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Thread: My wife wants me to leave our home.

  1. #121
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    you know once you start fighting back it will give you some focus, especially when you begin to see results,this in itself will begin to strengthen you and help you get through this, you have everything to fight for

  2. #122
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you are right there, it took me months and months to finally realize that this woman hates me so much she want to ruin me, that day it all changed and i was a more happy man, yes my kids were older and they could choose where they wanted to be

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you are right there, it took me months and months to finally realize that this woman hates me so much she want to ruin me, that day it all changed and i was a more happy man, yes my kids were older and they could choose where they wanted to be
    You've had a terrible time of it as well Steve
    You've found happiness at last

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you are right there, it took me months and months to finally realize that this woman hates me so much she want to ruin me, that day it all changed and i was a more happy man, yes my kids were older and they could choose where they wanted to be
    I was thinking what you said here best part of the night. are right, when you do finally realize that someone hates that much there's really nothing you can do no matter how much you try. ..the numerous put down I've endured I started to think it must be true. ..I must be hopeless I must be pathetic I must be the worst of the worse at sex because that's what she tells me. the end the abnormal jealousy was the straw what broke the camels back. ..Thanks God for giving me the strength you Steve im a liberated man now. ....all her bad words etc are like water off a ducks back. ...I know I'm not any of the awful things she calls me. ..if i were I wouldn't of been the person I was in my previous life.'s quite simply when you look from an outsiders prospective. only got to compare past histories. .I was blind...unfortunately I was sad lonely desperate. ..that was true.

    God bless us all

  5. #125
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I was thinking what you said here best part of the night. are right, when you do finally realize that someone hates that much there's really nothing you can do no matter how much you try. ..the numerous put down I've endured I started to think it must be true. ..I must be hopeless I must be pathetic I must be the worst of the worse at sex because that's what she tells me. the end the abnormal jealousy was the straw what broke the camels back. ..Thanks God for giving me the strength you Steve im a liberated man now. ....all her bad words etc are like water off a ducks back. ...I know I'm not any of the awful things she calls me. ..if i were I wouldn't of been the person I was in my previous life.'s quite simply when you look from an outsiders prospective. only got to compare past histories. .I was blind...unfortunately I was sad lonely desperate. ..that was true.

    God bless us all
    its called brain washing, mental abuse

  6. #126
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    Its very rarely I make comments here,I have been married to a Filipino thanks god I did not get her to my country, been there 8 times had relationships with others, the thing I learnt is there always some family member behind all this or a close Filipino friend,you say her mother nothing to do with this, I bet she is, from my point of view she wants you out of the house sell go back to the Phills with your kids, least now you been to a solicitor,as others said get your kids passports, thats very important how do you know shes not going back with her mother, and get a better soicitor.

  7. #127
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baby38 View Post
    Its very rarely I make comments here,I have been married to a Filipino thanks god I did not get her to my country, been there 8 times had relationships with others, the thing I learnt is there always some family member behind all this or a close Filipino friend,you say her mother nothing to do with this, I bet she is, from my point of view she wants you out of the house sell go back to the Phills with your kids, least now you been to a solicitor,as others said get your kids passports, thats very important how do you know shes not going back with her mother, and get a better soicitor.
    Food for thought!

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by baby38 View Post
    Its very rarely I make comments here,I have been married to a Filipino thanks god I did not get her to my country, been there 8 times had relationships with others, the thing I learnt is there always some family member behind all this or a close Filipino friend,you say her mother nothing to do with this, I bet she is, from my point of view she wants you out of the house sell go back to the Phills with your kids, least now you been to a solicitor,as others said get your kids passports, thats very important how do you know shes not going back with her mother, and get a better soicitor.
    Thanks for taking the trouble to reply baby 38...I appreciate the advice.

    You are probably are right. ..until things went pear shaped I was the man. .I'm having to change for my own wellbeing which goes against the grain. .it's working. .I won't go into detail for obvious reasons. .Thanks bigmarco, your advice has had immediate effect. .Graham and Ded. ..I'm on it. .Thanks.
    Still, I can't believe what's happening. .all so quick. .I knew we had problems. .all married couples do but, to walk at the first hurdle beggars belief. ..needless to say there couldn't of been any real love in the first place. ..who needs someone like that.
    Definitely food for thought Michael.

