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Thread: Atheist

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    They said Philippines is a country of God fearing nation? Why some filipinos marrying foreigners whose Atheist? I don't condemed people being Atheist I just don't understand why filipinos suddenly forgot the foundation of being a Christian. How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let see

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    They said Philippines is a country of God fearing nation? Why some filipinos marrying foreigners whose Atheist? I don't condemed people being Atheist I just don't understand why filipinos suddenly forgot the foundation of being a Christian. How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let see
    Hi cheesewiz
    For me, it is all about respect.
    As an atheist, I would never stop anyone from following their beliefs.
    Likewise, I would expect them never to try to convince me that there is a God or that religion is important.
    Intolerance is unacceptable from anyone.

  3. #3
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Aposhark has hit the nail on the head. My wife is chatholic, I'm atheist and its never been a problem and nor would I expect it to be. The priest when we got married said our kids would have to be christened when they're born. I said yes mainly so he would marry us. But at the end of the day its between my wife and me if we choose to chirsten our kids and so instill a religion on them.

    Personally I believe its up to the informed individual to make up their own mind on religion, thats why I'm against chistening at an early age. Anyway I would not expect anyone to try to convert / force me into their beliefs as I would not do the same to them.

    Repsect each others values, give and take and be tolerant of each other.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    In the UK we class people who have an imaginary friend as mad.....I can live with a mad woman.....I'm used to madness

    What the hell religion has to do with love & friendship though is beyond me, if folk let it get in the way, more fool them.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    The priest when we got married said our kids would have to be christened when they're born..
    I did have this discussion too, only it ended slightly differently....

    On occasion of my first marriage to a welsh Presbyterian, I did ask for the local catholic priest to bless the wedding and the rings, nothing else....
    He came out with the same answer... He wanted A solemn promise to bring up any children in the Catholic faith....
    I respectfully said that I could not promise anything of the sort as I wanted the kids to have their own choices as to what and who to worship. And that his request was bordering to blackmail... if not outright blackmail....
    The priest got quite uppity and started quoting from some book or the other...
    So I did tell him to shove it, as his blessings were no longer required...
    Not in so many words, though....

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    So I did tell him to shove it, as his blessings were no longer required.......
    Was that large bang? The sound of the Pearly Gates slamming shut?
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Different religions affect your family values?

    Same situation here, Im a Christian and my husband believes there is a higher being but not God-he makes his own religion . But it doesnt matter (although it will matter if my Pastor knew about it) so long as we respect each other. We sometimes have a healthy arguement about religion, creation of man etc..its a no win situation...its nice in a way but I wont be able to convince him to change his belief. You dont force a person to change anyway.

    But I did say to him that I want our kids to know about God and attend church someday. He is fine with that. We teach our kids good values, to be nice to people...respect others...whats good/bad. My oldest kid even had a dedication in Philippines. I guess when it comes to spiritual learning, its me who will teach our kids.

    Some couples are devout Catholics/Christians and yet their relationship arent perfect. Some even commit adultery...

    I think Im off topic now

  8. #8
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    We have to respect each other's beliefs. We can't force them, same thing i don't want to be forced on a religion which i am not comfortable with.
    I agree with Geraldine. There are some couples that are devout Catholics/Christians and their relationships aren't perfect. But....

    I would rather live and believe as if there is God and die
    and to know there is none
    live and believe as if there is no God and die
    and to know that there is....
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  9. #9
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Same situation here, Im a Christian and my husband believes there is a higher being but not God-he makes his own religion . But it doesnt matter (although it will matter if my Pastor knew about it) so long as we respect each other. We sometimes have a healthy arguement about religion, creation of man etc..its a no win situation...its nice in a way but I wont be able to convince him to change his belief. You dont force a person to change anyway.

    But I did say to him that I want our kids to know about God and attend church someday. He is fine with that. We teach our kids good values, to be nice to people...respect others...whats good/bad. My oldest kid even had a dedication in Philippines. I guess when it comes to spiritual learning, its me who will teach our kids.

    Some couples are devout Catholics/Christians and yet their relationship arent perfect. Some even commit adultery...

    I think Im off topic now
    same here
    all things are possible!

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    As a Christian, I couldn't commit to sharing a life with someone who didn't hold the same beliefs.

