yes steve i agree entirely send what you can afford because submit your bank statements to the british embassy for your girls visa application you need to show an healthy account so send only what you can afford in my opinion.
nothing wrong with a bit of debating
as long as there is no![]()
£500 a month+ seems alot to me for just your wife and one bb, but hey its your money
we use to send 30kphp a month that was to support at least 3 people, (2 at uni and my misses aunt)
everyone's circumstances are different, so you cant really compare, my misses aunt needs our help and were repaying her for looking after our little gal for 4yrs.
i knew of my misses commitments to her family b4 i married her, so as tough as it was sometimes, i've no regrets with us helping her family out.
i hate to think what i sent over many years, but its swings and round abouts, the misses nearly earns twice as much as me now in the UK![]()
Also, as most of us are older than our wives, we have to think about providing for them not just for now, but we should be responsible and plan for our family's future as best as we can.![]()
Yes I understand that, but your original post said you doubted many sent £200 with the yikes smilie after it.
As it has progressed, you can see many send more, now I'm using the yikes smilie
Basically what I send pays her Boarding House rent, bills, half decent food etc. As she says, she leads a simple life, she's not interested in designer gear, parlours etc. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to send it, as it is a struggle, but whilst we are apart, I have to make sure she is provided for, she's my wife after all.
It is surprising, but with a weak £ & a strong Peso, money dosen't go that far.![]()
thats just what i was trying to say on another thread, yes when you are younger we all are going to live forever , but like you say we are older then our partners , i hate the thought of emma being here or back in the phils without a income or source of somekind,if we all take bits form here and there i am sure all our lives will be fine, funny its like we are one big happy family here to listen and try to give advice freely and with out charge , its the fillipino coming out of us all, think i spelt that wright![]()
can i ask you sim and others on here why is your wife in the phils still and are you wanting them to be here or you would rather be there if you could
Hi Sim11UK,
I think it is admirable that you are sending what you think is the correct amount.
I still think my first post is correct regarding the amount, but this is only my guess.
I prefer to plan for property to go to my wife one day and that all her needs are met in the meantime.
I work 60-70 hours/week to facilitate this.
We do what we have to do.![]()
i think its all our dreams to be here some of the times and there other times too, when i was there at xmas i got talking to someone he spend 6 months there 6 months canada , now thats a great plan, its a dream but dreams do come true
I didn't say it was, and I have deliberately not said how much I send as it isn't really anyone elses business. Regarding the BB, I gave her my old BB so that she can be on line and IM me without having to go to the cafe, that is as much for my benefit as hers so I am happy to pay for her load so that she can SMS and IM me as often as possible.
I have stated numerous times that I have told my g/f to get a job otherwise I will stop supporting her as I feel that she is being picky about what she does as she knows I will help out with her basic living costs. I am happy to continue supporting her if she helps her self and gets a job.
Regarding the reports that Filipino's can live on 6K a month, they probably can if they live with a family who all help out and chip in. My g/f does not have that luxury, her family are in the provinces. She is currently staying with distant cousins in Manila, but is desperate to get a small place of her own as the relationship with them is strained and she needs to move on.
From my experience of seeing what prices are like in the shops, I can't see how anyone can live on their own for 6K a month? Sure, they can get by on next to nothing if they just eat rice and dried fish just a couple of times a week, never have any electricity, have no bed or any other furniture in their room, have no toileteries, no decent clothes or shoes, walked everywhere instead of getting trikes, buses or jeepneys and never had credit on their phone. That may be how all of our g/fs lived before we met them, and yes they will still survive if we don't support them. However, I am her boyfriend, we love each other, and I feel it would be wrong of me to live a very luxurious lifestyle by comparison and not give anything. I saw the place she was staying with her realtives on my recent visit, and TBH I wouldn't even let a dog live like that (and I hate dogs), I've also seen photo's of some of the rooms she has stayed in when she has tried to live on her own with no support.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mug or a soft touch either. I question everything she uses her money for to make sure it is being used wisely and not given to cousins to keep them in Red Horse. Sometimes when she hints she needs money I say NO. Sometimes it is to see what the reaction is and to suss if she is genuine or not, and sometimes because I feel I have done my bit already and she needs to learn to be more self sufficient.