  9. #129
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I agree with baby38, it could be the mother putting a spanner in the works by putting things into her head. I don't know all the details but if the relationship has spiralled out of control since her arrival it does seem a plausible explanation.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    I agree with baby38, it could be the mother putting a spanner in the works by putting things into her head. I don't know all the details but if the relationship has spiralled out of control since her arrival it does seem a plausible explanation.
    Quite possibly right both of you. She's definitely gained courage since she's been here just like when in Philippines in October. soon as they were around the public humiliations started.
    It's good in a way mother in law is here because if her presence has fast forwarded the inevitable then so be it. At least my boys are on British soil now..makes all the childish tantrums name calling, humiliation and head slapping all worthwhile....I ask you, if she got a problem with my baldness, old age, snoring ( which I've cured )and lack of natural libido why on earth did she marry me....she's assured me she ain't plastic, only saying the truth. ..she gave a good impression of being plastic before we married.

  11. #131
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    how did you control the snoring

  12. #132
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    You've had a terrible time of it as well Steve
    You've found happiness at last
    until you are in the same situation its hard too explain, no one believes you what can happen behind the closed doors, i was so close to taking my own life eyes shut driving down the road thing but look at me now, giving up on life is not worth any aggravation, who knows what is just round the corner, but its down to you to take the first steps to look

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    until you are in the same situation its hard too explain, no one believes you what can happen behind the closed doors, i was so close to taking my own life eyes shut driving down the road thing but look at me now, giving up on life is not worth any aggravation, who knows what is just round the corner, but its down to you to take the first steps to look
    My God Steve....luckily I still have my kids from my first marriage rallying around. ..even my witch of a first wife expressing concerns for my welfare. My family have stood by me as well. ..considering I ditched them nigh on the last 4 years, I'm a lucky man. ....we both are Steve.

    Btw. ...the witch thing is a standing joke now.


  14. #134
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    .I ask you, if she got a problem with my baldness, old age, snoring ( which I've cured )and lack of natural libido why on earth did she marry me....she's assured me she ain't plastic, only saying the truth. ..she gave a good impression of being plastic before we married.
    i remember your wife Mark back in 2009, from what i can remember from then, she gave the impression she loved you, you both have 2 kids and lasted 4yrs, what went wrong i don't know

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i remember your wife Mark back in 2009, from what i can remember from then, she gave the impress she loved you, you both have 2 kids and lasted 4yrs, what went wrong i don't know
    I don't know either Joe. .I'm aware of our boys. .remember it's she who wants this. .she making living under the same roof intolerable. .it's all her making. ..I've bent over backwards trying to please her. ..okay, adapting to the hectic busy way of British life does take some getting used to. .but we are like you said Joe, 4 years down the line. ..yes she misses her family but then don't they all.'s selfish childish behaviour. .I'm not going to give details on what she's done and said but, if you knew you would understand. I said, whatever she wants she gets. fault of course. .the signs were there from the off.

  16. #136
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I don't know either Joe. .I'm aware of our boys. .remember it's she who wants this. .she making living under the same roof intolerable. .it's all her making. ..I've bent over backwards trying to please her. ..okay, adapting to the hectic busy way of British life does take some getting used to. .but we are like you said Joe, 4 years down the line. ..yes she misses her family but then don't they all.'s selfish childish behaviour. .I'm not going to give details on what she's done and said but, if you knew you would understand. I said, whatever she wants she gets. fault of course. .the signs were there from the off.
    nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, they usualy give the impression to those outside that they are sweetness and light

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    how did you control the snoring
    Steve. ..go to amazon and search 'snoring rings' ......cost is £20
    What it is, it's 2 rings what fit your little finger on each hand.
    On the inner rim of the rings are lumps ..when fitted correctly they imitate the acupuncture pressure points that stops the snoring.
    You must put these on 30 minutes before sleeping and remember to remove on waking.
    It took around a week before they took effect.
    I tried all the other non surgical methods without any luck.

  18. #138
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    Am so sick of all this now...they've reached new depths today. ..they knew today is father's day yet I got nothing which I didn't really expect coz I didn't gets cards from them at Christmas. .what I did expect was to given some time with my boys before I left for work today. ..what happened, I struggled getting the youngest from janes arms then I sat with James, the eldest while jane dragging them from me. .I said jane please for God's sake let me have them for a few minutes at least. ..she was having none of it. ..her mum didn't help either so they got them to the stairs. ..I was upset again. .both women were laughing at me. much do you have to take. .how much of this can one take. ..mother in law wanted to go home last Monday. .I spoke to jane about this asking why. ..she said because of the atmosphere she's causing. ..The suggestion was, I give jane more money she would make the atmosphere nice for all. ... did consider this until the following day. ...we held talks. ..all was going well until I said I'm resuming contact with my 2 grown up kids 32 and 30 yo and my now frail 81 yo mum. ..This ruined everything. ..she said I could go live with if I wish....I hardly saw my kids anyway because both like like me work hard and in full time relationship. ....I could visit my dear mum on the way to work while still maintaining jane and the babies the centre of my world Jane's wish of me.'s not right I should cut my mum Craig and Emma from my life because Jane doesn't like. ..she making me choose between us and them. .anyway my son Craig has already disowned me because of Jane's actions. . I still have my daughter and mum sticking by me. men have no protection. .children have, animals have along with women. ...we have absolutely nothing. ..

