us.

    I guess we all know how easy it is to send eMail with our sender address as anything we choose it to be, and I could go to any old dating site and open a free account in her name, with mugshot and whatever details and text I choose to put in there... providing she doesn't have an account with that site.

    As for SMS... I'm no techy and neither is she. Her son setup the SMS for her and maybe her SMS might not have International cover, something I failed to setup for my mobile before going to Phils, but it's still a niggle and a grey area.

    Recent eMail letters awaiting response are also a niggle but haven't been ignored... it's just that she responds in chat... and continuity in letters would be better evidence. I've saved all chat sessions from Day01 and eMails also, but I've read comments on how chat transcripts are not as crucial as letters or eMails.

    That all reads like I'm trying to justify everything in her favour, and I guess I am, but I have deep feelings for M and shall continue to feel for her whatever happens. There'll be no animosity on my part over the money. M needs it more than me and I shall replace it in the same way that M brought me back to life and showed me that I can love again. For me that's a good deal at not too high a price.

    However, the money sent last night will probably be the last as I shall set aside the relationship in favour of work and a clear mind and see what happens. If she fades into the woodwork, I guess that could be the answer to everything. Worse than losing her will be me looking like a jackass in the eyes of those who know me personally, and who will very likely not be too slow in saying "Told you so". But I'm ready for that, and such is always the attitude of family and friends who are too scared to try and better themselves in any way.

    Thanks again for the comments. At time of writing, the cash has not yet been collected, but it's Fiesta in Catbalogan and M is engaged in that.


  9. #9
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi faralorbes & telford, I admire ladies like you, I myself doesnt ask money from my husband...if I want to go shopping, I use my own money...I work so I can buy myself silly things...I prefer to pay my own airfare if we go on holidays bec hubby pays for the kids, accommodation and other expense, so fair enough if i do my share.

    Hi Ken, I dont know what her intentions are but I hope her feelings for you is for real....see if she will change if you stop sending her money anyway if you havent met her Im sure she can sort herself out.

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    Final thoughts...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi faralorbes & telford, I admire ladies like you, I myself doesnt ask money from my husband...if I want to go shopping, I use my own money...I work so I can buy myself silly things...I prefer to pay my own airfare if we go on holidays bec hubby pays for the kids, accommodation and other expense, so fair enough if i do my share.

    Hi Ken, I dont know what her intentions are but I hope her feelings for you is for real....see if she will change if you stop sending her money anyway if you havent met her Im sure she can sort herself out.
    Thanks, Geraldine, M and I met in Cebu last October. I admire also ladies like yourself, those you mention, and all others who act likewise.

    I only found out about the adopted son when a child's name I didn't recognise was in Petition.

    Latest talk has been for M to file criminal proceedings against her ex for the assaults. I believe this had been done before with no result for M, but the judge was a crooked mate of her ex and was murdered about the time the case was dealt with. Needless to say there would be money required for such a case to be made.

    On reflection... for someone who claimed to have little knowledge of Cebu, she seemed to know her way around and was always chatty with the cabbies. Also, there was something about the hotel we had in Manila that made me laugh and, believe it or not, I'm still laughing as I write this... cos I know what you're going to say.

    The room was excellent with all services. There was a full mirrored wall alongside the bed. On the back of the door there was a tariff of room charges, with various charges depending on length of occupation. I pointed this out to M and remarked about it being an obvious "knocking shop" as the room could be taken for very short periods, as little as 2 or 4hrs if I recall. She made no comment.

    If my reference to the nature of the room, or reference in the next para, contravene terms of posting, then I accept that, with apologies, and I'm happy for Mod to amend appropriately. Thanks.

    Next day she left the room to go to shops for loads and reception phoned me to ask if it was Ok for her to go out. Nuff said. Maybe we are now underground porn stars and I don't know it?
    And maybe... ... best not go there, eh?

    A few weeks ago, before joining this board, I sent an eMail to Pete, ginapeterb, and I'm indebted for the good advice he gave in response, also the views and opinions of many others on these forums. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but so is the ability to accept personal responsibility for our actions. That's why I can accept the fact that, at my age, having lived for 13yrs without an emotional partner caused me to act too quickly in this relationship, didn't get all the necessary advice and correct info before getting in too deep, and left it far too late for joining this board.

