View Full Version : Rant

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  1. Health Tourist Parasite
  2. Smart bro ?
  3. post office - out and about
  4. Unbelievable!
  5. Slovakian Scum of The Earth
  6. UKBA Inquiry Response
  7. Rock throwing Afghan rioter walks free
  8. Discrimination
  9. Polish Lad
  10. Our creaking courts - a day in the life
  11. George Osborne Shares For Your Working Conditions
  12. Unacceptable
  13. New Members
  14. Cold caller firm pays out for wasting businessman's time
  15. Stuart Rodger sentenced for shouting at David Cameron
  16. Fuel duty delay called for by Which?
  17. An absolute disgrace
  18. Delayed balikbayan boxes
  19. 863000 Illegals in the UK - what a disgrace
  20. Ongoing massive energy bills - thanks Millipede
  21. UKBA's Super Premium Service
  22. Motorists who don't know roundabouts should be banned!
  23. Ever wondered how so many Mosques appear.
  24. Italian Politics
  25. 22 stone fat lump kops £227 per week benefits
  26. Danny Boyle - Deluded Prat
  27. a little rant about the NI # interview thingy
  28. rent went up...ugh
  29. Unbelieveable
  30. I'm in dispute with my current landlady
  31. Nhs financial department
  32. A little bit upsetting
  33. I'm feeling lazy...so
  34. The rope would be too good for this filth
  35. Worried
  36. Arrrgh trying to register at the GP's surgery
  37. Useless!!!!!
  38. Bloated Parasites
  39. Car Camera - Well worth having in the UK
  40. British High Commision in Phils
  41. Call centres
  42. The lovely Romanians
  43. Very frustrating
  44. Nightmare spectre of Romanian & Bulgarian Immigration
  45. Female grub has short changed me 4 times in a row.
  46. Another t0sser on the road
  47. UKBA never seem to amaze anymore, moving the goal posts yet again for the "honest ones"
  48. Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night
  49. You couldn't make it up
  50. Woman nightclub reveller pictured defecating in city centre street
  51. Feral, Feckless Scum Father
  52. Filth
  53. Unsympathetic Cathay Pacific.
  54. bloody two faced people
  56. Yes, we should help. But too often incompetent, self-serving aid agencies make things worse
  57. A repulsive specimen
  58. Court allows convicted drunk driver to live in his car
  59. This excuse of a headmistress should be sacked immediately
  60. Mentally ill Congolese immigrant with criminal record fractured 86-year-old woman's pelvis
  61. Nigella Lawson above the law (laws for the rich and laws for the poor ? )
  62. Rip off Britain
  63. School introduces two-week October half-term so pupils can visit Pakistan
  64. Me=idiot--I fell for this.
  65. Most Register Offices fail to report suspicions of sham marriages
  66. banking
  67. handshake
  68. Labours Child Sex Apologists
  69. FLR application form
  70. Another piece of excrement caged
  71. Multicultural Cesspit Britain
  72. Break down
  73. VFS Manila USELESS
  74. Yet another deviant teacher
  75. The lunatics have control
  76. Detroit: The First Major Chinese City In The United States?
  77. Philippine Airlines
  78. I'm booorrreeeddd
  79. Filthy Scum
  80. VFS Manila Incompetence
  81. Tide of two legged excrement hits London
  82. European Somalis in England worried about UK EU exit
  83. Public Sector Strike
  84. Scum
  85. You Can Do It ...
  86. The Big Miles Per Gallon Rip-Off
  87. Forum harmony
  88. Drivers
  89. A sickening documentary - Pakistans Hidden Shame
  90. Grrr Mot testing station
  91. Every Little Helps - Tesco 5 Corporate Jets
  92. Cheap publicity seeking trash
  93. Yet more sickening multicultural filth
  94. Visit to BI Davao
  95. Cameron backs Turkey to join the European Union
  96. Filth like this need stringing up
  97. These human rights parasites should be tried for treason
  98. Scum parasite family
  99. Cebu Pacific flights
  100. Are there any daily papers that are truly non political?
  101. A Very Slippery Slope with your Samsung Smart TV
  102. Narcissist Trollop!
  103. Bone Idle Lardy
  104. Lloyds Bank
  105. What would your priorities be, work or family? What would you do if u were in my situation?
  106. Grubs sitting at tables outside overpriced coffee shops
  107. Sky News and BBC News
  108. Roma set up camp at Hyde Park 7/7 bombing memorial
  109. Why Is It That Some British Businessmen Dress So Scruffily?
  110. Joke sentence for P1key Con Man
  111. Current
  112. Why Such Poor Summer Weather In Scotland?
  113. Home Office pays £1000's putting asylum seekers in hotels
  114. Charity Race For Children's Hospice Where Runners Dress In Drag Dubbed As 'Hate Crime'
  115. Bloody drivers
  116. Dog owners
  117. You tell them once , you tell them a thousand times
  118. buying on line
  119. Middle lane morons
  120. Grr ...
  121. Had to happen....
  122. Crap TV
  123. Cripes!
  124. Philpost
  125. Six Nations' Rugby
  126. Why IS It ...
  127. Barbed~Wire Booby Trap Found On Kent Cycle Trail
  128. Sport Relief 2016 ... Aargh!
  129. C'mon, 'Sun' ... Get Real!
  130. Bullied into downloading Windows 10
  131. Full Stops Falling Out Of Fashion, Due To Instant Messaging
  132. Unevenly Balanced Media Reportage
  133. Duterte's Summary Execution Policy
  134. Kindle
  135. Photo Of Shocked & Bloodied Five-Year-Old Child Sparks Outrage ...
  136. Spoof websites
  137. Liberal Interventionism
  138. What sort of people do this
  139. Syria
  140. Over 4000 views but my thread was closed
  141. Insurance
  142. Active members
  143. Members seemingly getting upset
  144. BBC pronouncing foreign names
  145. 1% Cap on Public Service workers
  146. World Athletic Championships
  147. Pedestrian Street Crossings
  148. Had enough
  149. Fake News Spreads Like Wildfire!
  150. "Brexit Is Not Like Ordering From A Menu!"
  151. Christmas Card - Featuring Robin Redbreast - Banned From Facebook For Being 'Too Sexual'
  153. Driving out of town in the dark
  154. They can't wait for me to die
  155. TV Licence Fee Goes Up - AGAIN!
  156. Hypocrite Responsible For INCREASING State Pension Age Retires At Sixty-One!
  157. Young men, violence and knives
  158. Pooten Forwarding International Ltd:
  159. 'Little Drummer Girl'
  160. Rant rant rant
  161. Detained In Dubai
  162. Damned Annoying!
  163. Time
  164. Womens/LGBT rights ETC..
  165. "Caught Short"
  166. 'ideal' Gas Boiler Turns Out To Be ANYTHING BUT Ideal!
  167. Postal service to the Philippines.
  168. Not Good Enough!
  169. Another grim year for travel?