  19. #139
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    seeing this from the outside its easy for me to tell you this, let the mother in law go back home, then your wife will not have a partner/friend to rely on, you have to call the shots here, play her at her own game, the kids are young and will have no idea what is happening, remember its her that is not allowing you to have them so dont have them, its hard i know but play her she may even give the kids to you if she has no one to help, you have to be strong and hard on those that you love and those you hate, it will be sorted one day but not today, be strong

  20. #140
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    What is her problem? She comes across as a very cruel and vindictive individual.

    Have you tried a different approach Mark? Going from experience it's not a good idea to show these type of women emotions as they see it as a weakness and will just take advantage.

    And I agree with you about us men having no protection plus we get tainted as the bad guy when we're anything but.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    What is her problem? She comes across as a very cruel and vindictive individual.

    Have you tried a different approach Mark? Going from experience it's not a good idea to show these type of women emotions as they see it as a weakness and will just take advantage.

    And I agree with you about us men having no protection plus we get tainted as the bad guy when we're anything but.
    She's jealous of my other son and daughter. ..This jealousy stated before she got here. ..for 4 years I've towed the line. ..before this she was cold anyway. .last time sex was performed was where Jobe was conceived. ..the reverse vasectomy resulted in the death of sex. .it was just a means to have babies. .nothing else. .on arrival to the UK jane removed my kids pictures and even forced me to remove a photo album from the house. .pictures of my babies in the early eighties. ..I wouldn't. .she wouldn't relent....what happened. ..days later she had me put those precious pictures of my babies in those hard times through the shredder. ..I'm so ashamed. ..even my dad's picture is put away. ..I said my son has given up on me. .well, Jane forced her thumb in my eye. With scratches over my head and face...resulting in hospital treatment. .my kids took pictures....they pleaded with me to send her back. the end Craig was convinced she would harm me seriously so gave me an ultimatum to dump her or lose a son.

  22. #142
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    Jamie. ..she's jealous of my son daughter and 81 yo mother! !!! I've cut them out for four years. more! it's ridiculous. kids got their own lives. .I'm only texting them and seeing them at Christmas time. .last Christmas jane rubbished my kids on Facebook in front of all my family. was so embarrassing. .that was the beginning of the end.'s been all downhill since then.'s like she doesnt care what anyone thinks

    Now that I've got that off my chest its back to work.

    Called Emma. ..they want to go round there and string her up. ..they are livid. poor mother can't take much more of this.

  23. #143
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    She's jealous of my other son and daughter. ..This jealousy stated before she got here. ..for 4 years I've towed the line. ..before this she was cold anyway. .last time sex was performed was were Jobe was conceived. ..the reverse vasectomy resulted in the death of sex. .it was just a means to have babies. .nothing else. .on arrival to the UK jane removed my kids pictures and even forced me to remove a photo album from the house. .pictures of my babies in the early eighties. ..I wouldn't. .she wouldn't relent....what happened. ..days later she had me put those precious pictures of my babies in those hard times through the shredder. ..I'm so ashamed. ..even my dad's picture is put away. ..I said my son has given up on me. .well, Jane forced her thumb in my eye. With scratches over my head and face...resulting in hospital treatment. .my kids took pictures....they pleaded with me to send her back. the end Craig was convinced she would harm me seriously so gave me an ultimatum to dump her or loose a son.
    My ex was a control freak but even she didn't behave as bad as this.

    What the hell makes someone get jealous over their partners kids? Sounds like she's got serious insecurity issues there.

  24. #144
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    It looks as if my hand is now forced to act.

    The buck stops now. ..the 400 I give every month to do nothing with stops. .the love film subscription stops. .the phone contract I will stop. ..I will get all food pay bills and cloth babies as always. ..for Gwad sakes I gave her mom an I phone 4

    Btw. ..the gossip is an individual here.
    Really its so bad to talk about someone you don't know. ..especially like that. .so hurtful and disappointing.
    name calling is just that, but remember blood is thicker then water, as you say these people have been taking the piss and truth be known you have let them, so stop it, make sure the bills are paid for the house and usually bills and there is food on the table for the boys, after that stop everything, you dont feed a fire and she sounds like a right blaze, turn all this round, for your sake
    Last edited by Terpe; 16th June 2013 at 20:43. Reason: tidy quote

  25. #145
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    The buck stops now. ..the 400 I give every month to do nothing with stops. .the love film subscription stops. .the phone contract I will stop. ..I will get all food pay bills and cloth babies as always. ..for Gwad sakes I gave her mom an I phone 4 so she can keep in contact with her family. turns out she been rubbishing me coz her other daughter blocked me. ...These people have been taking the piss big time. .so put that in your gossip column! !!!