We can all debate about what we think is enough or too much, not enough...etc, but at the end of the day what is sent is personal to each of us. I have a very nice lifestyle in the UK, I hope that one day my g/f will be able to join me here to share that lifestyle, I don't see any problem with trying to give her a very small taste of that now. When i go out to the P.I we stay in nice places and eat good food, I don't think it's a big deal, nor is giving her my old phone and paying for some credit.
I don't want to get personal and ask you anything about your means of earning money, but is it not possible that you could also split your time between UK/Phils?
I know a lot of men who live in a similar way; they mostly have Thai wives or girlfriends because IMO Thailand has always been easier to get to than Phils.
I know the exchange rate is not particularly favourable at the moment, but we can only hope it will get better![]()
Years ago when I was at school I knew a boy who got bullied everyday.
I felt sorry for him so I befriended him so, the bullies chose another soul.
This boy was so much like you, apo.
very opinionated, always right rubed people up the wrong way, that sort of thing.
Don't get me wrong, I hated/hate bullies, they pick on people that are different to the normal.
But, this boy was such an annoyance, I could understand why he was a victim.![]()
Well we know from living in this country, that there are the have's & the have nots & that everyones expectations are different.
If we earn more money, we become used to more money.
If we don't have so much, then we have to spread our jam a little thinner.
I'd like to state I'm in the latter group...We prefer the simple life anyway.![]()
again each has a story to tell and as long as that person is happy with what they are doing then its fine, everyone is right in what they are saying some have lots some have little, its being happy and making your partner happy to
not at this time , i came out of a bad divorce a few years ago left me with very little just enough for a deposit for my home and 2 kids in tow but working hard i am getting there, it was my kids telling to get a life that i found emma , my work is important to me and i am happy with the wage but i have to work not to live now but to live in the future, hopefully emma will be here soon then marry and if it works well then will be able too in a few years , its suprizing what you can do once you have been down, only one way and thats up
sim , most of us came from a simple life i have 5 sisters and 7 brothers so we did not have that much, we all crave for that simple life, i dont want anything or need anything i am happy with what i have and what i will get in the future
big family indeed, but all happy because we new no differance
Just caught up with this one so a few thoughts Davids post is a common experience if you have a fair bit of "disposable" income and want to explore the "teach some one to fish" version.
John is correct when he says its cheaper to live in Spain or in my case Portugal than the Phils whith some of the higher amounts mentioned excluding health care and with no mortgage I could manage very well on 50 euros a week had a good garden and goats pigs chickens etc when i got there minimum wage was 120 euros a month.
In the Fils my first visit for 6 months I was averaging 50,000 a month rent 22000 for a great house fully furnished another 7-8 for internet cable and lecy and 25-30 for entertainment however I also asked many questions of ex pats and natives to improve my picture of other versions.
Last time average 30,000 a month including a medical emergancy 4000 rent down to 11000 including internet 1 bed rather than 4 and more meals in and less fancy resturaunts more good value local eateries.
This time Im aiming for a 2 bed unfurnished 4-6000 a month same again for services appx and only a couple of meals out each week so recon under 20,000 I will have to furnish minimaly allowing upto 100,000 but this is still a very western version,
Teachers earn 9-12000 a monthe and my girlfriend was earning about 7 a month for a 84 hour week the family dont pay rent.
I am also aware of another group 6 that were living on a budjet of 6000 rent free from a relative it covered basic food internet and some were working
I am also of the opinion that sending much more than income replacement may lead to an escalting expectation and pressure its different if your s.o. is on there own with all the bills but within the family I am making it clear that no A.T.M. has dropped out of the sky![]()
Absit invidia
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Not strictly true as my bank statements diddnt exactly show a healthy balance but it did show that I had never gone overdrawn, that there was a regular verifiable source of income and that I was sending a regular amount to my WIFE.....and ofcourse only send what you can afford can you send more ?,,, but reading some of these post on this thread there seems to be a lot of very cyinical people around or mabey they were burned badly and have not revovered cant "say dont be materialistic" to someone in the same breath as "not with my money its mine all mine" but I do hope that the girls whom are being taught how to be independant appreciate it.....humm ? wonder if they can learn other leasons from that also ? have a nice day, play nicely
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