    Whether or not I continue with Phils remains to be seen, but if I do then it seems like Pete's suggestion to consider a single lady or a widow lady of suitable age with no complications, no kids, adult kids, or just one or two youngsters might be a far easier path to tread... carefully. Cebu or Leyte seem like a better bet than Samar too. Time will tell.

    Suddenly, the thought of being on my own with a clear mind doesn't seem such a bad idea. Allow time for emotions to stabilise and the dust to settle.


  11. #11
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hi ken, relationships like this is hard, but being a filipina myself i would never ever dream of asking any kind of monetary support from a bf. she has in the past managed without you so why start relying on you now. i can tell you are a very decent guy, i think you deserve better. goodluck to you ken hope things work out for you. godbless!
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  12. #12
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    Hi Ken

    Good luck with whatever decision you make, but be careful. It is easy to think everything is as it seems when you want it to. You need to think carefully about what you are going to do.

    It may be betterto leave things for a while and then think about it with a clear head, but at the end of the day it has to be your decision.

    I guess I am fortunate as I met my wife here in the UK so disdn't have any of the problems you mention.

    Have a look at some other posts and websites, there are some real horror stories but there are also some womderful stories.

    As I say just be vareful and think clearly.

  13. #13
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Off to Cebu myself in two weeks if you would like to chat sms me a contact my number is now deleted

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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Off to Cebu myself in two weeks if you would like to chat sms me a contact my number is 07891091903
    Maybe an idea to buy a sim card there.
    Activate roaming before you leave and then you can be texted in the UK very cheaply by your Mahal in the Phils

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    Quote Originally Posted by kencornish View Post
    Suddenly, the thought of being on my own with a clear mind doesn't seem such a bad idea. Allow time for emotions to stabilise and the dust to settle.
    Ken, your story is quite complicated and, to be honest, from what you have written, it sounds suspicious to me.

    As many people have commented on here, go to the Philippines and see that there are certainly many lovely, friendly ladies there.

    I would trust the posters on here; we look after each other with good advice and we can all get pointers for the future.

    A Filipina can be the most loving and caring lady, and the quest is worth it in the end if you put effort and enthusiasm in.

    Best of luck in your decision.

    Onwards and Upwards.

  16. #16
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kencornish View Post
    Whether or not I continue with Phils remains to be seen, but if I do then it seems like Pete's suggestion to consider a single lady or a widow lady of suitable age with no complications, no kids, adult kids, or just one or two youngsters might be a far easier path to tread...
    Just come to Phils and find your ideal woman over here - you can find very attractive women in every village or hamlet. Those not on the net are much less likely to be scammers!

  17. #17
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Maybe an idea to buy a sim card there.
    Activate roaming before you leave and then you can be texted in the UK very cheaply by your Mahal in the Phils
    thanks Mike ive already done that got my globe card here already to pop in when i land my uk number doesnt charge to receive texts and im taking my laptop for skype ect with me so i can keep in touch with the uk cheaply

  18. #18
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi Ken,

    You really sound like a nice man, if you have decided to move on...I'll be happy to introduce you to my Mum Oh my I sound like pimping my Mum here hahah. Anyway my Mum is 59yrs old, very nice and lovely lady. Dad died 4yrs ago so I want her to move on and just enjoy life with a DECENT guy. Of course I want someone who will take her seriously and be nice to her and just spend the rest of their remaining lives happily. She is not aware of this but I did mention to her before that if I can find her a decent man I will. PM me anytime.

    All the best.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    I just want to say something about people commenting on those who need monetary help and having pride etc.

    Just because someone asks for money does not mean they are necessarily a scammer or a hooker or that there isn't genuine love etc, everyones situations are different!

    I supported Tonet from when we first met online till she was able to come here and get her own job. I was very happy to do so and here we are still together 4 years later and with our first wedding anniversary under our belts.

    Those who have managed to get by without the support of your bf/husband are lucky to be able to do so, that's good for you! Those that aren't so lucky can still have pride in themselves and also be genuine with their feelings for their loved partner.

  20. #20
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    I just want to say something about people commenting on those who need monetary help and having pride etc.

    Just because someone asks for money does not mean they are necessarily a scammer or a hooker or that there isn't genuine love etc, everyones situations are different!

    I supported Tonet from when we first met online till she was able to come here and get her own job. I was very happy to do so and here we are still together 4 years later and with our first wedding anniversary under our belts.