    Btw. ..the gossip is an individual here.
    Really its so bad to talk about someone you don't know. ..especially like that. .so hurtful and disappointing.
    Good man Mark that's the way to start sorting this out. You don't give money to somebody who tries to make a of you in your own home.
    Next thing is get rid of the mum even if it means buying the ticket. You seem to have 2 enemies at home right now which makes things doubly difficult. Get rid of mum and then she's on her own and has no ally at home.
    I can understand how your son must be feeling as he can obviously see what's happening. She seems hell bent on destroying your relationship with the rest of your family and up to now you appear to have let her away with it. Well time for you to get tough and stop this . It cannot be good for a son to see his dad being made a fool of. Time for action.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Good man Mark that's the way to start sorting this out. You don't give money to somebody who tries to make a of you in your own home.
    Next thing is get rid of the mum even if it means buying the ticket. You seem to have 2 enemies at home right now which makes things doubly difficult. Get rid of mum and then she's on her own and has no ally at home.
    I can understand how your son must be feeling as he can obviously see what's happening. She seems hell bent on destroying your relationship with the rest of your family and up to now you appear to have let her away with it. Well time for you to get tough and stop this . It cannot be good for a son to see his dad being made a fool of. Time for action.
    Thanks Steve. .Thanks Marco. ..and thanks to Gemma, my ex wife for letting me know of the vicious lies and gossip being put about, about me. dare they! ..even Gemma was mad about it. ..bloody lies lies lies. ..when I think of the thousands I've lavished on these people. ..and for what. ...Thanks Gemma and Cynthia. .you've kicked me into action. ..Gemma said not to worry about the boys they will find the truth soon enough. ..too right they will. .that stupid woman is going to lose them all by her very own doing. .she's done the filipina image no end of damage. ..even the neighbours hate her. ..they all know what's been going on. ..she's shameless. If dial a flight can't get me another ticket for free then she can tap up the other daughter and get her mouthy Australia husband to fork out. .I'm done with them. On reflection, gratitude to the gossips. .it's brought it to a hasty end. ..God be with my boys!

  27. #147
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    when does your mother n law,s visa run out ?

  28. #148
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Firstly, I'm pleased your mind is focused now and you're taking positive steps, stick to your guns and don't back down
    Secondly, as far as the second witch from the east, or her mom as you refer to her is concerned get her in the car and dump her at the airport. If you're too busy with work commitments then I'm more than willing to do it for you

  29. #149
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    Thanks Tiger31...Her Visit Visa Expires August 15. Her current plane ticket is for August 14.

    Thank you Simon. .I appreciate your support. .believe me I've been saying stronger stuff than this here. ..the whole tribe are truly awful. guilt no shame. .they think the world owes then. ..looks like they prefer the gutter.

    I'm off work Monday Tuesday so putting things into action. .first off is confront with what I was told yesterday by my reliable ex wife Gemma. ..Gawd I'm still quite annoyed here. goes

  30. #150
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    I wasn't going to say anymore on this subject on here just keeping it amongst trusted friends via PM's..well, that's now changed.

    I took mother in law back to airport this morning. was upsetting for both mother and daughter as you could imagine. .I in turn comforted my wife telling her I still love her and that we can work all this out. .even with out broken families what matters was our babies welfare. ..I said Jane we can fix this. .we hugged and kissed before mother and i left for airport. .I told her I should be back by 6 in time for James waking up. ..I text her from airport saying I would be home on time. ..I get back and they were all gone. ..the bathroom was cold so had been gone a while. ..I tried calling her. I thought maybe she and boys left house so I could sleep as I hadn't slept the previous 22 hours coz of having to work on Sunday. ..when I called her phone was off. .I thought she forgot to turn it on. ..I tried again on waking 3 hours later, it's still off. .I sat and thought I did a post on forum then decided to do shopping. .I started making list then saw no babies toothbrushes and no Jane's toothbrush. .baby clothes missing too.
    Jane didn't take their baby food. .they had run out and left their comfort toys behind ....I'm trying Jane's phone and it's not working. .Jane actin on impulse! ! I worried sick here. .what the hell do i do? ?????..she left all the things they have for comfort. ..she got no money. ....Sars. . If you know of her whereabouts let me know please. ...if i hear nothing of Jane and my babies by tonight I will call the police. I asked Jane before I left for airport if there was someone else she said no. ..I believe her. .I think she having a breakdown. .really i do. ...We left on good terms. .we were going to sort it all out. .sit and she and my babies are gone
    Last edited by Terpe; 24th June 2013 at 16:13. Reason: Telephone number removed

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