    I'm not saying that I can't respect another persons beliefs, just that I couldn't share a close relationship.

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Gods come & go every few 1000 years, and the Christian one is fading, and will be replaced in the future.

    I vote we make a horse the next God
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I vote we make a horse the next God
    Already been done.... I think....

    How about a lesser spotted liver bird...???

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    im a roman chatolic,but my hubby didnt believe in any since i arrived here in uk im only been twice to chatolic church but even that i didnt forgot to pray every morning and night b4 we go to bed.

  14. #14
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    I think the Philippines is almost an opposite to the UK in how many people go to church.
    I have only ever met one friend in the UK who went to church, and one family member too, my Dad.
    In all my years in England, I never had a conversation about the church, it was always something that was no longer important to British people, by and large.
    As we all know in the UK, the influence of the church has continued to wane.

    I see so many people go to church in Phils and I understand that it is still powerful there.
    (I was amused to see condoms being sold in all the pharmacies there, though.)

    If my wife ever wanted to go to church in the Phils or in the U.K., I would never stop her or ever say anything that would hurt her feelings on this issue.

    I see so many comments on this forum with "God bless", "pray" or other things relating to religion.
    I notice that it is almost always from Filipinas, which is understandable when you see how life is there.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    They said Philippines is a country of God fearing nation? Why some filipinos marrying foreigners whose Atheist? I don't condemed people being Atheist I just don't understand why filipinos suddenly forgot the foundation of being a Christian. How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let see
    why not marry a Atheist ?

    i take it cheesewiz you have only been conditioned with the catholic religion?

    i was forced as a child to go to a church or England school, dragged to Jehovah witness meeting as a kid by my mom, and my dad was catholic. so you see why i'm happy being none, happy without the burden and guilt they put on you.

    only thing i'm not happy about is our daughter going to a catholic school and going to confession at 6yrs old , still i've got time on my hands to free her mind

  16. #16
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    If somebody wants to believe in something then let them. When they start to interfere in other peoples lives is when it causes problems.

    Organised religion is nothing more than a form of oppression to keep those without power in 'their place'. Don't rock the boat or envy our riches and you will get your reward in the 'afterlife'. It is simply about control. The so called pagan religions are as valid as christianity/islam/buddhism etc. Humanity has always wanted an explanation of how the world was created. No religious theory has any more credibility than any other.

    If the church is open to everybody why are they locked most of the time.

    The church of England is one of the richest organisations in the country but still puts its hand out for others to pay for repairs to churches and cathedrals.

    How many poor priests/vicars do you see?

    When people see through them the world will be a better place.

  17. #17
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    On a lighter note, have you heard about the dyslexic atheist who doesn't believe in dog

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    If the church is open to everybody why are they locked most of the time.
    Because scousers nick the shiny stuff
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    First of all Im not a Catholic. Im a Protestant. Me personally I don't believe in religion bec religion won't make you a better person or better husband/wife. To filipinos here saying that they don't see any problem their partner doesn't believe in GOD (yes, bec you chose them to be your partner despite of your different belief bec they said filipinos are good in learning to adapt). How about your children one day saying to you Mum I don't believe in GOD bec there no such thing as GOD. hope you can still adapt.

    Me who has a strong belief in the existence of GOD I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am bec I know I will never be happy. I don't want to live my life with guilt conscience sharing my life with different faith as I am.

    To all the filipinos here I really adore your stand about it. I hope and pray that GOD will guide you and give you strength to carry on. Pagpalain nawa kayo

    To all Brits here I hope you don't get me wrong on this topic. I do respect your stand on this issue I know this is a no-win situation. I respect everyone's beliefs

    Peace everyone.

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    How about your children one day saying to you Mum I don't believe in GOD bec there no such thing as GOD. hope you can still adapt.