    Those who have managed to get by without the support of your bf/husband are lucky to be able to do so, that's good for you! Those that aren't so lucky can still have pride in themselves and also be genuine with their feelings for their loved partner.
    I agree

  21. #21
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi Kencornish..I was enthralled by your story as it seemed a mirror of my own. Being of a similar age myself.(well.a bit younger) I knew how you felt about it all..Whilst in China I met quite a lot of ladies from the Filipines and everyone of them was nice...but in reality I knew that bothering with a young girl at my maturity was asking for I kept my head down and looked at the fare (so to speak) Along came my lovely lady who was 38 years old but looked and acted as though she was 30. But she was not so bothered about the flashy things in life..and I must admit..she is the best girl in the World...So my friend...don't give up..I would just think that its best to aim for someone who is a little bit more mature maybe and who just wants a nice man about the place...There are plenty of lovely ladies out there in the have just got to search for them...I still cannot get over the fact that in one months time..I'm going to be a dad and thats after I had told my mates in the UK. two years ago that my love life was over...and the TV. was my new wife hahaha...go for it mate..good luck in all your endeavours...

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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    hi ken, relationships like this is hard, but being a filipina myself i would never ever dream of asking any kind of monetary support from a bf. she has in the past managed without you so why start relying on you now. i can tell you are a very decent guy, i think you deserve better. goodluck to you ken hope things work out for you. godbless!
    Thanks for the compliment and, yes, I consider myself a decent guy.. also too open and honest for my own good. My passion is to help people from the benefit of my own mistakes. Maybe this will turn out to provide more grist to the mill. I'm sure M will manage quite well without further help from me. The cash I sent was collected just a few minutes after 0500 RP time today, without any form of acknowledgement. But I know that could be just cos power is down. At least that's usually the answer, but I've long since thought it can also make for a good excuse.


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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Hi Kencornish..I was enthralled by your story as it seemed a mirror of my own. Being of a similar age myself.(well.a bit younger) I knew how you felt about it all..Whilst in China I met quite a lot of ladies from the Filipines and everyone of them was nice...but in reality I knew that bothering with a young girl at my maturity was asking for I kept my head down and looked at the fare (so to speak) Along came my lovely lady who was 38 years old but looked and acted as though she was 30. But she was not so bothered about the flashy things in life..and I must admit..she is the best girl in the World...So my friend...don't give up..I would just think that its best to aim for someone who is a little bit more mature maybe and who just wants a nice man about the place...There are plenty of lovely ladies out there in the have just got to search for them...I still cannot get over the fact that in one months time..I'm going to be a dad and thats after I had told my mates in the UK. two years ago that my love life was over...and the TV. was my new wife hahaha...go for it mate..good luck in all your endeavours...
    Hi jackmac452

    I think it would be a mistake for any man to ignore younger Filipinas as not being "mature".
    My wife is indeed quite a bit younger than me, but I would say that I find her far more mature than so many of greater years.
    That was one thing that really surprised me - that Filipinos are so mature for their years, both male and female.
    This can be seen all over the world by their strong characters and their "get-up-and-go" attitude to life.

    You will know from your wife that she is so adaptable, this I feel, is an admirable trait right across the age spectrum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    Hi Ken

    Good luck with whatever decision you make, but be careful. It is easy to think everything is as it seems when you want it to. You need to think carefully about what you are going to do.

    It may be betterto leave things for a while and then think about it with a clear head, but at the end of the day it has to be your decision.

    I guess I am fortunate as I met my wife here in the UK so disdn't have any of the problems you mention.

    Have a look at some other posts and websites, there are some real horror stories but there are also some womderful stories.

    As I say just be vareful and think clearly.
    Thanks, Scouse. I've done plenty of reading and I've read stories on both sides of the coin. I was aware before going into this and before visiting Phils. I have a mate with a Filipina wife of 24yrs and another contact with Filipina wife of similar record, both are about same age difference twixt man and wife as M and myself. Careful thinking is to be my watchword but it's too soon for me anyway, so I shall be leaving things for a while.


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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Ken, your story is quite complicated and, to be honest, from what you have written, it sounds suspicious to me.

    As many people have commented on here, go to the Philippines and see that there are certainly many lovely, friendly ladies there.

    I would trust the posters on here; we look after each other with good advice and we can all get pointers for the future.

    A Filipina can be the most loving and caring lady, and the quest is worth it in the end if you put effort and enthusiasm in.

    Best of luck in your decision.

    Onwards and Upwards.
    Thanks, aposhark, for your remarks and encouragement. I can tell there is love and compassion on this board, so trust will not be an issue for me here.

    Complicated is correct... suspicious, possibly. I've been thinking the voice in my head was a devil causing doubt, rather than intuition. There's been a whole lot of intuition in our relationship... mostly positive... so I overrode the doubt. But, just to show how intuition is still alive, here's what happened last night.

    After avoiding any possible contact with M all day yesterday, I activated Yahoo at 2210 last night, 0510am in Phils. There was no message from her, but there was a message from Xoom that the cash had been collected just 6 minutes before I went to check. Some will say coincidence, but when such things happen as regularly as in this relationship, I don't think so.


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi Ken,

    You really sound like a nice man, if you have decided to move on...I'll be happy to introduce you to my Mum Oh my I sound like pimping my Mum here hahah. Anyway my Mum is 59yrs old, very nice and lovely lady. Dad died 4yrs ago so I want her to move on and just enjoy life with a DECENT guy. Of course I want someone who will take her seriously and be nice to her and just spend the rest of their remaining lives happily. She is not aware of this but I did mention to her before that if I can find her a decent man I will. PM me anytime.

    All the best.
    Thanks for the compliment, Geraldine, and without any BS you give me a great honour in even considering an intro to your Mum. My wants and needs are simple, much like your Mum I guess, and maybe a lady closer to my own age would be a safer idea. However, I'm respopnsible enough to realise that I need to get myself into a healthier financial position before I consider any lady just now. M has inspired me to come back to life, and I shall never forget that. Time now to put that life to good use. Thanks again, and I shall not forget, Geraldine.

  27. #27
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I think you've got to just take this one on the chin Ken, put it down to experience, just accept that you've been scammed and are still being scammed, then move on. There are lots of nice genuine Filipinas out there, most of whom would be loathe to ever ask you for any money.

    The first time I sent my missus money, before we were married that is, it was for her air fare to Manila to meet me there. I sent her a bit more than P5000 and when we met in Manila, she offered me the change from the P5000. This to my mind is more typical of a genuine Filipina.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philip View Post
    I just want to say something about people commenting on those who need monetary help and having pride etc.

    Just because someone asks for money does not mean they are necessarily a scammer or a hooker or that there isn't genuine love etc, everyones situations are different!

    Those who have managed to get by without the support of your bf/husband are lucky to be able to do so, that's good for you! Those that aren't so lucky can still have pride in themselves and also be genuine with their feelings for their loved partner.
    Thanks for your comments, Philip, and I agree. That's why I'm content to just "wait and see". I always try to think the best of a person, rather than the worst, and try to help others rather than hinder them. That philosophy has served me quite well up to now, although helping others is only good as long as they're prepared to help themselves.


  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    I still cannot get over the fact that in one months time..I'm going to be a dad and thats after I had told my mates in the UK. two years ago that my love life was over...and the TV. was my new wife hahaha...go for it mate..good luck in all your endeavours...
    Congrats on the future addition to your tribe. I felt the same when I was 49 but the chance of adding any little Kennys to global population was ended for me, by choice, many years earlier. I'm still open to trying though. Funny ole world, innit? More lead to yer pencil, Matey... well done... to you and your lady.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I think you've got to just take this one on the chin Ken, put it down to experience, just accept that you've been scammed and are still being scammed, then move on. There are lots of nice genuine Filipinas out there, most of whom would be loathe to ever ask you for any money.

    The first time I sent my missus money, before we were married that is, it was for her air fare to Manila to meet me there. I sent her a bit more than P5000 and when we met in Manila, she offered me the change from the P5000. This to my mind is more typical of a genuine Filipina.
    Thanks, Iain, and I've noted that your remark about finance is consistent throughout this board. A valuable lesson well learned, but I have to say again that requests for money only came in this last month when her situation became more difficult. And I believe that to be true.

    But, true or not, there's no problem for me to accept whatever comes my way on this or any other decision I make. Still, the more I read and respond, the more I feel that the right lady is not so far away or out of reach... and might well be a tonic when I'm ready. Thanks again.


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