    Me who has a strong belief in the existence of GOD I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am bec I know I will never be happy. I don't want to live my life with guilt conscience sharing my life with different faith as I am.
    if my kids said that, it would not bother me one bit, i'll let them find their own way.. i don't think you should force your religion on your kids.

    me and the misses don't have a problem, because i still have morals that i live by, maybe more so than many church-goers, and having a 'faith' would not make me a better person than i am already.

    so i respect your faith, but in my eyes, your no worse or better person than me because of it, i just don't like seeing it forced on kids .

    as my misses told me today, 'when you become catholic, your one for life' or

    and peace to you

  21. #21
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    Me who has a strong belief in the existence of GOD I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am bec I know I will never be happy. I don't want to live my life with guilt conscience sharing my life with different faith as I am.
    You'll never know until you get there

    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    Me who has a strong belief in the existence of GOD I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am bec I know I will never be happy. I don't want to live my life with guilt conscience sharing my life with different faith as I am.

    To all the filipinos here I really adore your stand about it. I hope and pray that GOD will guide you and give you strength to carry on. Pagpalain nawa kayo

    Peace everyone.
    Please don't quote "Peace everyone" when you have inflexibility in your attitude to other people.
    You appear to be intolerant of other peoples' beliefs.
    This is such a lack of respect for others.
    This is one of the main reasons that the majority of people in the UK have turned away from religion.

    Peace: "freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people"

    In your first post you wrote:
    " I don't condemed people being Atheist"
    then you wrote:
    "I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am"

    Now, how do you equate those two comments?

  23. #23
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    In your first post you wrote:
    " I don't condemed people being Atheist"
    then you wrote:
    "I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am"

    Now, how do you equate those two comments?
    You're suggesting that by not living with them, Cheezewhiz is condemning the athiests?

    As I see it, everyone is free to adopt their own beliefs (or non-beliefs), but I would not choose to marry someone whose beliefs were not similar to my own.

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    You're suggesting that by not living with them, Cheezewhiz is condemning the athiests?

    As I see it, everyone is free to adopt their own beliefs (or non-beliefs), but I would not choose to marry someone whose beliefs were not similar to my own.
    true ,

    but i have problems understanding what other peoples beliefs are

    beliefs similar to yours, which are ? there is one god ?, because of that you wouldn't marry someone, more to life and a person than that

  25. #25
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    Religion, or lack of belief should not be used as an excuse to lead a miserable life.

    Some of us choose to believe in something, some others don't.
    It is matter of choice really, and letting religion come in between relationships or friendships, will obviously cause a lot of aggro.

    If we respect each other's views, and refrain from trying to convert our partners, life will be much easier for everyone concerned.

    It is of very little value to state not to marry someone just because he/she has different beliefs from your own.
    It is love for the person that counts.

    Does this make any sense to anyone...????

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it does dom

    i didn't and still don't have a problem marrying a catholic, to me that's just a small part of the misses, even thou it might be a major thing to her.

    just as being a veggie is a major part of my life, but means nothing to the misses

    give and take, it's what life is all about

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Religion, or lack of belief should not be used as an excuse to lead a miserable life.

    Some of us choose to believe in something, some others don't.
    It is matter of choice really, and letting religion come in between relationships or friendships, will obviously cause a lot of aggro.

    If we respect each other's views, and refrain from trying to convert our partners, life will be much easier for everyone concerned.

    It is of very little value to state not to marry someone just because he/she has different beliefs from your own.
    It is love for the person that counts.

    Does this make any sense to anyone...????
    We think the same, Dom.
    I love my wife for who she is.
    If she was a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Agnostic or Atheist I would still love her.
    Love is everything and religion (for me) is nothing.

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Why so much concentration by the church on the Afterlife? What about the Beforelife as they are exactly the same place! Remember how good that was? Nope. Didn't think so, but that is where you go back to.

    Did you know that on average only about 5% of fertilized human eggs make it to become a teengaer.....that abortion rate by God beats anything any doctor could manage.

    Most folk who argue the existence of a mytical figure have no idea about the proof that matters, radioactive isotopes, neutrino's, quarks, siRNA, proteins, gamma rays, speed of light, etc. Not one religeous figure has explained why they need to exist if we have a God.

    ....and where did God come can't answer that unless you prove infinity exists.....and if he/she/it does exist....who does he/she/it worship? Most religous folk ignore so many questions they can't answer, rather than educating themselves.

    You can have faith & belief, with out calling it a God.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i agree with you scouser Keith.

    the song 'god only knows' by Manc band James, says it all.. (even the mother in law liked it )

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i agree with you scouser Keith.
    Noooooooooooooooooooo ........and before the BIG game!
    Keith - Administrator

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